
I like the directory idea. And I would think that any gaming store with any marketing sense would want to support the idea, since they only stand to profit by having more active groups are out there.

See if you can get them to pay you for it. :p

Actually, having a message board (like this one) is pretty good, except that not everybody uses it. Back in New Jersey, there was a store called Gamer's Realm that had its own website, and all the gamers in the area posted their groups on there. It was very effective.

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C++? We've got to talk! Nah, I'm actually taking a C++ class right now and doing okay at it but I'm really slow with it for some reason.

I use a lot of SQL and Access but can't get my hands around some of the ideas in C++.


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My husband and I are also on the lookout for a gaming group. We primarily play traditional D&D (3.5 ed) and have dabbled in Call of Cthulhu and Hackmaster. We are also open to other settings. For the most part, we are seeking a consistent group that can meet every week/every other week and kid-friendly environment for late night games. My hubby would like to play as a PC, but can DM as a last resort. We live in the northwest suburbs, about 10 minutes from Games Plus.


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AelyaShade said:
My husband and I are also on the lookout for a gaming group. We primarily play traditional D&D (3.5 ed) and have dabbled in Call of Cthulhu and Hackmaster. We are also open to other settings. For the most part, we are seeking a consistent group that can meet every week/every other week and kid-friendly environment for late night games. My hubby would like to play as a PC, but can DM as a last resort. We live in the northwest suburbs, about 10 minutes from Games Plus.

Would Batavia be too far away?

Either way, drop me an email at MWDomeier(at)gmail(dot)com. My wife and I were in a similar situation... We both game, we've got two relatively young children, and simply can't afford hours worth of babysitter every week. If nothing else, I can give you some really good tips on how to make it work.


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I am also looking for a game in Chicago. I am limited to where CTA can get me. Tuesday is the best day of the week for me to play. Any other day and I willl not be able to make it weekly. I have been playing for over 10 years and been running games at least 8 years. I put alot of efort into charictor and less into min/maxing.
email: (include phone so I can call you back, replying to email is dificult. I check it from a cell phone.)
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I believe i put my post up on another thread, but ill do it here too. I live in Westmont, chicago, am interested in gaming either on the weekdays(eveing) or weekends(anytime). I have played versions 3.0 and 3.5 for D&D. you may contact me at and leave me a message on there so i can call ya and contact ya. I am willing to travel int eh chicago area. I am new to area, but i am sure i will find ya. :D


First Post
My mean boss changed my schedual on me. Just when I got used to the old one that she-orger had to go and change the days! I now have MONDAYS availible instead of tuesday for a game in Chicago. :] (Orger repelent spryed with agusto) On the upside Im working mids... wait, that screws up my non travel game plans. :\ Life just isnt fair any more! Oh well. She cant seem to make up her mind so this will only last untill I get use to it. Then it'l change again. In all honesty I have very little room to complain, she came to me and said, "I've changed your schedual. Here is a $0.25 raise."

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