D&D General Companion Thread to D&D Survivor: Mystaran Dragons


Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
On Mystara, the law-chaos axis is considerably more important to dragons than good-evil. Dragons who favor order, cooperation, and civilization are opposed by those who endorse individualism, wild living, and destruction. When it comes to good and evil Mystaran dragons are predominantly neutral.

The following dragons appeared for the first time in the D&D Master Set for BECMI, in 1985:
  • Crystal Dragon: called Crystalline dragons to differentiate them from the Crystal dragons of the gemstone dragons, they breathe a cone of scintillating ice particles that causes cold damage and can cause victims to turn into crystal. They live in cold regions, which given their similarity to white dragons makes for many cases of mistaken identity. They eat gems and ore and the crystalline remnants of adventurers and their equipment.
  • Jade Dragon: good conversationalists, they can be mistaken for green dragons, especially as their breath weapon is a cloud of swirling brown, yellow, and green gas that poisons victims and causes victims to be infected with a rotting disease. They live in woods, and strive to be cultured and urbane.
  • Onyx Dragon: living in dismal swamps, they can be mistaken for black dragons. Their breath weapon is a cloud of inky black acid that corrodes things, and causes magical darkness to surround those affected. They like to hunt large animals near their homes.
  • Ruby Dragon: looking similar to red dragons, ruby dragons breathe melting heat which can do fire damage or melt items a character is carrying. They have ravenous appetites and hoard gems primarily.
  • Sapphire Dragon: easily mistaken for beautiful blue dragons, these dragons breathe a cone of high-pitched sound, which causes panic in victims. They live deep underground, and are extremely territorial. They love to eat giant spiders.
  • Diamond, the Star Dragon, Ruler of Lawful Dragons: Diamond has scales with the refractive qualities of faceted diamond; they glitter and gleam with so much reflected light that it is hard to stare at this dragon.
  • Opal, the Sun Dragon, Ruler of Neutral Dragons: Opal has scales which are white with thousands of tiny specks of color in all the hues of the rainbow.
  • Pearl, the Moon Dragon, Ruler of Chaotic Dragons: Pearl has scales like mother-of-pearl—white but iridescent, constantly shifting, like her Chaotic nature.
  • The Great Dragon, Ruler of Dragonkind: the first dragon Immortal, a member of the extinct Gray dragon species, he realized early on that if the dragons didn't generate more Immortals they were going to get pushed around by the puny mortal races of humans, elves, orcs, etc., so he sent Dragon Spirits to give power to dragons. The Great One has scales which glow brightly, like the surface of a white sun; no one can stare directly at him except through a darkness spell effect (through which he looks like an enormous three-headed white dragon).

The following dragons were added to the setting by the inclusion of the AD&D 2E Red Steel box set, which was put in Mystara. Obviously, they make use of cinnabryl and don't make much sense in campaigns that don't use this magical material:
  • Crimson Dragon: these are thought to be red dragons corrupted by the Red Curse to gain multiple Legaices; their mastery of Legacies are so thorough they can even choose whether or not the physical features of any Legacy are expressed or not. Their breath weapon is a cone that depletes all cinnabryl in the area of its blast; if a large-enough source of cinnabryl is depleted at once with this breath weapon, there's a chance the dragon gains a new Legacy.
  • Red Hawk Dragon: these are unique looking dragons, thought by some to be a cross between red dragons and rocs. The Red Curse grants red hawk dragons a single Legacy upon reaching adulthood and they may gain more through their lives; despite having one or more Legacies, they do not require cinnabryl to stave off Affliction. Their breath weapon is a cone of fire, but weaker than that of red dragons.

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Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
I understand leaving out the drolem, but what about the amber or pocket dragons?
Look, man, I got the Rules Cyclopedia and Master's Set PDFs a few months ago to do the Mystaran dragons, and I found an online source that gave me some info on the Red Hawk and Crimson dragon (as I don't have Savage Coast, and am not willing to buy it for 2 dragons). I'm a little annoyed that I didn't find a definitive online source for just Mystaran dragons, that doesn't muddy the waters with other settings' offerings. The above-mentioned source includes the Amber dragon as just an AD&D 2E dragon, but even that doesn't have the pocket dragon. Are you talking about the Pocket Dragon from Pocket Dragon Adventures? I'm not including non-D&D source material.

