Chicago Gameday - Pictures [Warning: many images; load at your own risk]

How many roleplaying games can claim to have been created by a mulleted gun nut musician and "ring with authenticity?"

I know of only one: Synnibar!

...I keep scrubbing but I still feel soooo dirty....

-Fatality #5 "Dan"

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Hehe, if you weren't going to, Matt, I was thinking of getting the book and leading people into another adventure that "rings with authenticity" for the next Game Day.

After all, I'm sure if real life were put into numbers we'd all be running 35 mph and D&D pales in comparison when a Drake's strength rises to 340 and bites for 70,700 damage (in one attack!) :D

Thanks for the event again, Matt. :)


aka Synnibar player Death #7

aka the now deceased female Chameleon Drake, "Flighty McFlapFlap"

Sharraunna said:
More Synnibarr? Yes, please. :D

AKA Tara
Tara! Glad to see you online. After our 2(!!) adventures in Antarctica, I hope our next Gameday slots have adventures set there, too. Maybe Matt will send new characters to find out what happened to our old ones. :D

Kent, Synnibar player death #8 - Jesus Goldbarb (of the Fabulous Goldbarb Twins), 5'3" Winged Warrior and last man standing.

Nick: Glad to see you found us online after wandering into the Gameday.

I'd start watching the boards starting in September. I have a feeling that the Synnibar game next time will fill up very quickly!

Kent, Synnibar player death #8 - Jesus Goldbarb (of the Fabulous Goldbarb Twins), 5'3" Winged Warrior of the Disinegration butt-beams and last man standing.

Piratecat said:
*blink* You RAN Synnibarr? You sick, sick bastard.
Oh, he didn't just run it. He lived it. He was quoting rules without looking them up. He could give us the in-game logic and backstory behind the rules. I was truly frightened, but I hid it well and pretended to have fun. ;)

Kent, Synnibar player death #8 - Jesus Goldbarb (of the Fabulous Goldbarb Twins), 5'3" Winged Warrior of the Disinegration butt-beams, killer of 2 Pcs including his 7' tall twin sister and last man standing.

Grifter86 said:
...I keep scrubbing but I still feel soooo dirty....

-Fatality #5 "Dan"
I know what you mean, I know what you mean. Have you tried steel wool and bleach? :p

Kent, Synnibar player death #8 - Jesus Goldbarb (of the Fabulous Goldbarb Twins), 5'3" Winged Warrior of the Disinegration butt-beams, killer of 2 Pcs including his 7' tall twin sister, Constitution whore and last man standing.

I can't believe I forgot these pictures. Anyway, here is Nick, reduced to a state of Catatonia by playing That-Game-Which-Must-Not-Be-Named.


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And here's the pic to accompany the player utterance: "I'll close the book. I'll even throw it on the floor behind me."


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For those who're interested, I was Dirk Nibblesworth, the thirty-two inch tall, forty-four pound male gnome who was "very good looking." I jumped eight feet into the air, and clapped things (well, okay, just that one flying grizzly...) into unconciousness.

Player death #6. :p

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