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Chicago Gameday IX is Oct 23rd: THE AFTERMATH...



ENWorld Chicago Gameday IX is a day of FREE gaming held at earth's finest game store, Games Plus. Gameday IX is October 23rd.

To participate, simply post to this thread with your intention to play in one of the following events. Event sign-up is first-come, first-serve. Be aware that the event schedule may be subject to change until the last week before Gameday. No changes will be made to the schedule after that point. Reply or PM me (buzz) with any questions.

Our host:
Games Plus
101 W Prospect Ave
Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056
(847) 577-9656
Hosts: Curt Duval & Jeff Swegler (owners)

Our schedule:
  • Slot 0: Breakfast
    To be held from 8:00am to 9:00am at Little America (located across the Metra tracks and a couple blocks northwest of Games Plus). Arrive at the store by 9:00am to settle in to your game tables.
  • Slot 1: Morning events from 9:30am to 2:30pm
    Game 1: Littleton (HERO)
    Game 2: Battle Squadron Wolveshead and the World of Tomorrow (d20 Modern/Future)
    Game 3: Allied Avengers Assemble (SASd20)
    Game 4: Slaughter House 3.0 (D&D 3.0)
    Game 5: Minis painting seminar
    Game 6: Eye of the Needle (Arcana Unearthed)
  • Meal break from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. Be sure to come back on time for the...
  • Prize drawing from 3:30pm to 4:00pm. Featuring prizes from (so far):
    Atlas Games: Occult Lore, Ars Magica 4th ed.
    Bastion Press: Forged Oathbound novel (24)
    Expeditious Retreat Press: Monster Geographica: Underground (2)
    Fiery Dragon Productions: Arriba Espana, Adventure Tiles Dungeons (2)
    Hero Games: Sidekick, HERO t-shirt
    Khan's Press: PDFs galore!
    Malhavoc: The Book of Hallowed Might, Book of Hallowed Might II, Chaositech, Legacy of the Dragons, Hyperconscious (2),
    Children of the Rune (2)
    Mythic Dreams Studios: Dark Inheritance
    Necromancer games: Tome of Horrors II (2)
    Paizo Publishing: Copies of Dragon, Dungeon, and Undefeated
    RPGObjects: Legends of Excalibur
    Wizards: Call of Cthulhu d20
    Misc: D&D 30th Anniv. tote bag
  • Slot 2: Afternoon events from 4:00pm to 9:00pm (or later)
    Game 1: This Modern Jungle (Angel/Buffy)
    Game 2: Till death due us part... (D&D 3.0)
    Game 3: The Great Train Robbery (D&D/Eberron)
    Game 4: CANCELLED
    Game 5: Minis painting seminar
    Game 6: SUBSTITUTION: The Trouble at Grisham's Point


Slot 0: Breakfast
No limit to number of attendees.

1. buzz
2. Jaws
3. Barendd Nobeard
4. William Ronald
5. JoeGKushner
6. omokage
7. Halma
8. Shadowbane
9. Painfully
10. Lord Anarchy

Slot 1

Game 1: Littleton
(HERO Sidekick; run by buzz)

Summary - Being a teenager in a small farm town isn't easy. Chores, homework, peer pressure, the opposite sex... battling aliens, stopping pyrokinetic kids from burning down the school, and trying to prevent the gym teacher from eating your dad's brain. Oh, and you're flunking math! Rough, dude.

A HERO Sidekick adventure. Rules will be taught and characters provided; no prior HERO experience necessary. Be sure to birng a lot of d6s.

1. s100bus
2. omokage
3. thalmin

Game 2: Battle Squadron Wolveshead and the World of Tomorrow
(d20 Modern/Future; run by FCWesel)
Summary - More than mere pilots and soldiers the Battle Squadron Wolveshead is called to action to investigate several strange occurrences across the globe. Warriors, spies, adventurers, pilots and scoundrels…Can they unravel the mystery and overcome evil in time to save all that they know and love before time runs out!

