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D&D 3E/3.5 Challenge: Post your Unique Outsiders here!


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Well here it is, so that everyone can make happy slappy noises about it.

The Architect (Monstrous Spider, Huge + Earth Elemental + Psionic + Half-Fiend)
Huge Outsider (Earth, Evil)
Hit Dice: 10d8+20 (65)
Initiative: +4 (Dex)
Speed: 40 Ft, climb 30 Ft, Burrow 30 Ft., Fly 40 Ft. (Average)
(50 Ft, climb 30 Ft., Burrow 30 Ft., Fly 40 Ft. (Average))
AC: 21 (-2 Size, +4 Dex, +9 Natural, +4 Deflection)
Attacks: Bite +12 Melee, 4 Claw +7 Melee
Damage: Bite 2d6+9 and poison, Claw 1d8+4
Face/Reach: 15 Ft. By 15ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Burrow, Earth Mastery, Poison, Psionics, Spell-Like Abilities, Web
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction: 5/+1, Darkvision 60?, Elemental, Immunities, Tremorsense, Vermin
Saves: Fort: +8, Ref: +7, Will: +3
Abilities: Str:25, Dex:20, Con:14, Int:4, Wis:10, Cha:4
Skills: Climb +15, Hide +11, Jump +15*, Knowledge (Architecture) +3,
Knowledge (Planes) +3, Spot +12*
Feats: Inertial Barrier, Speed of Thought
Climate/Terrain: Temperate and warm land, underground, the abyss, hell, the ethereal plane, or it?s own unique demiplane.
Organization: Unique, often found with 10-100 of her Children.
Challenge Rating: 11
Treasure: 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items
Alignment: Always Neutral Evil
Advancement: 11-23 HD (Huge)

The Architect is a bizarre creature birthed from the very earth of the Abyss. She takes no side in the ongoing struggles of hell, but instead works on weaving her own plane from earth, bits of the hells, and whatever else it finds. She will lay webs in one plane, and wait for prey in her own. When a creature is caught, it is pulled in.

No one knows what the ultimate goal of the Architect or why she works at creating this plane, or creating her servitor race. She isn?t quite intelligent enough to make it a fearsome opponent, but she may very well be a scheme by some higher up creature. She reacts well to Drow elves, and never traps them against their will.

The Architect has no ties to Lloth and Lloth seems not to take much notice of the Architect. The Architect?s plane is known as the Web.


The Architect prefers not to fight, instead she will Burrow or fly away. She relies on spell-like abilities against airborne foes, and will use Darkness in hopes of distracting them long enough to escape using the Burrow ability. If these fail she will use the Ultrablast ability, or one of the psionic attack forms.

Burrow (Ex): An earth elemental creature can glide through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other signs of its presence. A move earth spell cast on an area containing a burrowing earth elemental creature flings the creature back 30 feet, stunning the creature for 1 round unless it succeeds at a Fortitude save.

Earth Mastery (Ex): An earth elemental creature gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls if both it and its foe touch the ground. If an opponent is airborne, the earth elemental creature suffers a ?4 penalty on attack and damage rolls.

Elemental: Immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. Not subject to critical hits.

Immunities: A Half-Fiend is immune to poison. They also have acid, cold, electricity, and fire resistance 20.

Psionics (Sp): At will ? Genesis, Improved Etherealness, Mass Dominate, Planeshift,
Teleport Without Error, Ultrablast
These abilities are as the powers manifested by an 10th-level psion.
Attack/Defense Modes (Sp): At will ? ego whip, Mind Thrust, Psychic Crush/empty mind, mental barrier, thought shield

Poison (Ex): DC 22, 1d8 Str damage

Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day-Darkness, Poison; 1/day ?Contagion, Desecrate,
Unholy Blight; as a 10th level sorcerer.

Telepathy (Su): A psionic creature can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Tremorsense (Ex): The earth elemental creature can automatically sense the location of anything within 60 feet that is in contact with the ground.

Vermin: Immune to mind-influencing effects

Web (Ex): DC 28 to escape, 34 to break, 14 HP

Skills: +4 Hide and Spot checks, Hunting Spiders +6 Jump, +8 Spot

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Inventor of Super-Toast
We both used spiders, Kitsune. Hmm...

Coincidence? Or fate?
I do like it though. "Needs" 3.5-amafying, but it's very nice.

Demiurge out.


First Post
demiurge1138 said:
We both used spiders, Kitsune. Hmm...

Coincidence? Or fate?
I do like it though. "Needs" 3.5-amafying, but it's very nice.

Demiurge out.

I'm happy to take donations for 3.5 books. ;)

And I think it was fate! or monkeys...it's always the monkeys.


World of Kulan DM
Krishnath said:
Apparantly Knightfall got distracted and the thread shriveled up and died.