EDIT: Or, this guy's thing? I'm not generally including custom monsters, and that goes doubly-true for 5E with the explosion of DM's Guild products. I have a day job, checking out all dragon-related D&D material on the DM's Guild would be a whole second job, not to mention every custom monster posted to Reddit which would be a third job! :)

The Glen

Look, man, I got the Rules Cyclopedia and Master's Set PDFs a few months ago to do the Mystaran dragons, and I found an online source that gave me some info on the Red Hawk and Crimson dragon (as I don't have Savage Coast, and am not willing to buy it for 2 dragons). I'm a little annoyed that I didn't find a definitive online source for just Mystaran dragons, that doesn't muddy the waters with other settings' offerings. The above-mentioned source includes the Amber dragon as just an AD&D 2E dragon, but even that doesn't have the pocket dragon. Are you talking about the Pocket Dragon from Pocket Dragon Adventures? I'm not including non-D&D source material.

EDIT: Or, this guy's thing? I'm not generally including custom monsters, and that goes doubly-true for 5E with the explosion of DM's Guild products. I have a day job, checking out all dragon-related D&D material on the DM's Guild would be a whole second job, not to mention every custom monster posted to Reddit which would be a third job! :)
Pocket dragon is a small dragon found in mystara, they have stats in both creature crucible and the monstrous compendium.

Amber dragon was a gemstone dragon I believe featured in the monstrous compendium.

The Savage Coast monstrous compendium was vaporware with the collapse of TSR, but they released the entire pdf for free in 2000 on the Vaults of Pandius with several other files. You can download it free there



Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
Pocket dragon is a small dragon found in mystara, they have stats in both creature crucible and the monstrous compendium.
I didn't see it in the Monstrous Compendium volumes I have (not many). I'll check a directory.
Amber dragon was a gemstone dragon I believe featured in the monstrous compendium.
I have them in the Renegade Dragons section, which contains dragons that didn't belong anywhere else. Amber dragon didn't make the "Gem dragons" list because it's not psionic.
The Savage Coast monstrous compendium was vaporware with the collapse of TSR, but they released the entire pdf for free in 2000 on the Vaults of Pandius with several other files. You can download it free there

Cool! Didn't realize it was available for free. It's been tough compiling the list without pirating.

The Glen

From from Cyclopedia there is also the sea dragon and undead dragon. Champions of Mystara along with some 2e books gave us the lesser night dragons, along with Synn the Greater night dragon, who is a major big bad in Mystara. The drolem was a draconic flesh golem, and a total beast to fight.

Curiously enough they Printed the crimson dragon and the vermilion dragon in 2 different books But there are the exact same creature with different names because the writers didn't communicate with each other


Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
From from Cyclopedia there is also the sea dragon and undead dragon. Champions of Mystara along with some 2e books gave us the lesser night dragons, along with Synn the Greater night dragon, who is a major big bad in Mystara. The drolem was a draconic flesh golem, and a total beast to fight.

Curiously enough they Printed the crimson dragon and the vermilion dragon in 2 different books But there are the exact same creature with different names because the writers didn't communicate with each other
I'm beginning to regret even including a Mystaran Dragon thread.

The Glen

I didn't see it in the Monstrous Compendium volumes I have (not many). I'll check a directory.

I have them in the Renegade Dragons section, which contains dragons that didn't belong anywhere else. Amber dragon didn't make the "Gem dragons" list because it's not psionic.

Cool! Didn't realize it was available for free. It's been tough compiling the list without pirating.
I do a Mystara lore channel. This is my bag baby. When I get home I'll get you the locations of the pocket and amber dragons

The Glen

Pocket dragon is page 31 of the Red Creature Catalog, 75 on the green one
Amber Dragon is the Brown dragon, with rules variations detailed in 2e Monstrous Compendium
Lesser Night Dragon is in Champions of Mystara
Greater Night Dragon is Synn, she's also in CoM as well as Glantri boxed set
Undead dragon is page 32 of Red Catalog
Sea Dragon is page 31 of Red catalog

Mystara has 3 monster manuals, but with a ton of overlap, especially between the green and red ones. There's also a lot of dragon-ish creatures, but I figured you wanted true dragons only.

Voidrunner's Codex

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