Character Submission Thread

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Great! You forgot to add the +3 bonus for those skills being class skills, so I went ahead and did that for you. I also clarified the weapon stats on the sword when using a buckler, as well as added it's AC to your combat stats, and ACP to your skills.

Just remember that you can ditch that -1 ACP by dropping/stowing the buckler.

I can't see anything else that seems out fo place, so just find yourself a picture to use.

Jec LeBLanc has his first APPROVED

Now you just need one more from one of the judges.

Satin Knights

First Post
Reviewing Jec LeBlanc:
1) In the combat section, I substituted STR or DEX for Ability.
2) In Skills, Spellcraft cannot be used untrained.
3) In Skills, Handle animal is Cha based, so it dropped from +7 to +3.
4) I added in the weight for the trail rations and torch.
5) I specified your ammo as normal arrows. Normal, Blunt, Cold Iron, Silver are all available to you at this level. So, it makes a difference.
6) Background: (at the top) Can the GM use your background story as part of the adventure plot hook or not? You should set this as Open (yes), Closed (no), or Ask.
7) You should fill in the Demeanor. Some GMs will look at this for their NPC's initial attitude towards you before they start speaking to you. Are you a jerk? Are you an easy mark? Are you a holy crusader? These tips influence the initial contact.

A little plain in design, but a reasonable character to play.

Now on to suggestions.
A) Buy a dagger. You need one to cut up your meals for dinner, skin a deer and a hundred other uses. Also, when you are grappled, it is nice to have light weapon to draw.
B) The Mystic Pearl store has a 100% value sell back policy. So, if you purchase something, find you no longer need it and sell it back, you lose no money. So, spend all your money down to about 10 gp walking around money.
C) To that end, by a potion of Cure Light Wounds. Always useful by any class. Someone else can feed it to you when you are unconscious.
D) The items in the Adventurer's Armory are also available to characters. There are many fine items of little cost in there.
E) Finding a picture for your character is nice. Not necessary, but nice.
F) If you don't mention your character's name in your post in the Inn, Mystic Pearl or a game thread, it is nice to put the character's name in the Title field of the post. It is possible to have two or three active characters per player, so it helps people to be sure what character they are interacting with.

Welcome. Enjoy. It will take a little while before the next game starts up, but they will come along. A few of the current games are ending soon, so the Dunn Wright Inn will get a bit busy soon enough.

Jec LeBlanc is APPROVED for play.


First Post
E) Finding a picture for your character is nice. Not necessary, but nice.

I found one for ya.

[sblock=Jec LeBlanc]

Satin Knights

First Post
Reviewing Bipper:
a) I did a little format cleanup and tweaking.
b) Carrying capacity for 14 STR is 58 lbs. So, he is just a few pounds over and in medium encumbrance.
c) Marked Savage Skald as the archetype at the top. Inspiring Blow was the only indicator you are taking the archetype, but they need to be specified.
d) Favored class was marked as taking a HP, but you hadn't in the combat section. Corrected.
e) I lined up the picture and expanded it a bit to match the vertical height of the neighboring block.
f) Rations, whetstone and bedroll would all be good ideas to fill your backpack.

Bipper has his first APPROVAL of two. He needs one more that can be done by any player, as I am a judge.


First Post
Aw, crap. Er, thanks... I will be sure to use all that if/when I switch characters! :blush:

I, uh... got hit hard with analysis paralysis. I do it all the time as it is, but it's even worse with the knowledge that almost everything is set in stone once my character is finished/approved.

I am very likely switching to a full casting class. Alchemist, while cool, gives me just the same problem as bard - it does melee + self-buffs, it does ranged attacks, it does spells... but I can't do it all, especially not at level 1. With a just-a-caster class, I really only have one thing to worry about, and that's spells.

So, I'm looking at wizard or sorcerer... almost certainly sorcerer. Spam a few favorite spells, rather than amass a giant library and ponder which spells to prepare each day. I would be done already if it weren't for these blasted bloodlines and archetypes to look through, lol!

I know Monday's my deadline so I'm going to do my best to make some final decisions within the next couple of hours. Once I make it over the character creation hurdle I have a lotta fun and I'm a lot less ridiculous, I swears! :erm:

Edit: (huff, huff... whew) done!
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