Converting Maztica and Horde monsters


Monster Junkie
A few more attempts at the "Master of Magic" ability:

Master of Magic: Monkey casts spells as a 20th-level sorcerer. He treats all arcane and divine spells from any spell list as known spells, with the following exceptions: limited wish, miracle, wish, spells that allow planar travel, and conjuration spells with the calling or summoning descriptors. Monkey never needs any verbal, somatic, or material components for these spells, nor does he pay XP costs or require an arcane or divine focus.


Master of Magic (Sp): At will, Monkey may use any arcane or divine spell from any spell list as a spell-like ability, with the following exceptions: limited wish, miracle, wish, spells that allow planar travel, and conjuration spells with the calling or summoning descriptors. The saving throw DC for such abilities is 17 + spell level (10 + spell level + Monkey's Charisma bonus).


Note that even deities are limited as follows:

A deity can use any domain spell it can grant as a spell-like ability at will. The deity’s effective caster level for such abilities is 10 + the deity’s divine rank. The saving throw DC for such abilities is 10 + the spell level + the deity’s Charisma bonus (if any) + the deity’s divine rank.

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Extradimensional Explorer
Shade said:
A few more attempts at the "Master of Magic" ability:

Master of Magic: Monkey casts spells as a 20th-level sorcerer. He treats all arcane and divine spells from any spell list as known spells, with the following exceptions: limited wish, miracle, wish, spells that allow planar travel, and conjuration spells with the calling or summoning descriptors. Monkey never needs any verbal, somatic, or material components for these spells, nor does he pay XP costs or require an arcane or divine focus.


Master of Magic (Sp): At will, Monkey may use any arcane or divine spell from any spell list as a spell-like ability, with the following exceptions: limited wish, miracle, wish, spells that allow planar travel, and conjuration spells with the calling or summoning descriptors. The saving throw DC for such abilities is 17 + spell level (10 + spell level + Monkey's Charisma bonus).


Note that even deities are limited as follows:

A deity can use any domain spell it can grant as a spell-like ability at will. The deity’s effective caster level for such abilities is 10 + the deity’s divine rank. The saving throw DC for such abilities is 10 + the spell level + the deity’s Charisma bonus (if any) + the deity’s divine rank.

Well, he's mechanically more deific (and much more frightening of an opponent if anyone wants to go up against him) with the SLAs, but maybe we should keep him a step below actual deities by making him use spell slots. Hard to decide. I guess I'm leaning toward SLAs, since that seems a little easier and there's probably not much difference in a single encounter.


First Post
freyar said:
Well, he's mechanically more deific (and much more frightening of an opponent if anyone wants to go up against him) with the SLAs, but maybe we should keep him a step below actual deities by making him use spell slots. Hard to decide. I guess I'm leaning toward SLAs, since that seems a little easier and there's probably not much difference in a single encounter.
It would only make a difference if he was in combat with an opponent of near-equal power. In this case, spell slots would restrict him more than SLAs. I vote for SLAs.


Monster Junkie
Since it looks like all who have responded are leanding towards SLAs (as am I) shall we go that route and see where it leads?


Monster Junkie
Taking that approach, does this look feasible?

Master of Magic (Sp): At will, Monkey may use any arcane or divine spell from any spell list as a spell-like ability, with the following exceptions: limited wish, miracle, wish, spells that allow planar travel, and conjuration spells with the calling or summoning descriptors. The saving throw DC for such abilities is 17 + spell level (10 + spell level + Monkey's Charisma bonus).


Extradimensional Explorer
This looks pretty good. Do you think the DCs will be high enough to challenge PCs he's likely to face? Maybe we can give him some kind of super ability focus or something.


Monster Junkie
freyar said:
This looks pretty good. Do you think the DCs will be high enough to challenge PCs he's likely to face? Maybe we can give him some kind of super ability focus or something.

I'm not sure it is necessary, since he can theoretically buff himself endlessly.


First Post
Shade said:
I'm not sure it is necessary, since he can theoretically buff himself endlessly.

I agree. Though he still has 7 feats coming to him, so he may get a focus of some sort from there. I do not think he will require one in addition to his feats, however.


Monster Junkie
dhaga said:
I agree. Though he still has 7 feats coming to him, so he may get a focus of some sort from there. I do not think he will require one in addition to his feats, however.

Suggestions on the feats and skills?

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