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Converting "generic setting" second edition monsters

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Creature Cataloguer
OK, updating in homebrews. take one last, long look over it to make sure everything is cool. :)

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First Post
Looks done to me, except for one very minor issue.

The feet abbrevations in the Space/Reach line need full stops.



First Post
(Probably O/T) Feat question

I probably should have started a new thread in the DnD Rules forum but it was the new feats for the Rockseer Elf that reminded me.

What (if anything) is the difference between a Racial Feat and a General Feat with a racial prerequisite? Is it that General Feats are covered by the SRD and Rcial feats aren't?

I noticed similar things with other types of feats as well such as bardic, divine etc.



Monster Junkie
I think it is an attempt to better classify the hordes of feats out there. Originally, you just had General, Item Creation, and Metamagic feats. Then Defenders of the Faith introduced Divine feats, and now more and more subtypes have shown up.

I hope in the theoretical 4th edition that they divide feats as much as possible, making it easier to find a "sneak attack" feat, for example, rather quickly.

Anyway, to date [Racial] has been used in a couple different ways.

Some Racial feats allow you to gain additional or better benefits based on the number of Racial feats you possess. Dragon #324's Racial feats alter a character's racial characteristics, and only allow you to possess one, which must be selected at first level. Still other books, like Races of Stone, use Racial to simply designate a race prereq. <whew>


First Post
Cheers Shade,
Shade said:
Some Racial feats allow you to gain additional or better benefits based on the number of Racial feats you possess. Dragon #324's Racial feats alter a character's racial characteristics, and only allow you to possess one, which must be selected at first level. Still other books, like Races of Stone, use Racial to simply designate a race prereq. <whew>
Its just that I've noticed that they use the sub-categories a lot it the book that introduces that particular sub-category but hardly ever after in other books. :(



Creature Cataloguer
OK, call me crazy (no, really, go ahead!), but i want to work on this one next. :) blame echohawk for reminding me about it. ;)

Fiend Folio:

MOVE: 9"
% IN LAIR: 50%
NO. OF ATTACKS: Variable
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 6-36 or by weapon type
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
6HD: V/400 + 6 per hit point
7HD: VI/575 + 8 per hit point
8HD: VI/925 + 10 per hit point

Protein polymorphs are intelligent cellular colonies with the ability to assume any form they choose. They may take the form of inanimate objects or animate creatures of 8 or fewer hit dice (depending on the size of the protein polymorph – 6, 7, or 8 hit dice). The form assumed may actually be that of several forms connected by a near-invisible (10% chance of detection) cord or film of protoplasm. The cells of the protein polymorph may specialize or de-specialize at will, taking on different textures and colours, changing completely in only one round.

These 'creatures' are extremely versatile. They may imitate anything from a pile of treasure to a small-sized room, to a party of half a dozen humans or a dozen kobolds. They will, in general, assume any form likely to draw prey, for they feed on humans and animals with little regard for type and size. They may even mix inanimate objects within their structure to add authenticity - a room or a corridor may, for instance, be part stone and part protein polymorph. Imitated creatures may wear real clothing and wield real weapons (often acquired from previous victims).

There are limits to the protein polymorph's degree of cellular control - it cannot accurately copy facial expressions, nor can it effectively duplicate the sound of speech. These limitations may lead to the exposure of the imposture as animate creatures. similarly, if a protein polymorph disguises itself as an inanimate object, there is a base chance of detecting the imposture from a distance of 10' away, but upon touch the animate nature of the cells is instantly revealed.

The normal attack of a protein polymorph is to bludgeon its prey and then enfold and crush it, inflicting 6-36 hit points of damage per round. When in the form of weapon-wielding creatures, multiple or single, it will attack as the creatures themselves would normally attack, doing damage by weapon-type as appropriate.

Protein polymorphs possess the normal strengths of imitated creatures but not those creatures' special abilities.

Echohawk said:
Protein Polymorph
(From Dungeons of Despair, p64; (c) 1999 TSR, Inc.)

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Temperate to sub-tropical/Land
DIET: Carnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Average (8-10)
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral

THAC0: 15 (6 HD), 13 (7-8 HD)
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Imitation (see below)
SIZE: L (12' tall or wide)
MORALE: Elite (13-14)
XP VALUE: 6 HD: 1,400; 7 HD: 2,000; 8 HD: 3,000

Protein polymorphs are intelligent cellular colonies with the ability to assume almost any form they choose. In their natural state, they appear as large amorphous blobs or columns of glistening, protoplasmic gray matter.
Protein polymorphs have no spoken language and do not converse or interact with other species. They consider most other creatures their prey.

Combat: A protein polymorph can assume the form of any inanimate object or animate creature with hit dice equal to or fewer than its own (depending on the size of the protein polymorph -- 6, 7, or 8 Hit Dice). The form assumed may actually be that of several forms connected by a near-invisible (10% chance of detection) cord or film of protoplasm. The cells of the protein polymorph may specialize or despecialize at will, taking on different textures and colors, changing completely in one round. Protein polymorphs retain their own hit dice, hit points, and THAC0 while adapting the imitated creatures' armor class, number of attacks, and damage per attack. They possess the normal strengths of imitated creatures, but not those creatures' special abilities. Thus, a polymorph assuming the form of a giant bird cannot fly, and one assuming the form of a giant spider cannot inject poison or spin webs.
The polymorph is extremely versatile. It can imitate anything from a pile of treasure to a small-sized room, to a party of half a dozen humans or a dozen kobolds. The polymorph will, in general, assume a form likely to draw prey; it feeds on humans and animals with little regard for type and size. A polymorph might even mix inanimate objects within its structure to add authenticity -- a room or a corridor may, for instance, be part-stone and part protein polymorph. Imitated creatures may wear real clothing and wield real weapons (often acquired from previous victims).
The normal attack of a protein polymorph in its natural state is to bludgeon its prey and then enfold and crush it, inflicting 6-36 hp damage per round. When assuming the form of weapon-wielding creatures, multiple or single, it inflicts damage by weapon type, as appropriate.