Join a classic pulp sci-fi setting based off of the world of “SKY CAPTAIN and the WORLD of TOMORROW” set-up using the d20 Modern/Future rules. High adventure, darring doing and cinematic action are the order of the day! Only heroes need apply. Think Indiana Jones, Flash Gordon, the Rocketeer, the Shadow and of course…SKY CAPTAIN and the WORLD of TOMORROW! Bring dice and be ready for high action and grand pulp drama.

Seats: 6 Players
No rules books needed, just some dice and a desire to save the world. Ray-guns, P-40's, high action and Player Characters are to be provided.

1. Barendd Nobeard
2. TracerBullet42
3. Shadowbane
4. MonkeyCheese42
5. gperez1234

Game 3: Allied Avengers Assemble
(Silver Age Sentinels d20; run by Reidzilla)
Summary - During the conclusion of the 19th century, strange reports began to appear across the world of people who could crush boulders barehanded, lift trains over their heads, and even fly through the air like a bird! None of these reported sightings were ever given much credence until the emergence of super-humans during World War One. Since that time, several exceptional people have come forward and revealed their unique abilities in the to protect the innocent, to up hold the ideals of their nation, or for profit and fame. With Germany’s declaration of war upon the world and Hitler’s unveiling of his Ueberstahl armored vehicles and troops, Great Britain has called upon the heroes of the Allied nations to fight for freedom!

Join in a “Golden Age” style romp through an alternate history World War Two! A plethora of Heroes will be provided.

1. rowport
2. Bront
3. Ninjacat
4. Yort

Game 4: Slaughter House! v3.0
(D&D 3.0 ed core rule set, D&D Miniatures variant war game, up to 4 players; run by GORAK)
Summary - Long ago, an ancient and powerful evil god called Vecna created a dark and mysterious dungeon of death and madness for his own experiments and bemusement as a sort of trial for would-be heroes who dared to oppose him. Hidden somewhere within its dark and foreboding halls and passageways, multi-dimensional rooms and endless shadows is the source of great power and reward for those brave, skillful and lucky enough to survive its many deadly and nightmarish denizens, traps and unknown secrets. Many forgotten heroes and foolish adventurers have dared to venture into this nightmare realm and legend speaks of few, if any, who survived its perils to find the light of day.

Ancient tales whisper of an old story about secret invitations presented by a mysterious figured cloaked in black wielding a torch of Dark Fire. It goes on to say that this mysterious messenger seeks out four champions who oppose Death and offers a cryptic invitation to participate in a dark tournament. The prize is said to be great power and reward to the one who can emerge victorious over the darkness and find the light of day. The invitation is then sealed in the challenger's blood as he vanishes from this world to confront his fate.

Your strange dream seems to slowly dissipate as you are rustled out of slumber by a slow methodical knock at your front door. As you slowly clamber out of your bed, a cold and deeply frightening premonition grips your heart as you wonder just who could be knocking on your door at this hour of the night!

Slaughter House! v3.0 is a turn based D&D Miniatures variant board game with up to 4 players. It is a game that I created using traditional 3.0 D&D core rules with D&D Miniatures and Hack Master variant rules with heavy themes and some rule variations from the original Guantlet video game fused into an exciting, fun and fast paced battle royale. Players begin in one of the 4 corners of the dungeon exploring various rooms and passageways battling monsters and other players while accumulating experience and power along the way. A prize will be awarded to the winner! (most experience points).

-Character creation rules can be found here. Other Slaughter House! game rules will be provided at event. Players are encouraged to bring their own set of D&D dice, a copy of the 3rd ed D&D Player's Handbook and Dungeon Master's guide to event.

1. Lord Anarchy

Game 5: Minis painting seminar
(KnowTheToe & Nikmal)
Summary - Learn the basics or fine-tune your skills. We will be providing the option of painting Reaper miniature 2758: Stern Kestrelmann, Paladin by Werner Klocke as a group. This miniature has well defined hair, a chiseled face, armor, sword, boots, cloak and a gem. He will allow us to cover a huge spectrum of options.

