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Chicago Gameday XII is over... share the memories!


[size=-2]Read the FAQ to learn more about Chicago Gameday.[/size]
[h1]Chicago Gameday XII Sign-Up Thread[/h1]
ENWorld Chicago Gameday XII is a day of FREE gaming held at earth's finest game store, Games Plus. Gameday XII is November 12th.

To participate, simply post to this thread with your intention to play in one of the following events. Event sign-up is first-come, first-serve. Be aware that the event schedule may be subject to change until the last week before Gameday. No changes will be made to the schedule after that point. Reply or PM me (buzz) with any questions.

[highlight]NOTE: Sign-up for slot 2, Game 6, "The Enemy of My Enemy..." requires GM approval. Your request for a seat will be added to the roster as soon as the GM posts approval.[/highlight]

Games Plus
101 W Prospect Ave
Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056
(847) 577-9656
Hosts: Curt Duval & Jeff Swegler (owners)

  • Slot 0: Breakfast
    To be held from 8:00am to 9:00am at Little America (located across the Metra tracks and a couple blocks northwest of Games Plus).

    [highlight]Arrive at the store by 9:00am to settle in to your game tables.[/highlight]
  • Slot 1: Morning events from 9:30am to 2:30pm
    Game 1: Horse Shoes & Hand Greandes (Serenity RPG), FCWesel (private room)
    Game 2: Escape Initiaitve (Buffy RPG), Ninjacat
    Game 3: Accursed City #1 (M&M 2e), Reidzilla (table by the door, a.k.a. "Reid's table")
    Game 4: Minis Painting Seminar, Nikmal (table by the water cooler)
    Game 5: Against the Giants (D&D3.5), Sqwonk
    Game 6: Southern Exposure (Call of Cthulhu d20), Joshua Dyal​
  • Meal break from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. Be sure to come back on time for the...
  • Prize drawing from 3:30pm to 4:00pm. [highlight]Bards & Sages Publishing, Bottled Imp Games, the ENWorld GameStore, Goodman Games, and Margaret Weis Productions will be donating prizes.[/highlight]
  • Slot 2: Afternoon events from 4:00pm to 9:00pm (or later)
    Game 1: Harry Potter and the Flagrant Violation of Copyright (D&D3.5/d20), buzz (private room)
    Game 2: Casting the Runes (EABA), MattyHelms [highlight]This event has been cancelled[/highlight]
    Game 3: The Enemy of My Enemy Is.... (Arcana Unearthed/D&D3.5), William Ronald
    Game 4: Minis Painting Seminar, Nikmal (table by the water cooler)
    Game 5: The Riled Riled Rest (Spycraft 2.0), Pbartender
    Game 6: Six Flags of Doom (D&D3.5/Iron Kingdoms), TracerBullet42. This event was formerly known as "Who Ya Gonna Call?"​

[h2]Event Listings[/h2]
[h3]Slot 0 (Breakfast)[/h3]
No limit to number of attendees.
1. buzz
2. Trevalon Moonleirion
3. Joshua Dyal
4. Pbartender
5. Painfully
6. reveal
7. Shadowbane
8. Shadowbane's guest
9. ...

[h3]Slot 1[/h3]
Game 1: Horse Shoes & Hand Grenades
Serenity RPG
FCWesel, private room
[bq]The crew of the Symphony have been in some tight spots to say the least. They have escaped the grasping clutches of Reavers and the Alliance as well as a few other problems, including one Mr. Niska. But nothing—and I do mean nothing—so "interestin' a time" has been had that a small blind child, a seeing-eye-monkey and a 500 year old music disk from Earth-That-Was of someone called "The King" are about to give them.

