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CLOSED! Rhun's Greyhawk OMEGA Game (ToEE)


Sir Merrick thrusts straight back through the doorway with his keen polearm, the blade of his glaive almost as large as that of the ogre's axe.

ooc MW Glaive +9 (1d10+6/x3)

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Surprised the champion struggles for air, that blow took out all the oxygen from his lungs. Focusing for a moment, Zirat plea for his god's help and wield his chain in a destructive arc.

Smite Evil: Atack +13 (bless included) Damage 2d4+7


"Be strong, Zirat," Aeron intones, placing a hand on the warrior. "Pelor's strength is greater than any ogre."
[sblock=OOC]Dropping shatter for spontaneous cure moderate wounds on Zirat; 2d8+4.[/sblock]


First Post
Combat, Round 2 - Partial

Round 1 complete above.

Deren steps to the side to get a better angle, and tosses another dagger. This one sails unerringly across the hall to strike a chink in the ogre's armor.

"Be strong, Zirat," Aeron intones, placing a hand on the warrior. "Pelor's strength is greater than any ogre." Zirat breathes deep as the healing power of Pelor infuses, near completely restoring his health.

"Death to the foes of Elemental Earth!" calls the Ogre, and his axe slashes across, this time striking Sir Merrick. The blade cuts deep into the Knight's abdomen, blasting the air from his lungs and cutting a jagged wound across his stomach.

Shoon holds back. They need to draw the beast out so that they can take advantage of their superior numbers.

Zirat lets out a low growl and again sends his chain whipping through the air. The weapon strikes but is unable to penetrate the creature's armor.

"Die spawn of evil!" Sir Merrick will slash the beast with his glaive again then pull back a step hoping to draw out the ogre. The glaive skitters against the brute's armored chest, and Merrick's frowns as he steps away from the creature.

Suddenly the door to the west slams open with a boom, and you can see to more of the lumbering beasts in the chamber beyond. Neither wear the plate armor of their companion; instead, these appear to be armored in black studded leather. The greatclubs that they bear in hand look almost as deadly as their friend's axe, though.

Knowing that the company's situation will be dire should the two necomers join the fray, Ciaran steps up to give himself a better angle, and whispers the arcane words of a spell. A cone of vibrant colors erupts from his fingertips, striking the two ogres to the west. The brutes throw their hands to theirs eyes and roar in surprise and confusion as the wizard's spell blinds and stuns them.

Initiative Count
19 - Deren: Dagger vrs ogre 27 (success), damage 7
17 - Aeron: Dropping shatter for spontaneous cure moderate wounds on Zirat, 17 points healed
17 - Armored Ogre: Greataxe vrs Zirat 24 (success), damage 21
15 - Shoon: delays
12 - Zirat: chain vrs ogre 17 (fail)
10 - Merrick: glaive vrs ogre 18 (fail)
08 - Ogre 2 [blind, stunned]: open door; will save vrs DC15 12 (failure)
06 - Ogre 3 [blind, stunned]: delays; will save vrs DC15 9 (failure)
05 - Ciaran: cast color spray

PC Status
Zirat - HP: 39/40
Merrick - HP: 10/31
Aeron - HP: 31/31, round 2 of 40

[sblock=Opponent Status-Players No Look]
Ogre Leader -40 hit points :D
Ogre 2 blind 3 rounds, stunned 4
Ogre 3 blind 1 round, stunned 2

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Dire Lemming

First Post
OOC: If only we had a web spell... Delay until after the ogre's turn.

Shoon holds back. They need to draw the beast out so that they can take advantage of their superior numbers.


"Die spawn of evil!" Sir Merrick will slash the beast with his glaive again then pull back a step hoping to draw out the ogre.

ooc MW Glaive +9 (1d10+6/x3) then 5' step back.

Dog Moon

Oh, didn't realize I should have said something for round two already. Guess that's okay since Deren doesn't currently have any other tactic besides throwing daggers at people. :)

Speaking of which, unless something drastic occurs, Deren will continue treating the Ogre as a pincushion and will pepper him with daggers...well, one every six seconds. ;)


First Post
Combat, round 3 - COMPLETE

Round 2 complete above.

Deren continures hurling daggers, but the latest one again fails to pierce the armored brute's steel.

"Destroy the wounded one first. We do not want them on both sides of us," Aeron offers as he heals Sir Merrick's wounds. Pelor is with Aeron, and the cleric's touch heals all of the knight's wounds, leaving only scabbed over scratches.

The great armored ogre steps out through the door, not about to let you all flee and get away. He again strikes at Zirat, and though the gladiator tries to dodge, the ogre's blade opens a deep gash in the champion's side.

Shoon's eyes nearly bug out at the sight of two more ogres "Damn it! We cannot beat them here!" He immediately retreats back in the direction of the narrow hallway, disappearing out of sight around the corner.

Zirat sidesteps, staying close to the ogre, but setting Merrick up to flank the brute. As he moves, his lashes at the ogre, but his spiked chain clanks off the heavy armor that the giant wears.

"Stand firm!" Sir Merrick steps once more into the breach and brings the attack back to the armored ogre, this time taking advantage of Zirat's position and striking at the brute from behind. The knight's polearm cuts through steel and flesh, opening a bloody wound in the ogre's back that causes him to stumble and nearly fall...

One of the other ogres appears to be regaining his sight, rubbing at his eyes with his massive hands. The closer of the two strikes out with its greatclub, but in its blind rage only smashes its club down upon the ground.

"Get back, keep them at range! We can rush them in a moment!" Ciaran fires a sudden bolt of force at the first ogre, and takes the others' confusion as a good moment to head back north, up the passage. The twin bolts of mystic energy streak through the air as Ciaran moves, unerringly striking the armored ogre. The giants lets out a massive bellow, and then stumbles against the nearby wall. Slowly, slowly, the brute tumbles crashing to the ground with a heavy thud.


Initiative Count
19 - Deren: dagger vrs O1 1 15 (failure)
17 - Aeron: 5' step, drop spiritual weapon for spontaneous cure moderate wounds, healing 18
17 - Armored Ogre: 5' step, greataxe vrs Zirat 23 (success), damage 17
15 - Shoon: move
12 - Zirat: 5' step, spiked chain vrs O1 17 (failure)
10 - Merrick: move, glaive vrs O1 "20" (threat - what the hell is up with all the 20s I roll for Merrick?), confirm 17 (failure), damage 14
08 - Ogre 2 [blind, stunned]: stunned
06 - Ogre 3 [stunned]: stunned
05 - Ciaran: cast magic missile at O1, damage 7

PC Status
Zirat - HP: 22/40
Merrick - HP: 28/31
Aeron - HP: 31/31, bless round 3 of 40

[sblock=Opponent Status-Players No Look]
Ogre Leader -61 hit points :D
Ogre 2 blind 2 rounds, stunned 3
Ogre 3 stunned 1

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"Destroy the wounded one first. We do not want them on both sides of us," Aeron offers as he heals Sir Merrick's wounds.
[sblock=OOC]Dropping spiritual weapon for spontaneous cure moderate wounds. 5-foot step to AH-77, and touch Sir Merrick.[/sblock]

Dire Lemming

First Post
Shoon's eyes nearly bug out at the sight of two more ogres "Damn it! We cannot beat them here!" He immediately retreats back in the direction of the narrow hallway.

Voidrunner's Codex

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