We will provide a “How To” sheet discussing the techniques and options used in painting as well as answering any questions you may have (to the best of our ability). We will provide a prepped and primed Stern miniature for each participant interested. I will also bring copies of My Painting Binder burned onto CD.

1. Mark
2. JoeGKushner

Game 6: Eye of the Needle
(Arcana Unearthed; run by Jaws)
Summary - Six experienced players will use pre-generated 5th-level characters. (I might allow people to bring their own characters but their compatibility and/or possible death is what they will have to deal with.)

The Countess of Menshyre’s daughter Evina lies dying in Sormere of a slow, wasting illness. The family believes that it was sent by a powerful and ancient foe, Vulthas, the Lord of Dark Flames. Skilled akashics hired by the family delved deep into the Akashic Memory and found a record of this happening once before. The cure for this plague may be found in records lost in the wild northlands. The family asked the PCs to recover the first of three akashic memory stones, the Treasures of the Soan.

Are they ready for the challenge of recovering the first of the Treasures?

1. Quickbeam - sibeccai oathsworn
2. Joshua Dyal - human mageblade
3. William Ronald - human totem warrior (hawk)
4. Halma - verrik akashic
5. Tomoloc1973

Slot 2

Game 1: This Modern Jungle
(ANGEL/BUFFY RPG; run by FCWesel)
Summary - Not too long ago... Chicago, Illinois. Something has begun to hunt in the alleyways and shadow-filled nights of the Windy City. When an ancient darkness awakens in a new jungle who can hunt the hunters?

"This Modern Jungle" is a Angel/Buffy game that can be played by those who have never seen a episode of the shows, much less played the RPG. I will not be using the Angel or Buffy TV Show characters but instead will provide custom characters made for this episode as per the Book's rules. You don't have to bring a thing but a desire to have some cinematic action/horror fun! Rules taught as we play...not that there's that many to begin with, mind you!

Rules Taught and Characters Provided.

1. Barendd Nobeard
2. Ninjacat
3. Yort
4. TracerBullet42
5. MonkeyCheese42

Game 2: Till death due us part...
(D&D 3.0/Oriental Adventures; run by Reidzilla; same table from slot 1)
Summary - The wedding of a young nobleman is a time of joy for the entire community but, not in the village of Xian Hue. Strange events have followed the wedding at the Great house of Yuag Te family: the processional cart and entourage were found abandoned halfway to the village from the estate, the wedding guests have yet to return, and eerie sounds drift across the paddies from the estate every night. With the village in the grip of terror, the local magistrate has put out that call for a band of monster hunters to come discover the fate of the Yuag Te family.

Join in a mythic Chinese adventure! 7th level characters will be provided.

1. Joshua Dyal
2. gperez1234
3. Painfully
4. Shadowbane

Game 3: The Great Train Robbery
(D&D/Eberron; run by Halma; private room)
Summary - “All aboard! The electric rail is leaving the station!” The remaining passengers run to catch the train. A shadowy figure watches the final passengers get on the train. Then the figure moves to the end of the line, slips between the cars, and mumbles an incantation. An extra-planer rift opens up and the shadowy figure slips into it comfortably. The train begins to move down the line, starting out slowly and then picking up speed. Silently moving along the electric rail to it’s destination…. Or will it?

I will provide the PC’s for a heist mission. They will be a balance of characters and I will leave only 4-6 positions open for this spot. This will be set in Eberron, and will of course take place on the Electric rail line.

1. Jaws
2. Quickbeam
3. Tomoloc1973
4. buzz
5. omokage
6. William Ronald
This event is FULL.

Game 4: The Enemy of My Enemy
This event has been cancelled.

