Speed:30ft HP:13+2d4 Size:Medium
Celestial Resistance: you have resistance to Radiant and Necrotic damage.
Celestial Revelation: you can produce an aura of bright light centred on yourself for 10ft, and dim light for a further 5ft at will, or you can concentrate to increase the radius to 40/20, as a bonus action on your turn you may inflict one of the following effects on a number of creatures who are within your aura of light:
-Radiant damage equal to your CHA modifier to PB targets.
-cause fear for 1 round(WIS save DC=8+PB+CHA) to 1+1/2PB targets(round down), a creature who makes their save is immune to the fear effect for 24 hours.
Divine Retribution:you know the cantrips Sacred Flame and Chill Touch, CHA is your casting stat for them, when you take the attack action you may substitute one of your attacks to cast one of these cantrips, additionally when you deal damage with a weapon attack you may choose for the damage dealt by the ability modifier to count as either Radiant or Necrotic.
Winged Being: you have a large pair of wings, as a reaction while in the air you can use them to slow your decent as well as glide a horizontal distance triple the height that you started at, at 5th level you gain a fly speed equal to your walkspeed, you must maintain concentraition to remain airbourne between turns else you safely decend to the nearest available location to land, if your concentration is forcibly broken you fall to the ground, your flyspeed is halved if you are wearing heavy armour.
Healing Hands: you have a pool of d6's equal to your character level plus your WIS mod, as an action you can touch a creature to expend and roll a number of d6's up to your proficiency bonus to recover that much HP to the target, if your character is proficient in medicine they automatically maximise the amount of HP recovered, you recover all dice in your pool at the end of a long rest.
Guardian Spirit: as a reaction when an ally is attacked by a creature within 15ft of you, you may move to the nearest free adjacent position and inflict disadvantage on all attacks against them for the rest of the agressor's turn.