Chicago Gameday 31 is 3/17: SIGN UP TO PLAY!


old business: Catt33 kindly requests to be credited as herself in the breakfast reservation, as opposed to "ekb's guest." Thank you...

Catt33 wants in on "Outlive Outdead" (AM 4) as Julie Webb. In fact, she demands Julie Webb. For the afternoon, she'd like some OSR action in the form of "Griffins & Grottos" (PM 3).
Added! Edited! Never assume, as they say.

Missing cats? Why rescue them?

Ah well, I'll take a pathfinder spot in the morning if one still exists.
Added! Cat hater!

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First Post
Thanks! I will create a favorable NPC in my kitty game in your honor.

He doesn't need to be favorable. You can have him ninja-kick sw3333.

(one Josh is a literal cat-person, the other hates cats? I guess it helps people remember who's who? Hee.)
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First Post
Hacking the Hack & Slash

For those wanting some 4-color superhero action with very light rule sets but are locked out of the Marvel game, Microscope can do that too. In fact, it's available in the set up of my game as we tweak the setup at the table. No, it's not Cortex+ with the TSoY Secrets+Keys bolted on... it's even better! ;)

Here's how: when we sit down, we'll flesh out that "two guys with swords" statement as a group. Then we add yes and no story elements and some distinctions for each of the "two guys" as part of that palette. Want one guy's "swords" to be retractable adamantium claws? You can - and you can also make him the best at what he does (even if it's not very nice). No points math or anything - just say it and it's done...

... just like everyone else at the table can.

<end pitch for my event>
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