Sorry, I did get distracted by other things. Mainly Real Life(TM) concerns. I'll let you guys decide which one is the winner and Kitsune or Krish can be the judges, if they like.

I must admit I really like The Architect by Kitsunekaboom.

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First Post
Like Knightfall, I got caught up in that real world...ick. Lovecraft warned about that kinda stuff. Anyhow, I liked this thread so much that I was hoping to revive it. I'm friggin' *gonna* post a beastie or 2, now that I've dug it up! :cool:


First Post
Ok, here he is...fair warning...he's a little over-powered, I think!

U'shallah, the Slayer in Shadows

Templates (and base creatures) used, in order: Tauric (Grimlock/Dire Wolverine), Shadow Creature, Monster of Legend, Half (Black) Dragon

Large Outsider
Hit Dice: 7d10 + 70 (108 hp)
Initiative: +10 (+6 Dex, +4 improved initiative)
Speed: 45 ft, climb 15', fly 45 ft (average)
AC: 28 (-1 size, +6 Dex, +13 natural)
Attacks: 4 claws +22, bite +22
Damage: claw 1d8+15, bite 2d6+7+poison
Face/Reach: 5 ft by 10 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Rage, blindsight, breath attack, poison (1d6 Str/1d6 Str, DC 23)
Special Qualities: Scent; cold resist 12; shadow blend; regenerate 2; immunities; haste; greater damage
Saves: Fort +18, Ref +14, Will +8
Abilities: Str: 40, Dex: 23, Con: 31, Int: 14, Wis: 10, Cha: 12
Skills: Climb +23*, Hide +16*, Listen +12, Search +12, Spot +12, Intimidate +9, Move Silently +14
Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Power Attack
Climate/Terrain: Underground, and wherever there are shadows...
Organization: Unique. (aren't ya glad?)
Challenge Rating: 10 by templates, but I'd say closer to 13/14
Treasure: Standard coins, standard goods (gems only), standard items
Alignment: Always Neutral Evil
Advancement: As Assissin

Naashaar, a little known lesser god of darkness and death had enemies - Paladins, Clerics of good gods - well, in truth, almost anything of good and the light. Deciding he needed a creature to eliminate threats to those that sacrificed in his name, he went to Uroklashnigriit, a young adult black dragon that paid him homage, and bade him choose a breeding partner among the Chosharr, a viscious tauric folk created long ago by an evil sorcerror on the plane of shadow. To the spawn of this evil union, he bestowed Monster of Legend.

U'shallah is pleased to serve. He is viscious and sadistic, but quite intelligent. Some 18 sleek feet in length, his near coal-black body is furred wherever there are no scales - that being mostly his belly. U'shalla's wingspan is close to 25' at full extension.

Combat: U'shallah waits in the shadows until the time is right, and then charges directly into an enemy from behind, using a full move, and ripping and tearing in a full attack at one target at a time from surprise. If the initial attack doesn't seem to show significant progress, he'll disappear back into the shadows.

Breath Weapon: Once a day, U'shalla can breathe acid in a 60 ft line for 6d4 dmg (DC 23 Ref for half).

Rage (Ex): When U'shalla takes damage in combat he flies into a berserk rage on its next turn, clawing and biting madly until either it or its opponent is dead. An enraged dire wolverine gains +4 Strength, +4 Constitution, and -2 AC. The creature cannot end its rage voluntarily.

Blindsight (Ex): U'shallah can sense all foes within 40 feet as a sighted creature would. Beyond that range, they treat all targets as having total concealment.
U'shallah is susceptible to sound- and scent-based attacks, however, and are affected normally by loud noises and sonic spells (such as ghost sound or silence) and overpowering odors (such as stinking cloud or incense-heavy air). Negating his sense of smell or hearing reduces this ability to normal Blind-Fight (as the feat). If both these senses are negated, he is effectively blinded.

Shadow Blend (Su): In any conditions besides full daylight, U'shalla can disappear into shadow, granting him 9/10 concealment.

Haste (Su): U'shallah is supernaturally quick and can take an extra partial action every turn, as if affected by a haste spell.

Immunities: U'shallah is immune to sleep, paralysis, acid, gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and other attack forms that rely on sight.

Skills: *U'shallah's dull blackish skin helps him hide in his native terrain, conferring a +10 racial bonus on Hide checks when in mountains or underground and a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.

Ok, bring 'em on...I'll take 'em out! ;) :p

edit: corrected template order.
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First Post
EldonG: I am afraid I will have to disqualify your entry due to the fact that the Monster of Legend template cannot be added to a creature with the dragon type. Sorry dude, but I still like the critter if it's any consolation :D


First Post
Oops...sorry...the last thing applied was half-dragon. All of it occurs at birth (or conception), but making half-dragon the last makes it legal.

Btw, Krishnath - I *am* glad ya like him. :)
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