Chicago Gameday XII is over... share the memories!


Reidzilla said:
Hmm... I should probably start writing my adventure up. :D
"Tsk! Such procrastination", said Buzz, as he was rolling up NPC stats at 6:57am the day of Gameday. :p

Reidzilla said:
I'll be bringing a Dice Goblin and some Dice Goblin t-shirts for the Swag-o-rama prize table.
Thanks, 'zilla! Gotta love Dragon-approved swag.

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William Ronald said:
Unfortunately, I had more work to do on a few other things than I planned. So, I will miss breakfast and most of the morning slot. I will be in to run my event. Sorry.
No sweat. I've adjusted the roster. As I've said, it wouldn't be Gameday wihtout last-minute cancellations. :)

Okay, see everyone in a bit!


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Game 5: Against the Giants

I am a 1st Edition D&D player that has not played in 10+ years. I have never played edition 3.5.
I am interested in playing a game along with my 8 yr old son (he's learning). If there is a spot somewhere for us and if people will show me the 3.5 combat rules we'd like to try playing. We are leaving for the event now (8:50 am).

Also, we'd like a spot at the minis table to learn to paint a miniature.

CMG Mark

First Post
Some pics from the gameday, including Friday night's Super Secret Slot Double-Naught ;)


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CMG Mark

First Post
And the rest of the pics I have from this event -


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Woooo! That was well worth the two hour drive home. (In spite of a shave less than 30 pages of papers to write before December 2nd... ;) )

Huge thanks to Curt and the rest of the guys at Games Plus for hosting this fantastic day o' gaming.

Thanks to anyone and everyone that donated prizes--my god the pile of swag was huge!

Extra big thanks to all of the GMs who put in lots of work--whether it was at the last minute or not--and especially thanks to Joshua Dyal for running a fantastic Cthulhu game (though I really don't think I lost enough sanity) in the morning, and to Buzz for letting us destroy anything that was good and pure about Harry Potter (and for piecing together some really cool representations of HP characters using D&D rules!).

If there ever is a story hour of that Harry Potter game, I can assure you that you wont' find it anywhere near EN World-- Eric's grandmother's head would literally explode. (Oddly enough, speaking of which, we had a coversation about use of the word "literally") It was so dirty, and so wrong...yet so right. :D :lol:

Thanks to everyone who came to gameday, because without players, the GMs would get pretty bored sitting in the store, and then no good would come of that.

I've been super stresed with school lately, and this weekend at home has been a fantastic stress-reliever, so I thank each and every one of you for making this day awesome. (And especially to the HP game, for giving me more laughter in one sitting than i've had in months--and consequently some very tired abs. ;))


First Post
Trevalon Moonleirion said:
If there ever is a story hour of that Harry Potter game, I can assure you that you wont' find it anywhere near EN World-- Eric's grandmother's head would literally explode. (Oddly enough, speaking of which, we had a coversation about use of the word "literally") It was so dirty, and so wrong...yet so right. :D :lol:

I've been super stresed with school lately, and this weekend at home has been a fantastic stress-reliever, so I thank each and every one of you for making this day awesome. (And especially to the HP game, for giving me more laughter in one sitting than i've had in months--and consequently some very tired abs. ;))

Poor, poor BUZZ. Poor, poor BUZZ.

If only he had had a E.D.U.N. (Electronic Device of Undetermined Nature.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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