Chicago Gameday 28 is Feb 26th: PLAYERS SIGN UP NOW!

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I am suffering technical difficulties and getting less than six hours sleep as a result.

If some kind soul could please Please PLEASE bring a glue stick or even good ol' Elmers that I could use during the lunchbreak tomorrow (later today, heh), I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks! See y'all in eight hours!


I am suffering technical difficulties and getting less than six hours sleep as a result.

If some kind soul could please Please PLEASE bring a glue stick or even good ol' Elmers that I could use during the lunchbreak tomorrow (later today, heh), I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks! See y'all in eight hours!

I'm putting a glue stick in my dice bag right now. See you tomorrow (later today)!

I may be running somewhat late- missed the first green line out, so I'll be taking another in 15 minutes or so. I might still be able to catch the 8:43 train from Irving, but thought I should update you folks in case I can't.

Getting ready to leave for Alex's music thing. We'll take off as soon as he is done and make it there as fast as inhumanly possible using the Force the whole way.

"Dad, why are you driving with your eyes closed?"

See you guys soon!


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