Chicago Gameday 28 is Feb 26th: PLAYERS SIGN UP NOW!

Vyvyan Basterd

I have no idea what the mention tags do. :)

Mention tags are supposed to alert the mentioned person and give them a quick link to the post they were mentioned in. I'm guessing it didn't work when I used it upthread, otherwise you would already know what they did.

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Mention tags are supposed to alert the mentioned person and give them a quick link to the post they were mentioned in. I'm guessing it didn't work when I used it upthread, otherwise you would already know what they did.
Ah, I see now. I never look at my profile page here, so I didn't notice it.

Hopefully, we will not be completely fracked by the end of the night.
You've obviously never played Burning Empires before. :D It's a game of frack or be fracked!


Quick table change, folks; just some maneuvering to keep the minis tables open for the store. Untold will now be at Table G, and Burning Empires will be at Table A.


First Post
I'm cutting it a bit close but looks like there are some great games still open.

I love getting blown up in space battles and aliens in my head sounds like ... being married. So please sign me up for BattleFleet Exodus in the afternoon.

I have never played Burning Empire so will need a little guidence system wise, but do love BSG both old and new. So I'll get to fly the Galactica in through asteroids, black holes, magentic voids and inbetween Cylon Base ships while blasting away with ... Oh I can't drive a battlestar ... ok ... why are you handing me a mop?


I'm cutting it a bit close but looks like there are some great games still open.

I love getting blown up in space battles and aliens in my head sounds like ... being married. So please sign me up for BattleFleet Exodus in the afternoon.
Added! Welcome to Gameday and ENWorld!

William Ronald

We are down to the wire. I hope that everything will go well.

If there are any last minute cancellations, I will carry an addition adventure to run. (Hey, never discount the flu this time of year, but at least it is not Captain Tripps from the Stand.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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