Converting Maztica and Horde monsters


Monster Junkie
Comparing to other unique outsiders, he seems about CR 21, mostly due to his vast array of spell-like abilities.

Most uniques of this CR have AC in the 40-44 range.

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First Post
freyar said:
Can he actually use Shadow Walk, or is it banned because it takes you to the borders of the Plane of Shadow? I actually think quickening Shadow Conjuration would be interesting, since he can't summon or call real things. ;)

I think that's a great idea, freyar.


Extradimensional Explorer
AC 42 seems good, but do you think CR 21 is high enough given the number of SLAs he can use? Or is the issue that he can only use so many in a given encounter?


Monster Junkie
freyar said:
AC 42 seems good, but do you think CR 21 is high enough given the number of SLAs he can use? Or is the issue that he can only use so many in a given encounter?

Since he's only limited to one (or two if you count the quickened shadow conjuration) SLAs per round, it's not that much more deadly than the other unique outsiders opening with their best SLAs. He doesn't have any other deadly supernatural abilities to fall back on, so it kind of balances out.

He also has less HD than the majority of CR 21 uniques.

Rather than give him large amounts of natural armor to achieve AC 42, how about this?

Intellectual Defense (Ex): Due to his incredible knowledge of fighting styles, Monkey applies his Intelligence modifier as an additional bonus to his Armor Class. He loses the benefits of this ability when flat-footed.


First Post
Shade said:
Intellectual Defense (Ex): Due to his incredible knowledge of fighting styles, Monkey applies his Intelligence modifier as an additional bonus to his Armor Class. He loses the benefits of this ability when flat-footed.
That still leaves him 14 points short of 42. Perhaps a deflection bonus based on Cha? That would give another +7. After that I suppose a +7 natural armor bonus is about right.


Voidrunner's Codex

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