Chicago Gameday 39 is Sept 13th at Games Plus in Mt. Prospect, IL

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Thanks for the signal boost, [MENTION=10479]Mark CMG[/MENTION]!

I was going to see if [MENTION=45422]Nev the Deranged[/MENTION] would bring his funny name tags, but I know he can't stay for the afternoon, so don't want to presume.

Despite being deputized, I didn't want to assume you guys would spend money on stuff like name tags, but if you want to bring them, I'd certainly appreciate it.



(This update went out to the mailing list and on Facebook, but I'm posting it here as well for completeness' sake.)

After a week of player sign-ups, we've had a few events reach maximum capacity, but there are still plenty of seats left!

Sign up to play at

Events with open seats include:

Marvel Heroic Roleplaying
Myth & Magic
Medieval Fantasy Miniatures
Dungeon Crawl Classics
AD&D 1st ed.
Monster of the Week
Fate Accelerated
Exploding Kingdoms (a D&D 4e variant)
Feng Shui
Time Cellist

I want to call particular attention to the Fate Accelerated game — Ireland in the Dark Ages! — which I'd kill to be in, and the wacky fun of Time Cellist. Great games with great GMs; don't miss your chance!


First Post
Thanks for the signal boost, [MENTION=10479]Mark CMG[/MENTION]!

I was going to see if [MENTION=45422]Nev the Deranged[/MENTION] would bring his funny name tags, but I know he can't stay for the afternoon, so don't want to presume.

Despite being deputized, I didn't want to assume you guys would spend money on stuff like name tags, but if you want to bring them, I'd certainly appreciate it.

Oh, don't worry about it, Buzz. [MENTION=10479]Mark CMG[/MENTION] and I got this. (Actually, you should probably worry...)

Voidrunner's Codex

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