Converting "generic setting" second edition monsters

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Attempting to determine cost:

50 charges, spell trigger Spell level (6) x caster level (11) x 750 gp = 49,500
Charges per day Divide by (5 divided by charges per day [1]) = divide by 5
49,500/5 = 9,900

50 charges, spell trigger Spell level (2) x caster level (11) x 750 gp = 16,500
Charges per day Divide by (5 divided by charges per day [3]) = divide by 1.66
16,500/1.66= ~ 9,940

Multiple different abilities Multiply higher item cost by 2 (9900 x2) = 19,800

Or, to follow the guidelines for staffs, add .75 x the second function cost to the total. This would give:

9,940 x .75 = 7,455
19,800 + 7,455 = 27,255.

This isn't really my forte, so if anyone has a better solution, please post it.

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if that was calculated correctly, i'll take the 27,255. :)

only two other items remain potentially unresolved:

Night Below said:
Rockseer wizards of 11th and higher level know the secrets of creating magical "familiars" (more correctly, golem-like constructs) called stone dragonets. These incredibly intricate slender stone statuettes are 12" long plus an additional 9" to 12" of tail; they move as if perfectly articulated, and the finest of them have gems of extraordinary kind as eyes. A stone dragonet has AC -2, HD 2, hp 16, and attacks three times per round for 1d3/1d3/1d4 (claw/claw/bite). It has 25% general magic resistance, 75% resistance to Elemental Earth spells, and complete immunity to petrification (obviously), illusions, gaseous attacks, poison, paralyzation, and spells which affect corporeal bodies generally. A wizard with such a familiar gains a -2 bonus to his or her own Armor Class and cannot be surprised. If the gem-eyes of the statuette are each of value not less than 5,000 gp, the eyes of the dragonet can cast a brilliant eyebite glare once per day if the correct spells are cast during the creation of the familiar.

Rockseers are gem cutters and craftsmen almost without equal; even gnomes and dwarves would hesitate to claim they could better Rockseer work. They can almost scent gemlodes deep in the Underdark and think nothing of spending ten years Grafting and sculpting a single gem. The truly great Rockseer wizard-artisans are able to sculpt a gem with magic into forms of almost painfully exquisite beauty, generating fractal patterns of brilliant color and radiance within the heart of the gem as it grows. A handful of such perfectly crafted gems can be used to create a helm of brilliance (divide all gem numbers required by five, and each gem can fulfil its function five times before becoming nonmagical).

For the stone dragonets, we discussed stating them up separately as constructs, and then describing how they are created in the Construction section of the entry.

We could also make them similiar to figurines of wondrous power.

As far the gemcrafting, didn't we give them a racial bonus to Appraise and Craft (gemcutting)? If not, we should.

I think having the stone dragonets as constructs would be the way to go.

BOZ tacked on a +2 racial to both those skills at the top of page 10 of this thread. I agree these are good additions.

we did give them a bonus, but would that cover this part? "The truly great Rockseer wizard-artisans are able to sculpt a gem with magic into forms of almost painfully exquisite beauty, generating fractal patterns of brilliant color and radiance within the heart of the gem as it grows. A handful of such perfectly crafted gems can be used to create a helm of brilliance (divide all gem numbers required by five, and each gem can fulfil its function five times before becoming nonmagical)." if not, should we add it as just flavor text maybe?

as for the dragonets, yes, giving them stats as a Construct seems appropriate. anyone have the condensed stat block handy? :) let's break that down to make it easier to read:

Rockseer wizards of 11th and higher level know the secrets of creating magical "familiars" (more correctly, golem-like constructs) called stone dragonets.

These incredibly intricate slender stone statuettes are 12" long plus an additional 9" to 12" of tail; they move as if perfectly articulated, and the finest of them have gems of extraordinary kind as eyes.

A stone dragonet has AC -2, HD 2, hp 16, and attacks three times per round for 1d3/1d3/1d4 (claw/claw/bite).

It has 25% general magic resistance, 75% resistance to Elemental Earth spells, and complete immunity to petrification (obviously), illusions, gaseous attacks, poison, paralyzation, and spells which affect corporeal bodies generally.

A wizard with such a familiar gains a -2 bonus to his or her own Armor Class and cannot be surprised.