Game 5: Minis painting seminar
(KnowTheToe & Nikmal)
Summary - Learn the basics or fine-tune your skills. We will be providing the option of painting Reaper miniature 2758: Stern Kestrelmann, Paladin by Werner Klocke as a group. This miniature has well defined hair, a chiseled face, armor, sword, boots, cloak and a gem. He will allow us to cover a huge spectrum of options.

We will provide a “How To” sheet discussing the techniques and options used in painting as well as answering any questions you may have (to the best of our ability). We will provide a prepped and primed Stern miniature for each participant interested. I will also bring copies of My Painting Binder burned onto CD.

1. rowport

Game 6: The Trouble at Grisham's Point
(D&D 3.0, run by Gorak)
Summary- It is springtime yet troubling events and mysterious disappearances of livestock and townsfolk have plagued the residents of Grisham's Point since the middle of Winter. A few days ago, Father Martigan of the town's only church vanished without a trace while tending to his small vineyard on the outskirts of town. Desperate, the mayor and acting sheriff of Grisham's Point has posted a plea for help and a reward for any adventurers brave enough to venture forth into the dark hills outside of town and end the menace once and for all.

3rd level characters will be created using a quick point buy system.
1. thalmin
2. Lord Anarchy
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First Post
I'll be there for breakfast if Barendd is going to. We will be driving down together (I hope, and I hope he will drive as he has been there before).

Sign me up for the Eberron game, The Great Train Robbery.

Peace and smiles :)



First Post
Wow, just get the feeling this is gonna be a blast of a Game Day. Thanks Buzz for the work to get it done and Curt and G.P. for hosting.

Put me down for the Oriental Adventures game in the afternoon -- 'Til Death Due Us Part. I'm still thinking about the morning game...

Jaws said:
I'll be there for breakfast if Barendd is going to. We will be driving down together (I hope, and I hope he will drive as he has been there before).

Sign me up for the Eberron game, The Great Train Robbery.

Peace and smiles :)

How could I not go--I get to bring a Legendary Runeanimal! No problem, Jaws--I will drive and we will have a blast.

Please sign me up for:
Slot 1, Game 2: Battle Squadron Wolveshead and the World of Tomorrow
Slot 2, Game 1: This Modern Jungle

Guess I'm an FCWesel junkie this time around! :D


First Post
Barendd Nobeard said:
Guess I'm an FCWesel junkie this time around! :D

Hehe! Glad to have you on board, Barendd! I hope I don't let you down!

EDIT: Hey Buzz, we don't have to approve players like we did that one time, right? In any event, just let who ever signs up that wants a seat at my table in: "first come\first serve"...I approve any and all that want to have a day of fun. ;)

EDIT, part duex: Buzz, had me a brain fart, make the World of Tomorrow game 6 players not 8 please. Thanks. Onbviously the text should read, "More then mere pilots and soldiers the Battle Squadron Wolveshead is called to action to investigate several strange occurrences across the globe. Warriors, spies, adventurers, pilots and scoundrels…Can they unravel the mystery and overcome evil in time to save all that they know and love before time runs out!" (in all likelyhood I will have 1 or 2 extra PCs. just in case...but six players seems to be GD standard OPs, and I don't want to spread the fun too thin.) Thanks, again.
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FCWesel said:
Hey Buzz, we don't have to approve players like we did that one time, right? In any event, just let who ever signs up that wants a seat at my table in: "first come\first serve"...I approve any and all that want to have a day of fun. ;)
Yes, pre-approval is out the window, *unless a GM wants to request it*.

FCWesel said:
(in all likelyhood I will have 1 or 2 extra PCs. just in case...but six players seems to be GD standard OPs, and I don't want to spread the fun too thin.)
Good idea. It would behoove all of the event GMs to consider possibly taking more than the allotted players, just in case we get a lot of walk-ins. Of course, this is voluntary. If you feel that your game (or your sanity) can't handle more than six, then don't sweat it. We were fine last time, other than my boneheaded-ness. Lacking boneheadedness this time, it should hopefully not be an issue. :)

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