Chicago Gameday 39 is Sept 13th at Games Plus in Mt. Prospect, IL

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woo00OOT, GameDay!

Buzz, you've got yourself listed as the GM for breakfast...are you making breakfast but not GameDay!? (We'd be thrilled to see you, but if I had a wedding to attend, I probably wouldn't make that drive that early in the morning!!)


woo00OOT, GameDay!

Buzz, you've got yourself listed as the GM for breakfast...are you making breakfast but not GameDay!? (We'd be thrilled to see you, but if I had a wedding to attend, I probably wouldn't make that drive that early in the morning!!)

I will not be making breakfast, unfortunately. :(


First Post
I will not be making breakfast, unfortunately. :(

You'll be missed!

(I suppose the reservation should be under "GameDay", not "Delsing" this time...but OTOH, I'd expect they're beginning to get used to us, heh-heh.)

Thanks for the formatting edit on Warhorn,, if I could just figure out why my name is italicized for signup, and nobody else's is....


First Post
Time check?

Warhorn shows the morning game slot as starting at 10:30, but i think you mean 9:30am...

I'm pretty sure all the regulars already know it, but I'd hate for somebody new to sign up and then show up late thinking they had more time.


Warhorn shows the morning game slot as starting at 10:30, but i think you mean 9:30am...

I'm pretty sure all the regulars already know it, but I'd hate for somebody new to sign up and then show up late thinking they had more time.

Good catch! Thanks, John.


Hey [MENTION=10479]Mark CMG[/MENTION], are you going or register so I can list you as the GM for your events? :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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