Chicago Gameday 31 is 3/17: SIGN UP TO PLAY!


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...does the Marvel game use the Cortex System? Just wondering.

Yes, it does. It's a new iteration of the Cortex Plus, so it's NOT the same as Smallville, but I don't know what the differences are.


Welcome to Occult Chicago, Shari! Do you fall into the "Improvisational Maestro" column, or the "Familiar With the Dresden 'Verse" column?

(Or both. Both would be awesome!)

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Okay Buzz, it was a hard decision, but I'm gonna go with slot 1, game 4 Outlive Outdead; Finding Mr. FEMA, if you please. Sorry Dave, I really hope you run that game, again!!!
May I also, have slot 2, game 5 Misspent Youth: A Game of Sci-Fi Teenaged Rebellion. "I'm not a bad kid, I'm just misunderstood!" ;)


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Catt33 Games

old business: Catt33 kindly requests to be credited as herself in the breakfast reservation, as opposed to "ekb's guest." Thank you...

Catt33 wants in on "Outlive Outdead" (AM 4) as Julie Webb. In fact, she demands Julie Webb. For the afternoon, she'd like some OSR action in the form of "Griffins & Grottos" (PM 3).


Okay Buzz, it was a hard decision, but I'm gonna go with slot 1, game 4 Outlive Outdead; Finding Mr. FEMA, if you please. Sorry Dave, I really hope you run that game, again!!!
May I also, have slot 2, game 5 Misspent Youth: A Game of Sci-Fi Teenaged Rebellion. "I'm not a bad kid, I'm just misunderstood!" ;)
Added, kid!

Lacuna please!

And I agree, awesome pic for Hero's Banner.
Added! Hopefully, it captures the "young noble on the brink of a life-changing decision" theme.

Voidrunner's Codex

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