Chicago Gameday XX was June 14th: AFTERMATH

Nev the Deranged

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ekb said:
GD Antioch had at least 3... ;) while d100 isn't conventionally "forge-esque," part of the point of a self-contained resolution system is to be able to eliminate fiat-based GMing and the adversarial dialectic...
The competitiveness of Agon is what renewed my interest in Forge - but I still mostly lurk and limit my posts to structuralist analysis and deconstructon using socratic interrogation.
{enough forge-speak for you yet?}

People always throw around the term "Forge game" and others like it, but really, all the Forge is about is creator owned and self published games. So it doesn't matter how crunchy or "gamist" (whatever that means today) or whatever your (or any other) game is, with regards to its "Forginess". It only matters if you, the author, own the game.

I'm curious, who showed up in Antioch? I know Ron and Kieth and Julie and Todd live around here... but besides them (and me) I didn't think there were many Forgizens in the area.

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Nev the Deranged said:
I'm curious, who showed up in Antioch? I know Ron and Kieth and Julie and Todd live around here... but besides them (and me) I didn't think there were many Forgizens in the area.
There's a whole house full of 'em in sunny Ingleside (that little place that's between Round Lake, Fox lake and Long Lake). After I kept going on and on about Sorceror, Agon and Hero's Banner - Donna and Jim C. signed up for Forge and we've been scheming to have Forge MW South sometime soon...

Turnout for GD Antioch was pretty good for something that wasn't as established as GD Chicago. From what I saw, a good time was had by all. Definite win for Kelly et al.

I'm going to write up the collected one-shot house rules for Agon and attach them to the thread, probably monday or so. If I can reduce the file size of the DG setting background that I've scanned, I might put that up as well. Giving more than that would give the game away a bit too much... ;)

pvt. patterson

First Post
Would you mind changing me from afternoon game 6, to game 7. :) sry and thank you.... I 100% missed game seven when reading threw, it just sounds to interesting to pass up. lol....


pvt. patterson said:
Would you mind changing me from afternoon game 6, to game 7. :) sry and thank you.... I 100% missed game seven when reading threw, it just sounds to interesting to pass up. lol....


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Hmmm...question for Vyvyan Basterd/Buzz...

There's a blood drive that I always support on the 14th. I managed to reserve the earliest donor spot, but that's at 9:00. I could probably make it to the gameday by 10:00...maybe 10:15. I would really like to play in the Paranoia game, but I don't want to be disruptive.

So would it be a problem if I show up a little late? If that's no good, I'll just give up my seat in that game.

I'll still be good to go for the afternoon. (But y'all will have to be nice to me, since I'll have given blood that morning. I'll have the sticker to prove it.)

Vyvyan Basterd

TracerBullet42 said:
Hmmm...question for Vyvyan Basterd/Buzz...

There's a blood drive that I always support on the 14th. I managed to reserve the earliest donor spot, but that's at 9:00. I could probably make it to the gameday by 10:00...maybe 10:15. I would really like to play in the Paranoia game, but I don't want to be disruptive.

So would it be a problem if I show up a little late? If that's no good, I'll just give up my seat in that game.

I'll still be good to go for the afternoon. (But y'all will have to be nice to me, since I'll have given blood that morning. I'll have the sticker to prove it.)

I don't mind. Besides, I can't imagine how anything could be condisered disruptive in a game of Paranoia. :)

I'll just dock you a clone or two. :D


First Post
Vyvyan Basterd said:
I don't mind. Besides, I can't imagine how anything could be condisered disruptive in a game of Paranoia.

I'll just dock you a clone or two.

buzz said:
What Vyv said.
Sweet. Thanks. I've always wanted to try Paranoia, but I also understand that people showing up late can be distracting. I'll try to sneak in all ninja-like.

Voidrunner's Codex

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