Converting Maztica and Horde monsters


Extradimensional Explorer
Shade said:
Suggestions on the feats and skills?

Ugh, it's scary how many skills he's gonna have. Max out spellcraft, I guess. Should we bother to give him knowledge ranks? Probably several types of perform, since he's cultured. Max out Concentration (I think you still need that with SLAs). I'd go with the CHA based skills, too: Bluff, Gather Information, Intimidate, Diplomacy.

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Monster Junkie
I don't see a need for Knowledge skills, except for religion, since he can't use his omniscient ability on deities.


First Post
freyar said:
Ugh, it's scary how many skills he's gonna have. Max out spellcraft, I guess. Should we bother to give him knowledge ranks? Probably several types of perform, since he's cultured. Max out Concentration (I think you still need that with SLAs). I'd go with the CHA based skills, too: Bluff, Gather Information, Intimidate, Diplomacy.

How many skills does he get at max rank?

I agree with freyar and Shade. Max: Spellcraft, Concentration, Knowledge (Religion), Bluff, Gather Information, Intimidate, Diplomacy, several varieties of Perform(Dance, several instruments, song), and then see how many points are left over. Tumble and Jump could help his performances. Climb to match his name :)


Monster Junkie
Skills: 17 at 23 ranks (391 total)

How about max ranks in...

Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Religion), Listen, Perform (dance, song, wind instruments), Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Tumble


Extradimensional Explorer
I think you've got 18 there. How about dropping either Balance or Tumble? Or splitting the ranks about evenly between them?


Monster Junkie
Fair enough. His high Dex and synergy bonuses will still make them more than adequate.

Upon re-reading his entry, Appraise and Intimidate also seem appropriate. Maybe shave half ranks off spot and Listen and apply to these two skills?


Extradimensional Explorer
We've already got intimidate down for max ranks, but shaving some off spot and listen for appraise sounds good.


Monster Junkie's this look now?

Appraise 17, Balance 11, Bluff 23, Climb 23, Concentration 23, Diplomacy 23, Disguise 23, Gather Information 23, Intimidate 23, Jump 23, Knowledge (Religion) 23, Listen 15, Perform (dance, song, wind instruments) 23, Sense Motive 23, Spellcraft 23, Spot 15, Tumble 11


Extradimensional Explorer
That seems pretty good to me. Since he has all the illusion spells as SLAs, do we want to shift some of his Disguise over to Appraise or something else? Otherwise, I'd say it's time to work out synergies.


Monster Junkie
We could do that. He also gets the +10 to Disguise when using his change shape/alternate form (which we still need to handle).

Voidrunner's Codex

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