Con goers -- speak of thy booty! (Briefly)


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Frozen DM said:
[*]Hackmaster Players Guide (a gift from the generous guy running Kenzer's booth on sunday, now that's how you sell a game!).

The people at the Kenzer and Co. booth are all awesome! They are constantly giving great bargains, have great products, and are great people (very approachable and oh so nice!). It is not uncommon for them to give an eye-boggling deal or even a free guide/module/comic right from the rack to those who show an interest in their products. Two years ago, in fact, my hubby expressed an interest in trying Hackmaster and was given a HackMaster DM guide on the spot. Needless to say, we always visit their booth and purchase their products.

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First Post
AelyaShade said:
The people at the Kenzer and Co. booth are all awesome! They are constantly giving great bargains, have great products, and are great people (very approachable and oh so nice!). It is not uncommon for them to give an eye-boggling deal or even a free guide/module/comic right from the rack to those who show an interest in their products. Two years ago, in fact, my hubby expressed an interest in trying Hackmaster and was given a HackMaster DM guide on the spot. Needless to say, we always visit their booth and purchase their products.

I agree one hundred percent with this. Two years back at Origins a freind and I were looking at the books and the guy gave each of us a PHB. That single act has really caused me to take a second look at the gmae and company and I have a lot of respect for them.


First Post
Buttercup said:
Oh yeah? Well I got a secret decoder ring at the ENnies!

Seriously, work the EN World booth and you'll get some swag.

I might work a shift next year, just that I cannot do it alone for obvious reasons ;)

Frozen DM

AelyaShade said:
The people at the Kenzer and Co. booth are all awesome! They are constantly giving great bargains, have great products, and are great people (very approachable and oh so nice!). It is not uncommon for them to give an eye-boggling deal or even a free guide/module/comic right from the rack to those who show an interest in their products. Two years ago, in fact, my hubby expressed an interest in trying Hackmaster and was given a HackMaster DM guide on the spot. Needless to say, we always visit their booth and purchase their products.

Yup this was definitely cool. I just mentioned how a friend of mine owned a bunch of the books and was considering DMing a game, and next thing I know I've got the Player's Handbook in my hand. It's definitely put Kenzer high up on my "cool gaming company" list.

So now I just have to convince my friend to start running Little Keep on the Borderlands.

Steve Jung

US Militaries sourcebook for Spycraft 1ed. It wasn't on display, but the woman behind the AEG counter found a copy in the back.
Both Order of the Stick books. Rich Burlew signed both copies and drew a sketch of Elan in one and Roy in the other.
A Gen Con T-shirt and badge lanyard
Hard Rock Cafe Gen Con pin
The silver ENnie award-winning Battlebox from Fiery Dragon
The first Nodwick Collection, Haulin' Assets
A AD&D module: N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God. It was one of my favorite modules and I hadn't seen my copy in years.
Some True Dungeon tokens.
A Gen Con baseball cap and shot glass, a Hard Rock Cafe T-shirt, and a CephaloPod T-shirt for my brothers.

Got for Free:
DMG II, the novel Resurrection, and the 2-player starter GI Joe TCG. I won them from the Wizards booth for playing in their demos.
The deadEarth RPG, Tests of Skill sourcebook, The Slayer's Guide to Hobgoblins, The Pantheon & Pagan Faiths, and Monster Encyclopaedia II: Dark Bestiary. Received these for working the ENWorld booth.
Two Dark Naga minis, two Guenhwyvar minis, a T-34 tank mini, a PAK 38 mini, and a battle droid mini from Wizards.
Numerous CCG booster packs.
I also got a Chaosium poker chip for playing in an Call of Cthulhu intro game.


The man with the probe
Other than lots of free dice:

Battlegrounds - The miniatures/Card game. Looked interesting, and a few friends got them as well. Should be a good time waster.

Weapons of the Gods - PDF and book to ship later. Did the Demo after the book, and looks like a lot of kung-fu chopsacki goodness :)

Given the title of this thread, it had a danger of turning into a "Show us your can" contest. :uhoh: Glad it didn't


First Post
Sorry to break topic, but I've noticed a lot of people mentioning that they picked up Thieve's World. Just wanted to interject that I played it at the con and it was FANTASTIC!

The magic system overwhelmed me. I'm really, REALLY impressed with it.


Creature Cataloguer
Buttercup said:
Oh yeah? Well I got a secret decoder ring at the ENnies!

Seriously, work the EN World booth and you'll get some swag.

i got one without doing anything. :D

Aris Dragonborn

First Post
JoeGKushner said:
Did anyone see the Dark Legacies campaign setting? I wasn't there long enough to look over the whole con, but that was one item I was looking forward to seeing.

Seconded. And reposted just to keep it fresh in everyone's minds ;)


The Elminster mini given out at Ed Greenwood's Roast is sweet. Regular and epic stat cards are included. Ed was nice enough to sign mine. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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