Rules taught while we play. Characters WILL be provided by me. Be on time and ready for fun. (Fun will be provided by all of us.) Check out my Serenity message board: http://wavesintheblack.aimoo.com/.[/bq]
1. waterdhavian
2. Nazriel
3. Pbartender
4. Der Spot
5. Tekkmage
6. thalmin
[highlight]This event is now full.[/highlight]

Game 2: Escape Initiative
Buffy RPG
[bq]Congratulations. You are one of the Few, the Proud... no, not the Marines. You're a part of Uncle Sam's military, but your job is a bit more covert than being an average leatherneck. You are part of the Initiative. The things that go bump in the night are Hostile Sub-Terrestrials, and it's your job to take care of them, quietly, to prevent the public from panicking. The Initiative has a new underground compound in beautiful lakeside Cleveland, Ohio—where HST activity has seen an alarming increase of late. Both the field Commandos and the lab Techs have been busy trying to keep up, and one night, while you were off-shift, Something Happened...

A fast-paced game in the spirit of both BtVS/AtS and Resident Evil. Rules will be taught (Unisystem is very easy to use and simple to learn) and characters provided. For 6-8 players (planning on six, but walk-ins and guests will be welcomed, system is fast & easy.[/bq]

Game 3: Accursed City #1
Mutants & Masterminds 2e
Reidzilla, table by the door
[bq]Verde city was once a nice place, but not anymore. It’s amazing how fast a large city can go to hell. Something happened years ago. Ask around and anyone will tell you. Not that they have a clue as to what happened. It just did.

Some people think it was about the same time as when the supers started appearing, here and there around the world. Others say it was after the Bjord comet passed so close the Earth. No one really knows or, at least, nobody who cares to tell.

Anyways, crime and corruption reigns supreme now. The few parts of the city government that aren’t on the take try to clean up the place, but it never works. They just don’t have enough juice. Most citizens stay indoors after dark and hope that no one comes calling. Those that do brave the night, they roll dice with the devil every step they take. Fact is that there is only one thing stopping corruption in this city from devouring all the innocent people who still live here. Us.

We call ourselves the Nightwalkers and we use our gifts to fight crime, clean up the streets, and generally kick corruption in the butt. So, you game to join? Or are you going to let your talents rot while you listen the city eating itself alive.

Join the Nightwalkers as they begin the fight for justice in the once fair Verde city. Power Level 8 Characters will be provided and rules will be taught. If you want to create your own character, contact me at sales@dicegoblins.com after Oct 1. For 6 players.[/bq]
1. Shadowbane
2. TracerBullet42
3. sw3333
4. Shadowbane's friend
5. the U man

Game 4: Minis Painting Seminar
Nikmal, dais table
[bq]If you have not painted that mini you always wanted to paint.. Ever wanted to learn better techniques, or you are pretty good already and you have some knowledge to part with and share... please join us at the paint seminar. You will be taught different techniques to make your mini as good as possible. Children are welcome if they want to learn how to paint. (not as a place to baby sit them though ) Miniatures and paint and any tools needed, are provided as well as the knowledge to make you a better painter. Be you an expert or a beginner, you are all welcome![/bq]
1. buzz

Game 5: Against the Giants
D&D 3.5
[bq]Princess Argenta has been snatched from her country cotage. The clues lead to giants and the Huge Fort of Hill Giant Chief Nosnra. The King has brought together a group of heroes to bring her back—safely and quickly.

Newbies and Grognards welcome. 13th level characters will be provided.[/bq]
1. Lord_Of_Idiots
2. JoeGKushner
3. pvt. patterson
4. Thorindale
5. rowport

Game 6: Southern Exposure
Call of Cthulhu d20
Joshua Dyal
[bq]During the long, dark winter, most of the Antarctic research stations shut down to no more than a skeleton crew, checking in periodically via radio. The last transmission from the Vostok Research Station was garbled, but the message is staggering. Evidence of pre-human intelligent life discovered deep under the ice on the icebound shores of subterranean Lake Vostok.

Now they are 48 hours past due for their latest radio check-in. Intelligence reports that a Russian rescue team is being assembled. Our administration decides that is unacceptable; you will be part of a hastily assembled emergency team sent to Antarctica to get there first and evaluate what happened...

