Converting "generic setting" second edition monsters

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OK, so I'm making these relatively minor changes so far:

+2 racial bonus on Appraise and Craft (gemcutting)
Bonus Languages: Drow Sign Language, Terran

I don't know that we've done much discussion on CR yet. Maybe we can get a general consensus going on whether or not they should be CR 1 or CR 1/2.

I didn't get a chance to read over the descriptions while at work, and don't know that I will get a chance before I leave for gaming (1 hour and 15 minutes from now...), but it will happen when it happens. ;)

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On CR, I think, that the ability to Meld with Stone at will and the baility to summon Earth Elementals should push the CR to 1.

The darkvision range of 240 feet seems rather long. Any other creatures have a range like that?


Mortis said:
On CR, I think, that the ability to Meld with Stone at will and the baility to summon Earth Elementals should push the CR to 1.

Meld into stone doesn't really have much of an impact on combat, though. At best, the rockseer hides and casts a few spells on itself (assuming it has any), then re-emerges slightly more buffed. On the other hand, it loses awareness of the positions and actions of its foes and risks being injured or killed if the stone containing it is damaged. I see this much more of a factor of LA than CR (which it is..."at will" SLAs add +1 LA).

As for summoning earth elementals, they must be 6th level and take a feat to do this. If it requires a separate feat, it can't really be assumed in a base creature's CR.

Mortis said:
The darkvision range of 240 feet seems rather long. Any other creatures have a range like that?

Drow have 120 ft., and it doesn't affect their CR (it's all about the spell resistance).

I think the real litmus test is to compare them to other elves. Are they better than standard elves? Absolutely. Are they as good as drow? The drow's SR, no penalties on ability scores, and the ability to use SLAs that impact combat seem to give them the edge. So maybe we should go with CR 3/4? Is there precedent for this? I know I've seen 1/8, 1/4, and 1/2.

Shade said:
As for summoning earth elementals, they must be 6th level and take a feat to do this. If it requires a separate feat, it can't really be assumed in a base creature's CR.
Completely missed the fact that it was a feat, I just read it as another special ability. :o
I think the real litmus test is to compare them to other elves. Are they better than standard elves? Absolutely. Are they as good as drow? The drow's SR, no penalties on ability scores, and the ability to use SLAs that impact combat seem to give them the edge. So maybe we should go with CR 3/4? Is there precedent for this? I know I've seen 1/8, 1/4, and 1/2.
That's the problem are they closer to standard elves or drow in terms of power. I would argue that drow CR should be 1 higher but that besides the point... :D


Lets forget standard elves and drow for a moment. How are powerful are rockseer's compared with other CR 1/2 and CR 1 creatures? I suppose the crux would be if they are as good or better than the majority of CR 1s


Taking a sampling (feel free to add):

CR 1/2:
Hobgoblin - unbalanced ability scores
Orc - great Str, little else
Gnoll - 2 HD, unbalanced ability scores
Aasimar - resistance to 3 types of energy, SLAs, unbalanced ability scores
Tiefling - resistance to 3 types of energy, SLAs, unbalanced ability scores

CR 1:
Githzerai - spell resistance, constant +4 armor bonus, SLAs, unbalanced ability scores
Githyanki - spell resistance, SLAs, unbalanced ability scores
Duergar - 120 ft. darkvision, SLAs that affect combat, immunity to paralysis, phantasms, and poison
Svirfneblin - 120 ft. darkvision, SLAs that affect combat, nondetection

I see the rockseers about on par with the aasimars and tieflings.

Go ahead and keep debating, but I have--

Good news, everyone! ;)

I had set them aside so long ago that I forgot I had them. Before I got too busy to work on the conversion threads, it looks like I had actually printed out most of them (presumably, to take them home to look at them when I got the chance). For the rockseer, for example, I had printed out the original 10th page of this thread (which amounted to 12 actual printed pages)! I would scan and repost all of this, but honestly, that would take some time and I don't think we'd get a lot out of it. Instead, I'll skim what I have, and see what didn't get resolved already.

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