Civil War | Official Trailer HD | A24


Mod Squad
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It's said ...

Many things are said. For example: it is said that the Earth is flat.

(Also, The Day After was for wussies. If you really wanted to be traumatized, you watched Testament).

Nah. Special Bulletin, which had the benefit of possibly being mistaken for real, like Orson Welles' War of the Worlds.

1983 was big for films of nuclear bombs going off.

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A suffusion of yellow
The South already left once before. They lost, in part, due to lack of resources (Manpower, Money, etc).

Texas alone would face the same fate as it did the Last time. The addition of California makes this plausible.

That said, I don't see two states more opposite of each other in how they approach things making this very implausible.

It's more plausible that the makers of the movie didn't want the movie to be extinct on arrival by isolating a large part of the movie watcher because of how current politics in the Americas are working today. The movie already probably is skirting on that line.

I think it's going to be so close to that line that it's going to be hard to discuss the movie overall when it comes out it may be best just to avoid it at that point (at least in forum discussions).

PS: The REASONS given for the War is that the President refused to give up power and took a third term. Not going to extrapolate, but just thinking on that can give many reasons why this will be a controversial movie in discussions.
It looks like theyre pushing ‘Corrupt president’ as the casus belli rather than bipartisan split, so they might be able to skirt around the Red/Blue issues by making everyside opposed to the Pres in power.
If nothing else its going to be interesting to see how it plays out …

A further breakdown of which other states have succeeded: Washington, Montana, Georgia, Louisiana, and Minnesota. Ironically South Carolina appears not to have joined the secessionist.


CR 1/8
It looks like theyre pushing ‘Corrupt president’ as the casus belli rather than bipartisan split, so they might be able to skirt around the Red/Blue issues by making everyside opposed to the Pres in power.
Yeah, that's what I'm suspecting at this point, something like: "real Americans from Both Sides! unite to Free the U. S. A.! from the tyranny of an Evil Dictator!" It's sure to be a truly heartwarming story of patriotism and unity, with guns, assplosions, and moar guns.


A further breakdown of which other states have succeeded: Washington, Montana, Georgia, Louisiana, and Minnesota. Ironically South Carolina appears not to have joined the secessionist.
"Once was enough." -- South Carolina

Yeah, that's what I'm suspecting at this point, something like: "real Americans from Both Sides! unite to Free the U. S. A.! from the tyranny of an Evil Dictator!" It's sure to be a truly heartwarming story of patriotism and unity, with guns, assplosions, and moar guns.
Based on the trailer, it looks more like the "drag your neighbor out in the middle of night and shoot them in the face" kind of story rather than a heartwarming one about patriotism and unity. But then trailers can be misleading. I still can't forgive whomever came up with the trailer for The Bicentannial Man.


Based on the trailer, it looks more like the "drag your neighbor out in the middle of night and shoot them in the face" kind of story rather than a heartwarming one about patriotism and unity. But then trailers can be misleading. I still can't forgive whomever came up with the trailer for The Bicentannial Man.

The Director/Writer's main other credits are Men, Annihilation, and Ex Machina. So I am inclined to think that as well.

Voidrunner's Codex

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