If the gem-eyes of the statuette are each of value not less than 5,000 gp, the eyes of the dragonet can cast a brilliant eyebite glare once per day if the correct spells are cast during the creation of the familiar.

some basic placeholders in the meantime:

Stone Dragonet
Tiny Construct
Hit Dice: 2d10 (11 hp)
Initiative: +X
Speed: X ft (X squares)
Armor Class: 22 (+1 size, +X Dex, +X natural), touch X, flat-footed X
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+X
Attack: Claw +X melee (1d3)
Full Attack: 2 claws +X melee (1d3) and bite +X melee (1d4)
Space/Reach: 2 1/2 ft/0 ft
Special Attacks: Eyebite
Special Qualities: Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft, low-light vision, resistance to earth spells, spell resistance X
Saves: Fort +X, Ref +X, Will +X
Abilities: Str X, Dex X, Con ---, Int ---, Wis X, Cha X

Aspect of BOZ said:
we did give them a bonus, but would that cover this part? "The truly great Rockseer wizard-artisans are able to sculpt a gem with magic into forms of almost painfully exquisite beauty, generating fractal patterns of brilliant color and radiance within the heart of the gem as it grows. A handful of such perfectly crafted gems can be used to create a helm of brilliance (divide all gem numbers required by five, and each gem can fulfil its function five times before becoming nonmagical)." if not, should we add it as just flavor text maybe?

Flavor text. The helm of brilliance doesn't include any provisions for special gems, so no need to make a big deal out of it here.

Aspect of BOZ said:
as for the dragonets, yes, giving them stats as a Construct seems appropriate. anyone have the condensed stat block handy?

Old-school or newfangled?

Aspect of BOZ said:
Rockseer wizards of 11th and higher level know the secrets of creating magical "familiars" (more correctly, golem-like constructs) called stone dragonets.

I'd say we have our creator level. ;)

Aspect of BOZ said:
These incredibly intricate slender stone statuettes are 12" long plus an additional 9" to 12" of tail; they move as if perfectly articulated, and the finest of them have gems of extraordinary kind as eyes.

Sounds like Tiny to me.

Aspect of BOZ said:
A stone dragonet has AC -2, HD 2, hp 16, and attacks three times per round for 1d3/1d3/1d4 (claw/claw/bite).

AC 22. We've got our full attack line.

Aspect of BOZ said:
It has 25% general magic resistance, 75% resistance to Elemental Earth spells, and complete immunity to petrification (obviously), illusions, gaseous attacks, poison, paralyzation, and spells which affect corporeal bodies generally.

Most of this is covered by the construct type. If we go the golem right, we'll just need to focus on the vulnerabilities.

Aspect of BOZ said:
A wizard with such a familiar gains a -2 bonus to his or her own Armor Class and cannot be surprised.

We can state that rockseers can take 'em as familiars with the Improved Familiar feat at a certain level, I suppose, and impart these benefits.

Aspect of BOZ said:
If the gem-eyes of the statuette are each of value not less than 5,000 gp, the eyes of the dragonet can cast a brilliant eyebite glare once per day if the correct spells are cast during the creation of the familiar.

Variant or "greater stone dragonet".

Shade said:
Flavor text. The helm of brilliance doesn't include any provisions for special gems, so no need to make a big deal out of it here.

okey-dokey. ;)

Shade said:
Old-school or newfangled?

is there more than one type? :) you know, the one where it's condensed into a paragraph. i think i've still seen it in use. heck, even if it isn't, i still want to use it here. ;)

Shade said:
I'd say we have our creator level. ;)

Sounds like Tiny to me.

AC 22. We've got our full attack line.

Most of this is covered by the construct type. If we go the golem right, we'll just need to focus on the vulnerabilities.

see post 386 in the meantime. ;)

Shade said:
We can state that rockseers can take 'em as familiars with the Improved Familiar feat at a certain level, I suppose, and impart these benefits.

that's a good idea. :)

Shade said:
Variant or "greater stone dragonet".

or, we could write up the ability and say that only certain dragonets get it.

Old-school format you seek.

Stone dragonet: Tiny construct; HD 2d10; hp 22; Init +x; Spd x ft. (x squares); AC 22, touch x, flat-footed x; Base Atk +1; Grp +x; Atk +x melee (1d3, claw); Full Atk +x melee (1d3, claw) and +x melee (1d4, bite); Space/Reach 2 1/2 ft./0 ft.; SA eyebite; SQ construct traits, darkvision 60 ft, low-light vision, resistance to earth spells, spell resistance X; AL N; SV Fort +x, Ref +x, Will +x; Str x, Dex x, Con -, Int -, Wis x, Cha x.
Skills and Feats: If any.

A stone dragonet can be acquired as a familiar by a Xth-level rockseer arcane spellcaster with the Improved Familiar feat. See page 200 of the DMG for more information.

Note that it gets a +2 size bonus to AC.

danke. :)

Tiny creatures typically have Str 2-5 and Dex 12-23. we could make it a little bit stronger, since it is a stone construct (why not?), and i'd put dex somewhere mid-range.

i would only give it an Int score if such things are necessary for it to be a familiar. most unintelligent constructs seem to have Wis 10-11 and Cha 1.

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