Con goers -- speak of thy booty! (Briefly)


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I picked up a few things I totally expected to:
  • The Mountain Witch: The game where the story is written in blood up the snowy slopes of Mt. Fuji. Great trust mechanic, which I look forward to dissecting in greater detail after I've had a chance to see it in action in more than a demo. Very ronin, very japanese. I passed on the Kanji dice with some reluctance.
  • Polaris: The fairy-tale apocalypse. I'm not totally sold yet on the idea of rotating roles (antagonist, hierarchical, etc) so rapidly: I worry that it will cause some disorientation among people who already have trouble seeing games in those authorial terms. But everyone else says I'm being a worry-wart, and I sure hope (and expect) that they're right. Again, something to dissect. And, really, who can turn down the catch-phrase "Release your inner opium-besotted romance poet"?
  • a/State: Cyberpunk done right. Besides, Malcolm's a wild-man. Every time I looked over at his demo he was standing up yelling something like "And then he grabs your arm and sinks his teeth in!" and acting it out with verve. What a nut! I want the game that lets me do that crazy :):):):)!
And then my surprise buy of the convention:
  • Breaking the Ice: I would not think that a romantic comedy game would be for me. I have barriers. Lots of barriers about that sort of thing. This game just slips right the hell past every one of them, and that awed me. You gotta give props for a game that will make you enjoy roleplaying that you would have flat out said you were incapable of.

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Princess of Florin
catsclaw227 said:
Does anyone know when are these going to be available to us poor slobs that couldn't make it to Gen Con?


Well, I imagine you'll be able to buy them at the EN World store soon. Neither is available today, because I just checked.


First Post
PatrickLawinger said:
The Wilderlands Boxed Set should be available in September (I thinkthe date is Sept. 23, but I am not positive).

I don't know about FD's Counter Collection. If it is "digital" I would try DTRPG, it might be up already.

Patrick (one of those Necromancer Games guys)
Actually, although it's "digital", CCDigital is sold only in CD-format. Most on-line storefronts should carry it, but I don't know when it'll hit the street.


DonTadow said:
-heroscape stuff (I bought everything but the terrains. Wotc said they'd have an equal number of everything each day of the convention and I stood in line saturday only to find the guy telling me they were sold out)

Consider yourself lucky. This stuff was sold out early every day. I desperately wanted one of those Herosscape dragon expansions, but to no avail. That Heroscape stuff didn't last long. I did get the free wolf-riding orc fig, though. Very nice.


First Post
Lots of fun stuff, for the most part:

-Leatherbound 3.5 Player's Handbook
-Hex Hex
-My Life With Master
-The Big Night
-Hellsing D20
-Slayers D20
-Crusaders of the Gods
-Path of the Magi
-Tome of Levity
-Bunch of Magic:The Gathering starter packs
-Bunch of DuelMaster starter packs
-Bunch of Clout discs
-Signed bandana of the Killer Dungeon
-Spellbound Codex
-Heroclix starter sets
-Bunch of Upper Deck "Vs." shirts and backpacks
-3 of 25 signed COH prints
-Hecatomb shirt
-Newest Fuzzy Knights comic
-Newest Knights of the Dinner Table comic
-COV pre-order
-4 Scott James prints, signed
-1 Kennard print, signed
-Talon of Light, signed
-3 of 8 Hacklopedia of Beasts
-"You Might Be a Gamer If..." shirt
-WinX comics and pencil pouches
-Various comics, card decks, demo discs, mouse pads, and posters

This year, my family signed up for more scheduled events than the usual "winging it" approach, so I was actually quite surprised at the amount of bought items and swag we lugged home.


der_kluge said:
Consider yourself lucky. This stuff was sold out early every day. I desperately wanted one of those Herosscape dragon expansions, but to no avail. That Heroscape stuff didn't last long. I did get the free wolf-riding orc fig, though. Very nice.
Try checking out Target and Wal-Mart for the new expansions. The new lava expansion is a Toys-R-Us exclusive (I hate that Hasbro does that kind thing), but I haven't been lucky to find a set yet.

I did just find out that my cousin got me one of the GenCon exclusive Sworg riders! At least me not getting to GC wasn't a total loss.



First Post

- Legend of the Five Rings RPG third edition
- Ars Magica Fifth Edition
- Burning Wheel Monster Burner
- Dogs in the Vineyard (Wow!)
- On the Origins of PCs (Order of the Stick prequel)
- Tunnels and Trolls 30th Anniversary edition
- couple of back issues of Signs and Portents from Mongoose
- FlipMat battlemat from Steel Squire, easily portable, does wet/dry erase and
even sharpies erase!!!
- craft punch from Alea Tools which is perfect for all those piles of useless CCG
boosters they hand out at cons, punch 'em and use them as counters in
your game
- art print of a fairy for a christmas gift for my girlfriend.
- t-shirt from the Hickman's Killer Breakfast as gf's birthday gift (her bday is Dec. 11
and always messes me up because I have to buy extra gifts at Xmas time)

not much really, just what was in the con bag and I got a Rocketmen ship at the ENnies.


Princess of Florin
romp said:
not much really, just what was in the con bag and I got a Rocketmen ship at the ENnies.

Oh yeah? Well I got a secret decoder ring at the ENnies!

Seriously, work the EN World booth and you'll get some swag.

Frozen DM

Hmmm, plenty of finds and plenty of books. Had plenty of room heading for GenCon, and almost none on the way back (that was the plan!)

  • Serenity RPG
  • Mutants and Masterminds 2nd Edition
  • Eternal Rome
  • Medieval Players Handbook
  • Todd Gamble's Cartographica
  • Freeport Trilogy: 5-year anniversary edition
  • Temple Quarter
  • Modern Players Compendium
  • Cromagh's Guide to Goblinoids (snagged one of their Print copies on Sunday)
  • Old World Armoury (Warhammer FRP 2nd)
  • Sigmar's Heirs (Warhammer FRP 2nd)
  • Tons of Dwarven Forge stuff (skeleton army, traps and accessories)
  • Some Warhammer Fantasy Battle Books on the different races
  • Forge out of Chaos
  • Some 1$ books out of Titan Games booth
  • Hackmaster Players Guide (a gift from the generous guy running Kenzer's booth on sunday, now that's how you sell a game!)
  • Official Gencon Dice
  • A set of miniature metal polyhedral dice from Crystal Caste
  • A d2 from the fine GM for my Serenity game
  • A pair of elven d6 from Decipher (cool LotR game on Thursday)
  • More can never have too many dice!
  • A booster of Anglefire Minis (good selection of figs too. Found the pegasus I needed)
  • A couple of T-shirts (Marvel VS TCG and Hecatomb freebies)
  • A bagful of True Dungeon Tokens waiting for next year

I think that's about it. A good haul for my first time I think.
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