D&D 5E Chains of Asmodeus: Official 286-Page Nine Hells Book & Adventure Released!

Adventure for levels 11-20, stat blocks for Asmodeus and the Lords of the Nine, and a Nine Hells sourcebook!

For Extra Life, the children's hospital charity, Wizards of the Coast just released Chains of Asmodeus on DMsGuild in PDF format. Written by James Ohlen and Adrian Tchaikovsky, this book includes an adventure for levels 11-20, stat blocks for Asmodeus and the other archdevils, a corruption mechanic, and more.


Arcanum Worlds Presents: Chains of Asmodeus
Chains of Asmodeus is a 286-page source book and adventure for the Nine Hells written by legendary game designer James Ohlen (Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Dragon Age: Origins) and award-winning author Adrian Tchaikovsky (Children of Time, The Tiger and the Wolf, The Doors of Eden). This book is beautifully illustrated with haunting art from Sergei Sarichev, Sergey Musin, Julian Calle, Sebastion Kowoll, Paul Adams, Luis Lasahido, and the Aaron Sims Company.

Travel through the Nine Hells to save your soul in this tome that includes:
  • 50+ High Challenge Monsters
  • Stat Blocks for Asmodeus, Lord of the Nine, and all major Archdevils
  • 20+ Infernal Magic Items
  • New Item Corruption Mechanic
  • Details on all Layers of the Nine Hells, with Beautifully Illustrated Maps created by John Stevenson
  • A Fiendish Adventure for Levels 11-20

The book includes full stat blocks for Asmodeus (CR30), Beelzebub, Belial, Dispater, Fierna, Glasya, Levistus, Mammon, Mephistopheles, and more including Bel, Zariel, and a ton of monsters and NPCs.

You can pick it up for $29.99 on DMsGuild.

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I crit!
They’ve added more maps!

Chains of Asmodeus Map Update! 14 Map files have been added to the digital download!

From the creative team:

"We heard that you wanted more battle maps for your excursions across the Nine Hells and so, more battle maps you shall have. We asked cartographer extraordinaire, John Stevenson, to craft eight new battle maps for Chains of Asmodeus and he created the following: Orishada’s Palace (Dis), the two dragon lairs in the Ineffable Trove (Minauros), two locations in the Chasm of Found Things (Stygia), the Eye Market (Maladomini), Klendisk’s Fort (Cania), and the library at the Oasis of the Lethe (Nessus). These lovely maps have been added to the battle maps previously released, and we hope you all have fun with them."

Sorry ... there's a lot of posts here (and many are tangentially arguing about "stuff.")
Have any of you purchased this? Read it? Played any of it? What's the popular take on here? Is it any good?
Yes, we have it and I have read some of it (my DM has read most of it). I don’t know how it plays as I don’t DM, but it seems like there are intersecting ideas / story from my quick read. It also seems like combat is not the only or even the preferred option in many cases. Whether or not that is good or bad is up to you.


Yes, we have it and I have read some of it (my DM has read most of it). I don’t know how it plays as I don’t DM, but it seems like there are intersecting ideas / story from my quick read. It also seems like combat is not the only or even the preferred option in many cases. Whether or not that is good or bad is up to you.
I'm fine with peaceful resolutions. My players often feel differently. ;)

Distracted DM

Distracted DM
Sorry ... there's a lot of posts here (and many are tangentially arguing about "stuff.")
Have any of you purchased this? Read it? Played any of it? What's the popular take on here? Is it any good?
I'm still waiting until the POD releases so I can get it and the PDF, but from what I've read it's pretty decent as far as adventures go; some of the bosses might be underpowered, like the designers hadn't run vs high level 5e parties before.

BUT it seems to be a very valuable resource and well written for folk that want to run games in the hells.

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