Chicago Gameday 31 is 3/17: SIGN UP TO PLAY!

Der Spot

First Post
Mr. Buzz, I believe I shall sign up for the awesome eighties action antics of HiBRiD for the morning, then try out some marvel heroics with you in the afternoon.

hujraadjohaansen, if we can call dibs ahead of time on characters, I want to stake my claim on John "Bruno" McHallenback. Thanks!

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A flannel shirt

First Post
I'd like to sign up for:

Morning Game 7: Til Dawn We Fight
Surcoat - Medieval Fantasy Combat Miniatures Game, Mark CMG, Table G


Afternoon Game 8: Breakout
Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, buzz, Table H

Sorry I haven't been around lately. I hope to be able to make it this time.


First Post
EKB req.

2 @ breakfast
me, I'm wanting in on "Hero's Banner" (AM 1) so that I can check another "games I own but have never played" off my list. Tim, please be gentle. ;)

BTW - great picture for my event.



Please sign Laurie up for Psi*Run in the morning and Dread in the afternoon.

Please sign me up for Outlive Outdead in the morning and Marvel Heroic Roleplaying in the afternoon.

Marvel Hero RPG afternoon please, under my real name, Stuart Helm.
Added! I won't tell anyone that you are really Daredevil.

Hi. Please sign up me + 3 (Krista, Alex and Nicky) for the 'Save the kitties' game. We will make sure no kitties are left behind!



Here we go again!!!

Buzz, please sign me up for some Marvel action in your afternoon game. Thanks! See y'all in less than two weeks!

Buzz, sign me up for Psi*Run please.

W0000t, GameDay!

Buzz, please sign me up for "Hero's Banner" in the morning, Thanks!

ETA: Oh, and Der Spot and I will join y'all for breakfast at Le Peep, too. Playing in the morning and All Improv in the afternoon, it's okay if I'm even more of a sleep-deprived zombie than normal, yay!

Please sign me up for Afternoon Game 3: Clearing the Castle.

Thanks Buzz!
Bill! You're alive!


Sweeeeet. Sign me up for breakfast and Lacuna, plz.

I'd sign up for HB, but sadly, I am not the kwisatz haderach.
Added! We have sign-up the likes of which even god has never seen!

Hi, Buzz! Please sign me up for Hibrid in the morning and Dresden Fiasco in the afternoon!



Mr. Buzz, I believe I shall sign up for the awesome eighties action antics of HiBRiD for the morning, then try out some marvel heroics with you in the afternoon.

hujraadjohaansen, if we can call dibs ahead of time on characters, I want to stake my claim on John "Bruno" McHallenback. Thanks!


I'd like to sign up for:

Morning Game 7: Til Dawn We Fight
Surcoat - Medieval Fantasy Combat Miniatures Game, Mark CMG, Table G


Afternoon Game 8: Breakout
Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, buzz, Table H

Sorry I haven't been around lately. I hope to be able to make it this time.
Added! Welcome back!


I'd like to sign up for the morning Hero's Banner game.

2 @ breakfast
me, I'm wanting in on "Hero's Banner" (AM 1) so that I can check another "games I own but have never played" off my list. Tim, please be gentle. ;)

BTW - great picture for my event.

[highlight]Hero's Banner is now FULL.[/highlight]

Please sign up for marvel heroic
Added! Excelsior!

[highlight]Marvel Heroic is now FULL.[/highlight]

Voidrunner's Codex

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