Habitat/Society: Protein polymorphs are solitary, asexual hermaphrodites. They procreate by fission, dividing into two smaller polymorphs, each with half the parent's hit dice and hit points. These juvenile polymorphs gain 1 HD of growth every month until they are as large as the original parent. Protein polymorphs are territorial hunters, claiming an area of wilderness for themselves and destroying competing predators in that area. The only exception is when two or more protein polymorphs encounter each other; under these rare circumstances, two protein polymorphs might share the same territory, dividing the spoils evenly. More typically, however, one of the polymorphs leaves in search of another hunting ground. Protein polymorphs recognize their own kind regardless of guise and never attack one another.
There are limits to the protein polymorph's degree of cellular control. It cannot accurately copy facial expressions, nor can it effectively duplicate the sound of speech. These limitations may lead to the exposure of the imposture as animate creatures. Similarly, if a protein polymorph disguises itself as an inanimate object, there is a 10% base chance of detecting the imposture from a distance of 10 feet away, but upon touch the animate nature of the cells is instantly revealed.

Ecology: Protein polymorphs are voracious hunters and must devour food regularly to provide the necessary nutrients. If a polymorph cannot find food within 24 hours, it must forage elsewhere. Its ichor can be used to create potions of polymorph self that have double the usual duration (8 + 2d4 turns).


Creature Cataloguer
Erica had attempted to begin a conversion of this one using just the 1E stats (and i didn't know there were 2E stats until yesterday), here: http://p105.ezboard.com/fnecromancergamesfrm31.showMessage?topicID=347.topic

there are notes on that thread, but here are the stats repeated - undoubtedly we can use them as a source of inspiration:

Protein Polymorph
Large Shapechanger
Hit Dice: 6d8+6 (33 hp)
Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Speed: 20 ft.
AC: 18 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +7 natural)
Attack: Slam +3 melee
Damage: Slam 1d6
Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved multi-weapon fighting, engulf, crush 6d6
Special Qualities: True polymorph, darkvision 60 ft., ooze qualities
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +8
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 12
Skills: 26
Feats: 2
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Often chaotic neutral
Advancement: 7-9 HD (Large); 10-12 HD (Huge)

The natural state of a protein polymorph is that of an ooze-like ball of protoplasm. Rather than being a single creature, a protein polymorph is actually a vast colony of single-celled organisms amassed into an intelligent blob.

The protein polymorph is true shapechager, and is able to assume nearly any form it can conceive. A single protein polymorph can appear to be anything that is of roughly the same size as itself—one protein polymorph can even appear to be several different creatures when it is in fact each “individual” has a barely visible thread of protoplasm connecting them.

Normally, a protein polymorph attacks by simply slamming its opponent with a pseodopod. If it assumes the form of multiple creatures, it can attack with weapons as that creature normally would.

Improved Multi-Weapon Fighting (Ex): Because any part the cellular mass that makes up a protein polymorph can act more or less independently, a protein polymorph that takes on the form of multiple objects can strike with its full melee bonus for each form.

Engulf (Ex): A protein polymorph can simply mow down Large or smaller creatures as a standard action. It cannot make a slam attack during a round in which it engulfs. The protein polymorph merely has to move over the opponents, affecting as many as it can cover. Opponents can make opportunity attacks against the protein polymorph, but if they do so they are not entitled to a saving throw. Those who do not attempt opportunity attacks must succeed at a Reflex save (DC 14) or be engulfed; on a success, they are pushed back or aside (opponent’s choice) as the protein polymorph moves forward. Engulfed creatures are subject to the protein polymorph’s crush attack, and are considered to be grappled and trapped within its body.
A protein polymorph that has engulfed an opponent cannot change its shape in any way for as long as it holds the opponent inside.

Crush (Ex): A protein polymorph deals 6d6 points of damage per round to engulfed opponents.

True Polymorph (Ex): A protein polymorph can assume the appearance of nearly anything roughly approximating its own size. It can flatten itself out to a thickness of 1 inch and cover a square with sides 3 times its Face in length. It can also form multiple creatures and objects, each connected by a barely visible thread of protoplasm. When it is using this tactic, it requires a Spot check (DC 25) to detect the thread. When it forms multiple objects, each must remain within a number of feet equal to three times its face. It can form 1 object of its own size, or 1 object of one size category less than itself for every two hit dice it possesses. If it forms objects two size categories less than itself or smaller, it can make two such objects per hit die. For example, a 6 HD protein polymorph can make one Large object, up to six Medium-size objects, and up to 12 Small or smaller objects. Regardless of the appearance the multiple objects, the protein polymorph can only deal slam damage and its armor class does not change. Thus, even if the protein polymorph transforms into six human warriors in plate mail wielding greatswords, its armor class does not change and it still deals only slam damage.

When it is in the form of an inanimate object, a Search or Spot check (DC 20) is required to detect the ruse. Any intelligent creature that touches a protein polymorph in any form automatically detects the ruse, as the protein polymorph cannot truly emulate texture and hardness. A protein polymorph that adopts the form of a living creature cannot accurately emulate emotions or voices, and with only a few rounds of interaction a Sense Motive check (DC 15) will detect the ruse.

A protein polymorph can only assume the appearance of creatures and objects; it does not gain any of the special abilities of the emulated creature.

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