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Cleric Feats


First Post
Merlion said:
You'll have to excuse me...I have issues with the balance of the Cleric class, and taking the mechanically best feats for a Cleric makes it worse. You can easily equal or exceed most of your party members in their own areas of expertise.

Guess that a combat-styled Cleric might not be such a bad idea. I just always wanted to be a ble to do the epic devestating critical feat with a mace. now I can! :)

Though whether that's a good Idea or not I'm not sure...

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First Post
Please remember that a Cleric of St. Cuthbert has a lot in common with a Cleric of a War deity, since he gets that nasty Destruction domain.

There are better results to be had, on the main, staying out of melee and relying on the magics the Cleric can wield to perform key acts of replenishment and area denial. You specifically mentioned St. Cuthbert, so I observed the Power Attack- Cleave - Great Cleave trio. Clerics of St. Cuthbert tend to heavily improve themselves with spells and then wade in to combat, where they are holy terrors until the spells wear off.

Some players (with excellent reason) feel that Clerics that have so many combat-enhancing feats and spells that tie into them tend to become hammers, and all problems tend to begin to look vaguely like a nail..

I'd ask that you not intentionally displace the party's Fighter or Barbarian from the spotlight - the Cleric of St. Cuthbert makes for a swell "the party is almost dead, when suddenly the NPC Cleric of St. Cuthbert makes an appearance, distracting all the demons and giving you a chance for some quick heals" party saver.

There are a lot of neat spells that exist to let the Cleric do something other than heal, heal, cure, turn, heal. The Cleric class is more powerful than others, to entice people to play a healer (a dull and thankless task in many groups), and even so, many parties have to struggle along with a Ranger's or Druid's Wand of Cure Light Wounds because no one wants to play the Cleric that the group needs. In extremis, the Cleric can turn into an amazing engine of destruction, but this only really comes into play if the party's front line has fallen, and it's needful to beat down/scare off the foes while the party regroups. Most GMs would really prefer to leave that potential untapped.

If this is a one-off, which lets you revel in the power of an amazing Destruction-focused Cleric, great. For longer term fun, I suggest Pelor for Healing and the Sun domains.. and don't feel like Strength is the number 1 priority. :)

Nothing wrong with being a really good healer. Nothing at all. :)


Eloi said:
tend to become hammers, and all problems tend to begin to look vaguely like a nail..
Isn't that a relatively apt description of St. Cuthbert himself? :)

No one should be told to play a support healing cleric if that isn't what they want to. If the party, needs a heal-bot you're better off just having an NPC in the party so that all the players remain engaged and interested in the character they're playing. Sorry Eloi, but that's just a pet peeve of mine.

Also, for all we know his party could be short in terms of frontline brawn. Maybe they have a Druid or Mystic Theurge in the party that can bring some more healing to the table.

Well, we're past the 24 hour mark, so its probably too late for this comment to be of any help, but I would have approached this by asking which order of St. Cuthbert you belonged to. The three orders of the priesthood are the:
  • Chapeaux - seek to convert people to the faith
  • Stars - seek to retain doctrinal purity amongst the faithful
  • Billets - serve as ministers and protectors of the faithful

If I was playing a Chapeaux, I would ignore the combat aspects and boost Cha and Int for Diplomacy and Sense Motive, maybe with some feats to augment that. A Star is a natural for one of those Inquisitor PRC's. Sounds like you'll be (by default) a Billet with an emphasis on protecting the faithful.

Shin Okada

Extend Spell
Persistent Spell
Divine Metamagic : Persistent Spell
Extra Turning
Divine Spell Power
Scribe Scroll
Craft Wondrous Item

I strongly recommend you to take some item creation feats unless that is a one-shot adventure. Generally speaking, Scribe Scroll is the most useful and versatile one if you actually play a cleric at least for several levels. Also, Craft Wondrous item works great for a cleric as he knows all the spells in cleric spell list.


First Post
Merlion said:
You'll have to excuse me...
No, actually, we don't have to excuse you. Someone asked for help on selecting feats, not to hear yet another lecture from you on how 'silly-powerful' the cleric is.

Shadowbane, did you get sufficient answers to your request? In time?


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Eloi said:
Please remember that a Cleric of St. Cuthbert has a lot in common with a Cleric of a War deity, since he gets that nasty Destruction domain.

There are better results to be had, on the main, staying out of melee and relying on the magics the Cleric can wield to perform key acts of replenishment and area denial...

Nothing wrong with being a really good healer. Nothing at all. :)

It's boring. Seriously. If your clerics just sit back and buff people and heal people, why not just make them an NPC cohort instead?

Clerics have heavy armor and decent weapons and spells that increase melee combat for a reason. You should use them. Divine Favor, Divine Power, and Righteous Might are staples of the Cleric spells, and they should be used as intended. Get in there and fight!


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Infiniti2000 said:
No, actually, we don't have to excuse you. Someone asked for help on selecting feats, not to hear yet another lecture from you on how 'silly-powerful' the cleric is.

I totally agree. I found it pretty darn rude to come into a thread asking for help and advice and for him to respond in the manner of "we shouldn't give you that advice because you're already playing a class that I think is too powerful, oh and here is a list of feats that I think are broken while I am at it".


First Post
OTOH, it's not like those of us playing Clr (like me!) haven't heard the "clerics are too powerful!" whining before. Often those that whine are also the first in line for healing during combat. :) Fortunately, my group doesn't have any of those types.

Game on! (and let th' clerics do their schitck, man.....)

Voidrunner's Codex

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