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D&D 5E Cobweb Golem


Cobweb Golem
The Cobweb Golem is a magically created automaton given the semblance of life by a particularly powerful spellcaster. The Cobweb Golem appears to be spun from spiderwebs. Twigs, brambles, and other flotsam cling to its sticky surface, and small spiders can be seen scurrying about on the creature. Cobweb Golems are usually encountered in long-abandoned wizard’s laboratories or lairs where giant spiders lurk.

Cobweb Golem

Medium construct, unaligned

Armor Class 13 (natural armor)

Hit Points 27 (5d8+5)

Speed 40 ft.

10 (+0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 1 (-5) 7 (-2) 1 (-5)
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing

Damage Immunities poison

Damage Vulnerabilities fire

Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned

Senses passive Perception 8

Languages understands the language of its creator, but can’t speak

Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Spider Swarm. The first time the cobweb golem is struck in combat, hundreds of spiders that infest the Cobweb Golem will spray out, covering the attacker. Treat as a swarm of insects.

Skittering Host. When the Cobweb Golem is slain, a small sized spider-demon crawls from the body. It either confronts the party or scurries away. The skittering host has the stats of a giant spider, except it is a fiend instead of a beast.


Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

Hit: 10 (4d4) bludgeoning damage.

Web (Recharge 5-6): Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 30/60 ft., one creature.

Hit: The target is Restrained by webbing. As an action, the Restrained target can make a DC 12 Strength check, bursting the webbing on a success. The webbing can also be attacked and destroyed (AC 10; hp 5; vulnerability to fire damage; immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage).


I was a lapsed gamer for many years. When I got back into gaming, I scoured many blogs, and saved literally hundreds of links to check out later. I’m finally making time to go thru all of these links. If you follow me on Google+, you’ve seen me share many of them. Tim Snider at the Savage Afterworld blog originally posted this back in June of 2014. I loved this so much that I needed to convert it to 5e stats.
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First Post
I could totally see a version of this where, after the golem is destroyed, a small demon spider emerges to either confront the party or scurry away.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
I seem to recall one of these is in Phyllis Eisenstein's The Book of Elementals series. Fantastic series by the way.


Dusty Dragon
This does raise the notion of "carrier golems" - weak, cheap golems that bring something dangerous to the foe...

Although, anyone who wants to get inspired about golems, I urge to read "The Iron Council" by Mieville


I like it and will use this the next appropriate opportunity.

Feedback: I'd suggest bumping the CR to 2, possibly 3. The golem has resistance to weapon damage, as does the insect swarm that emerges after the first hit. The swarm has 22 hit points, making the total encounter almost 50 points, resistant to weapon damage. Add in that both the golem and the swarm do an average of 10 hit points per hit. Far too tough for the average 1st level party.

Also, if you want to be consistent with other golems, consider changing the Damage Resistances line to: "bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from nonmagical weapons that are not adamantine". (Other golems have this on the immunities line, but since this is intended to be a relatively weak golem, I'd leave it at resistance.)

I like it and will use this the next appropriate opportunity.

Feedback: I'd suggest bumping the CR to 2, possibly 3. The golem has resistance to weapon damage, as does the insect swarm that emerges after the first hit. The swarm has 22 hit points, making the total encounter almost 50 points, resistant to weapon damage. Add in that both the golem and the swarm do an average of 10 hit points per hit. Far too tough for the average 1st level party.

Also, if you want to be consistent with other golems, consider changing the Damage Resistances line to: "bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from nonmagical weapons that are not adamantine". (Other golems have this on the immunities line, but since this is intended to be a relatively weak golem, I'd leave it at resistance.)

As far as the golem itself it will in average be killed by a single fire chromatic orb, so not exactly a mega tank


Update 9/27/17.

Fixed some typos (attack range on slam attack and added Con bonus to hp calculation).

Added skittering host ability. Thanks [MENTION=6801204]Satyrn[/MENTION]!

Raised CR to 3 based on skittering host and failure to calculate damage resistance in initial CR. [MENTION=35019]Croesus[/MENTION], I left the line as is, considering it is just resistance and not immunity, though you did sway me to boost the CR. Attacking webs with fire is a common trope, so the vulnerability is easily exploited.

Based these edits on feedback and some eagle-eyed readers from other sources.

The skittering host, I think, makes this a more interesting, layered opponent, and raises the ick factor.
[MENTION=23]Ancalagon[/MENTION], I do like the further idea of "carrier golems". Definitely something worth being explored.
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Raised CR to 3 based on skittering host and failure to calculate damage resistance in initial CR. [MENTION=35019]Croesus[/MENTION], I left the line as is, considering it is just resistance and not immunity, though you did sway me to boost the CR. Attacking webs with fire is a common trope, so the vulnerability is easily exploited.

Yeah, it's always difficult to CR monsters that have tough defenses - except for a specific vulnerability. If the party have the resources to exploit that vulnerability (chromatic orb), then the encounter is probably just a speed bump. If they don't, or they don't think of it, then the encounter can easily be a TPK. Regardless of the CR assigned, I'd be a bit cautious in using this, making sure the party either has the resources needed, or they have enough info to realize they are outgunned and need to run away.

BTW, your post now lists CR 3 (7500 XP). I believe you mean (700 XP).

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