Converting Maztica and Horde monsters


First Post
Shapechange can be similar to the Manggus' ability, without the exceptions.
Change Shape (Su): A manggus can assume the shape of any Medium, Large, or Huge creature. The creature’s hit dice cannot exceed twice the manggus’ hit dice. The new form must be a creature that the manggus has personally seen. In a different form, the manggus loses its natural attacks, but gains all extraordinary and supernatural abilities of the new form. A manggus can remain in a form until it chooses to assume a new one. A change in form cannot be dispelled, but a manggus reverts to its natural form when killed. A true seeing spell or ability reveals its natural form. If the manggus takes fire damage from any source, it is immediately forced back into its natural form.

Stripping out the exceptions:
Change Shape (Su): Monkey can assume the shape of (any?) creature. The creature’s hit dice cannot exceed twice Monkey's hit dice. In a different form, Monkey gains all the extraordinary and supernatural abilities of that form. Monkey can remain in a form until he chooses to assume a new one. A change in form cannot be dispelled, but Monkey reverts to his natural form if killed. A true seeing spell or ability reveals his natural form.

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Monster Junkie
Monkey can take many different forms, but generally restricts himself to a human appearance or his natural form. This is of a human with a monkey's face, dressed in robes finer than those of the greatest Shou mandarin. He has impeccable manners. (Although by the standards of the Celestial Court he is crude and profane.)

That could work, or we could just simplify it to the doppelganger's ability since he generally takes human form:

Change Shape (Su): A doppelganger can assume the shape of any Small or Medium humanoid. In humanoid form, the doppelganger loses its natural attacks. A doppelganger can remain in its humanoid form until it chooses to assume a new one. A change in form cannot be dispelled, but a doppelganger reverts to its natural form when killed. A true seeing spell or ability reveals its natural form.

Skills: *When using its change shape ability, a doppelganger gets an additional +10 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks.

Which do you all prefer?


First Post
Shade said:
Suggestions for feats (he gets 7)?
Could give him some Dex-based feats - (Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack), add Alertness, and top it off with Quicken SLA. And then add 2 more. Improved Init for a +13 init? ;) Or some others to boost his SLAs.
Or Great Fortitude and Iron Will to boost his "low" saves.


Extradimensional Explorer
I'd go with Weapon Finesse probably before the Dodge-tree (or in addition). The SLA-boosters are good, but we need to pick some "signature" SLAs to apply them to. Unless of course we want to let him apply metamagic feats to his SLAs in the Master of Magic ability. :]


Monster Junkie
freyar said:
I'd go with Weapon Finesse probably before the Dodge-tree (or in addition). The SLA-boosters are good, but we need to pick some "signature" SLAs to apply them to. Unless of course we want to let him apply metamagic feats to his SLAs in the Master of Magic ability. :]

Nah, I think that ability is plenty powerful as-is.

We could figure out a few that are worth quickening, though. He can quicken up to a 6th-level spell, and could empower up to an 8th.


Monster Junkie
Okay, so how about...

Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse?

Shall we give him a magical katana, and if so, what plusses/properties?

Voidrunner's Codex

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