Converting "generic setting" second edition monsters

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Aspect of BOZ

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indeed! i figured out where we left off, too.

Night Below said:
The greatest wizards are reputed to possess special wands of steam and vapor which create acrid clouds of burning, blinding acid (6d6 points of damage the first round, 4d6 the second, and 2d6 the third and final).

i looked up in the Encyclopedia Magica and found the wand of steam and vapor therein (originally found in 1E's Unearthed Arcana):

Encylopedia Magica said:
A wand of this sort has two separate functions, each of which requires the expenditure of one charge:

-- Steam: The wand will spout forth a jet of superheated steam in a cone 10'x30x50'. Any creature within this area takes 6d6 points of damage. The cloud persists, slowly cooling, so that on the second round it inflicts 4d6 damage, and on the third and last round it causes 2d6 damage. Saving throws apply for half damage in all cases. Naturally, fire-dwelling or fire-using creatures will not be harmed by the steam --- unless they are harmed by dampness.

-- Vapor: The wand will gout forth billows of warm, steamy vapors. These vapors are equal to a fog cloud of 40-foot depth, 60-foot height, and 80-foot breadth. This vaporous cloud persists for six rounds, remaining stationary unless moved about by magical or nonmagical breezes or winds. Cold-using creatures will suffer 1 point of damage per round while inside the vapor cloud, and cold-dwelling creatures will take twice that amount of damage.

so, we came up with this:

Rod of Acrid Steam and Vapor
This rod has the following two magical powers:

* Steam: Once per day as a standard action, the wielder can cause the rod to spout forth a jet of superheated, acidic steam as a 50-foot cone. The steam forms a cloud that persists for three rounds, slowly cooling and dissipating. In the first round, the steam deals 3d6 points of fire damage and 3d6 points of fire damage; in the second round the steam deals 2d6 points of fire damage and 2d6 points of fire damage and in the third and final round the steam deals 1d6 points of fire damage and 1d6 points of fire damage. Creatures that succeed on a Reflex save take half damage. Also, living creatures caught in the cloud on the first round must succeed on a Fortitude save or become permanently blinded by the acid.

* Vapor: Three times per day as a standard action, the wielder can cause the rod to gout forth billows of warm, steamy vapors. These vapors spread out to an 80-foot radius cloud that lasts for six rounds. Creatures with the Cold subtype trapped within the cloud will suffer X points of damage per round. This effect otherwise functions as the fog cloud spell.

(Moderate) evocation; CL Xth; Craft Rod, fog cloud, (other spells?); Price X gp.

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Monster Junkie

I'd suggest at least 1d6 damage per round to cold subtype critters in the vapor effect. Otherwise, you're better off using the steam function on them.


Monster Junkie
Fog cloud is 2nd level, so minimum caster level is 3rd.

We could add incendiary cloud (8th level), raising caster level to 15th.

Or we could find some middle ground, maybe fog cloud and fireball, raising caster level to 5th.


Creature Cataloguer
rods in the DMG range from CL 9th-20th. of course, this could have something to do with the minimum requirements for Craft Rod. ;)

15th wouldn't be unreasonably high, i think. i count 19 rods in the DMG (taking the metamagic rods as a single item). calculating... the average CL for a for is 13.

incendiary cloud seems excellent to me, though if you like we could replace it with an appropriate 6th or 7th level spell (i wouldn't want the CL to get too low). acid fog would be ideal, for one.

Aspect of BOZ

First Post
heheh :)

Shade said:
Acid fog would work.

i agree.

Rod of Acrid Steam and Vapor
This rod has the following two magical powers:

* Steam: Once per day as a standard action, the wielder can cause the rod to spout forth a jet of superheated, acidic steam as a 50-foot cone. The steam forms a cloud that persists for three rounds, slowly cooling and dissipating. In the first round, the steam deals 3d6 points of acid damage and 3d6 points of fire damage; in the second round the steam deals 2d6 points of acid damage and 2d6 points of fire damage and in the third and final round the steam deals 1d6 points of acid damage and 1d6 points of fire damage. Creatures that succeed on a Reflex save take half damage. Also, living creatures caught in the cloud on the first round must succeed on a Fortitude save or become permanently? blinded by the acid.

* Vapor: Three times per day as a standard action, the wielder can cause billows of warm, steamy vapors to gout forth from the rod. These vapors spread out to an 80-foot radius cloud that lasts for six rounds. Creatures with the Cold subtype trapped within the cloud will suffer 1d6 points of damage per round. This effect otherwise functions as the fog cloud spell.

Moderate evocation; CL 11th; Craft Rod, fog cloud, acid fog; Price X gp.

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