So, in Dragon #134, there was a monster supplement with an AD&D 1E Astral Dragon. This guy hatched out of a ten-foot-diameter egg, which it then uses as its lair on the Astral Plane (where there generally isn't a lot of matter with which to build a lair). It grows with them, and is the same silvery color as the Astral Plane which affords it excellent camouflage. I loved this guy, as he had a very distinct look, and feel, and everything from the rest of the (at the time this came out) plain vanilla dragons. Their breath weapon has a feeblemind effect; pretty devastating on the Astral Plane where INT determines your movement rate!
In Dragon #344, they put a D&D 3.5E astral dragon that acted like a guardian of the Astral Plane. Their breath weapon dismisses targets, causing outsiders to vanish from the Astral Plane. (How does it eat?) It lost a lot of personality in my opinion. I feel salty to this day that the interesting one vanished and another staunch, humorless "alignment archetype" was substituted.