Civil War | Official Trailer HD | A24


California is rich and has a bigger population than any other state. If California a country, it would be the 5th largest economy on the planet. About 1 in 8 Americans are Californians.
Here in the United States, the Anti-Saloon League was an umbrella organization of like minded organizations who supported the prohibition of alcohol. Members groups in the ASL included the Women's Temperance Union (no surprise), the Industrial Workers of the World, the Ku Klux Klan, and others. To say that the KKK and the IWW didn't see eye-to-eye on most issues is an understatement as one had ties to socialist and anarchist and the other was the KKK. But they both supported prohibition and in some limited capacity were willing to work towards the same goal.

They say politics make strange bedfellows and it's true. If you were a devout Catholic and part of the French resistance you might very well have found yourself working with Anarchist and Communists against the Germans. You had a common enemy that overrode your dislike for both groups. As far as the United States is concerned, we tend to think of states as blue or red, but most of them are purple. A civil war wouldn't just be states against other states it'd be neighbor against neighbor. Any time I hear someone say something like, "We need a revolution," I ask them how they'd feel about dragging their neighbor out of his house in the middle of the night and shooting them in the face. Because that's what it would look like.

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They say politics make strange bedfellows and it's true. If you were a devout Catholic and part of the French resistance you might very well have found yourself working with Anarchist and Communists against the Germans. You had a common enemy that overrode your dislike for both groups.
Well, to a degree. The French Resistance were constantly screwing each other over, to the point that the Dutch underground wouldn't trust any of them. (Or at least so said a friend's late father, who was in the Dutch underground during WWII.)


the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
Not to swerve over the "No Politics" line, but quick and dirty Googling says there are about 5.3 million Republicans in California, and about 5.3 million Democrats in Texas. So plenty of folks to find common political cause with in the other state.


5e Freelancer
so, it seems that Texas and California are the majors out of the 19 states that have succeeded from the union.
But not all of them seem to have seceded together. Florida has its own faction (maybe with Georgia, Alabama, and a couple other nearby states), while Texas and California are together in the Western faction.


That, and California needs Texas's guns, while Texas needs California's . . . wine country.

The South already left once before. They lost, in part, due to lack of resources (Manpower, Money, etc).

Texas alone would face the same fate as it did the Last time. The addition of California makes this plausible.

That said, I don't see two states more opposite of each other in how they approach things making this very implausible.

It's more plausible that the makers of the movie didn't want the movie to be extinct on arrival by isolating a large part of the movie watcher because of how current politics in the Americas are working today. The movie already probably is skirting on that line.

I think it's going to be so close to that line that it's going to be hard to discuss the movie overall when it comes out it may be best just to avoid it at that point (at least in forum discussions).

PS: The REASONS given for the War is that the President refused to give up power and took a third term. Not going to extrapolate, but just thinking on that can give many reasons why this will be a controversial movie in discussions.

So... The Day After for the younger generations, then?

It's said that The Day After actually helped prevent nuclear war, in that President Reagan saw it and resolved to press for more peace talks with the U.S.S.R. Which in fact he did.

If history can repeat itself, a horrifying movie about the United States tearing itself apart in bloody fashion might be a very good thing right about now.

(Also, The Day After was for wussies. If you really wanted to be traumatized, you watched Testament).

Voidrunner's Codex

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