Civil War | Official Trailer HD | A24

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5e Freelancer
That, and California needs Texas's guns, while Texas needs California's . . . wine country.
California is rich and has a bigger population than any other state. If California a country, it would be the 5th largest economy on the planet. About 1 in 8 Americans are Californians.

I wonder how this movie will justify them being on the same side.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
That, and California needs Texas's guns, while Texas needs California's . . . wine country.

Well, that and the tech industry.

That and the tech industry and the aerospace industry.

That and the tech, aerospace, and defense contractors.

That, and the tech, aerospace, defense contractors, and the most military personnel.

That, and the tech, aerospace, defense contractors, and the most military personnel and most military bases.

That, and the tech, aerospace, defense contractors, and the most military personnel and most military bases, and the creatives to pump out propaganda during a war.

That, and the tech, aerospace, defense contractors, and the most military personnel and most military bases, and the creatives to pump out propaganda during a war. Oh, and the biotech companies too.*

But sure ... wine country. ;)

(I feel like a Monty Python version of this would be similar to, "What have the Romans ever done for us?").


Guide of Modos
California is rich and has a bigger population than any other state. If California a country, it would be the 5th largest economy on the planet. About 1 in 8 Americans are Californians.
Good points - I haven't seen them in a while but they're always impressive . . .

That, and the tech, aerospace, defense contractors, and the most military personnel and most military bases, and the creatives to pump out propaganda during a war. Oh, and the biotech companies too.*
Are we sure that Texas doesn't have a phat wad of these too?

Anyway, this seems like a sticking point: California has to make some pretty serious friend or foe decisions that Texas doesn't (immediately), based on who's across the Pacific. I'm tempted to pull out the Risk board and play this one out.

matthew broderick professor falken GIF

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Are we sure that Texas doesn't have a phat wad of these too?

Not as "phat" as California's.

I think that we often forget things because we retreat to easy stereotypes, but there's a good reason that California's GDP is so immense. The WW2 buildup (driven by the military-industrial complex) is what led to all of those industries and military bases being placed there. People retreat to easy-to-understand (and wrong) simplifications about avocados and wine country, but California is still a juggernaut economically.

From agriculture to naval power to aerospace to tech, California would definitely be a state you'd want on your side. Don't get me wrong- Texas is certainly not a slouch either. But reducing California to "wine country" would be similar to someone saying, "What is Texas going to bring? Big belt buckles and debates about beans in your chili?"


A suffusion of yellow
That, and California needs Texas's guns, while Texas needs California's . . . wine country.
they’re the worlds Fifth and eighth largest economies, so as countries theyre significant entities who would need trade partners and investment. Besides agriculture California is a leader in digital/computer technologies, its also the base for Lockheed Martin
California especially would need to take Nevada and Arizona to secure water supply so its dependent on neighbours. It wouldnt be hard for Texas to take over New Mexico at which point Texas and the New California Republic are neighbors willing to form an Alliance against US aggression

Voidrunner's Codex

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