Characters will be created at the table.[/bq]
1. reveal
2. Trevalon Moonleirion
3. Yort
4. Sir Brennen
5. Kid Charlemagne
6. Halma
[highlight]This event is now full.[/highlight]

[h3]Slot 2[/h3]
Game 1: Harry Potter and the Flagrant Violation of Copyright
buzz, private room
[bq]Mayhem, treachery, monsters, secrets and magic... another typical year at Hogwarts. Take on the roles of Harry, Ron, Hermione, Hagrid, Neville, and Ginny as they once again find their beloved school fall prey to foul dealings. And help them try to figure out why Harry is seemingly to blame!

A low-level D&D3.5 adventure with some d20 rule tweaks. Characters will be provided. Suitable for all ages.[/bq]
1. reveal
2. Digital M@
3. FCWesel
4. thalmin
5. Trevalon Moonleirion
6. Ninjacat
[highlight]This event is full.[/highlight]

Game 2: Casting the Runes
[highlight]This event has been cancelled[/highlight]

Game 3: The Enemy of My Enemy Is...
Arcana Unearthed/D&D3.5
William Ronald
[bq]A band of heroes find that they suddenly have common cause with their hated enemies, members of a hobgoblin nation, and must help them overcome a common foe. Can your characters tell friend from foe, and find an ancient weapon to use against your common enemies? A Dungeons & Dragons/Arcana Unearthed adventure featuring roleplaying, intrigue, and combat for 9th level characters. Pre-generated characters using both the AU and D&D 3.5 rules, although I am willing to consider requests. No previous knowledge of AU is required, and rules will be taught as needed.

GM approval of player sign-ups required.[/bq]
1. gperez1234
2. asnx
3. Wandererdown
4. Thorindale

Game 4: Minis Painting Seminar
Nikmal, dais table
[bq]If you have not painted that mini you always wanted to paint.. Ever wanted to learn better techniques, or you are pretty good already and you have some knowledge to part with and share... please join us at the paint seminar. You will be taught different techniques to make your mini as good as possible. Children are welcome if they want to learn how to paint. (not as a place to baby sit them though ) Miniatures and paint and any tools needed, are provided as well as the knowledge to make you a better painter. Be you an expert or a beginner, you are all welcome![/bq]
1. JoeGKushner

Game 5: The Riled, Riled Rest
Spycraft 2.0
[bq]DL 11=WASHINGTON D.C 20 1046A



This is an adventure for up to six 3rd level pre-generated characters.[/bq]
1. waterdhavian
2. Der Spot
3. Tekkmage
4. Yort
5. Halma

Game 6: Six Flags of Doom
D&D3.5/Iron Kingdoms
[bq]It's hard working at the Iron Kingdoms biggest and best amusement park, "Great Cygnar." As the time of the annual Festival of Fright draws near, you can't help but feel that something foul is afoot, and that little old man who dances so wildy must surely have something to do with it.

Come join this steam-powered adventure for 6 players (characters provided) who will battle the strange, the unusual, and the over-priced. No experience necessary. Rules can be taught as we play.[/bq]
1. Joshua Dyal
2. Redwind
3. pvt. patterson
4. Trax t'lera
5. Painfully
6. Reidzilla
[highlight]This event is now full.[/highlight]
Last edited:

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Sign me up for:

* Slot 0: Breakfast
* Slot 1: Morning events from 9:30am to 2:30pm
Game 6: Southern Exposure (Call of Cthulhu d20), Joshua Dyal
* Slot 2: Afternoon events from 4:00pm to 9:00pm (or later)
Game 2: Casting the Runes (EABA), MattyHelms



First Post

Put me in for that rockin' Serenity game in the A.M. :cool: and that Harry Potter thing that Silly Person © is doing in the afternoon. :]

Harry Potter and the Flagrant Violation of copyright? Oh hot damn, I'm all over that.

Sign me up for slot one game 6 cthulhu, and for the aformentioned HP game. While you're at it, sign me up for breakfast.

I'm excited about this. I don't get to game nearly enough here down at school. Stupid homework and drunken debauchery getting in the way. Well. Mostly the first one, unfortunately.

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