Civil War | Official Trailer HD | A24

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Guide of Modos
Money. The word you were thinking of is money.
No, because who's going to honor that money when it doesn't have sovereign support? Sure, Texas could start minting cowpies, but what would work better? My first guess is that the different factions must start issuing IOUs to foreign states, payable in those foreign currencies.


WotC President Runner-Up.
I hadn't seen this until now.. Looks.. Interesting.

I like Dunst, Plemmons, and Offerman so it's got that going for it.

It's also got an interesting vibe. It's like an apocalypse movie rather than a war movie, which is likely how a civil war would feel. I liked the trailer scene of the girl working in the shop like "War? Yeah? What about it? My landlord didn't stop asking for rent so here I am."

I've been itching to go to the movies. I don't think I could talk the GF into going to this one but maybe I can make a solo trip of it.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
No, because who's going to honor that money when it doesn't have sovereign support? Sure, Texas could start minting cowpies, but what would work better? My first guess is that the different factions must start issuing IOUs to foreign states, payable in those foreign currencies.
Dollars are still gonna be dollars to multinational corporations. Money isn't backed by anything but wishes and dreams these days, no company's going to turn down a lucrative contract just because it doesn't have President Swanson's personal seal of approval.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Dollars are still gonna be dollars to multinational corporations. Money isn't backed by anything but wishes and dreams these days, no company's going to turn down a lucrative contract just because it doesn't have President Swanson's personal seal of approval.
IDK, I think a four way split in the U.S. would definitely make the rest of thew world reconsider the dollar as standard.

Voidrunner's Codex

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