D&D General Companion Thread to D&D Survivor: Catastrophic Dragons

I love dragons, and I loved the idea of Cataclysm Dragons, but the execution seemed bland to me. The Lore gave them good tragic backstories, but for some reason it never grabbed me like other dragon types. I'm not sure if it was because I encountered them after I was already an adult, as opposed to earlier dragon groups that were introduced when I was a kid and RPGs were new to me; the nostalgia factor is always a valid thing. But the Cataclysmic Dragons just didn't click with me the same way as, say, the Gem Dragons, or even the Planar Dragons. I don't know.

That said, I have no favorites here; I'm at the point where I vote down the ones on top and vote down the ones on the bottom. The ones remaining have cool physical descriptions, in any case.

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So, Volcanic is the winner. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, it's a visually stunning and interesting dragon! Considering how one of the stories of Mount Etna is that a dragon was sleeping beneath it, and the occasional eruption was the dragon stirring in its sleep, well, I guess we can say Volcanic Dragons have a longer history than D&D!

Next thread is going to be knocking out two of the tiny dragon "families." More soon.
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So, Volcanic is the winner. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, it's a visually stunning and interesting dragon! Considering how one of the stories of Mount Etna is that a dragon was sleeping beneath it, and occasional eruption was the dragon stirring in its sleep, well, I guess we can say Volcanic Dragons have a longer history than D&D!

Next thread is going to be knocking out two of the tiny dragon "families." More soon.
Absolutely longer, even the classic red is just a lesser Volcanic dragon, so leaning in to the whole elemental nature just makes them infinitely cooler and legendary

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