Chicago Gameday 31 is 3/17: SIGN UP TO PLAY!

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First Post
Mr. Buzz, I believe I shall sign up for the awesome eighties action antics of HiBRiD for the morning, then try out some marvel heroics with you in the afternoon.

hujraadjohaansen, if we can call dibs ahead of time on characters, I want to stake my claim on John "Bruno" McHallenback. Thanks!
Der Spot: Consider him yours!


Buzz save me spots in these

Breakfast - Benjamin and Joshua O
Benjamin - 3. Pathfinder, "Here kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty!", TracerBullet42 , Table C
Joshua - Morning Game 4: Finding Mr. FEMA

Benjamin and Joshua - 4. The Laundry RPG, "Operation Quiet Thunder", WJMacGuffin, Table D

(Ben's my son)


-Joshua O'Connor-Rose


Buzz save me spots in these

Breakfast - Benjamin and Joshua O
Benjamin - 3. Pathfinder, "Here kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty!", TracerBullet42 , Table C
Joshua - Morning Game 4: Finding Mr. FEMA

Benjamin and Joshua - 4. The Laundry RPG, "Operation Quiet Thunder", WJMacGuffin, Table D

(Ben's my son)


-Joshua O'Connor-Rose

Added! Welcome to Gameday! P.S.: Good to see you coming to Gameday, Josh; I worked with you at CogArts back in the day.

The Pathfinder event is now full.
The Outlive Outdead event is now full.[/highlight]


First Post
Sign me (Timothy Kleinert) up for:

Dragons at Dawn (morning)
Lacuna (afternoon)​

Also sign up my friend, Dylan Spaniel:

Dragons at Dawn (morning)
The Laundry RPG (afternoon)​


Sign me (Timothy Kleinert) up for:

Dragons at Dawn (morning)
Lacuna (afternoon)​

Also sign up my friend, Dylan Spaniel:

Dragons at Dawn (morning)
The Laundry RPG (afternoon)​

Added! The both of youse!

[highlight]The Lacuna event is now full.[/highlight]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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