Converting Maztica and Horde monsters


First Post
Feats look good to me.
His katana should definitely be magical. It could be keen, for extra nastiness.
Not sure what the base bonus should be. +3?

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Extradimensional Explorer
Hmmm, no feats for the SLAs?

Just glancing at the MIC, a 20th level NPC (just going by his HD for the moment) should have a +5 equivalent weapon, if that helps. So probably +3 or +4 with a fun property or two. Keen could work, or maybe there's something extra flavorful. Have to look that up...


Monster Junkie
freyar said:
Hmmm, no feats for the SLAs?

No one suggested any, and I couldn't think of any "must haves". If you've got one or two, we can swap out for the save-booster feats.

freyar said:
Just glancing at the MIC, a 20th level NPC (just going by his HD for the moment) should have a +5 equivalent weapon, if that helps. So probably +3 or +4 with a fun property or two. Keen could work, or maybe there's something extra flavorful. Have to look that up...

+3 keen merciful? or +3 keen defending?


Monster Junkie
Updated Homebrews.

We should replace Weapon Finesse, since it can't be used with a katana. Any suggestions? Quicken SLA (X)?

fly 60 ft. (perfect?)

Armor Class: 30+ (+9 Dex, +x natural), touch x, flat-footed x

spell resistance CR +7

Environment: x
Challenge Rating: x
Treasure: x


Extradimensional Explorer
Can he actually use Shadow Walk, or is it banned because it takes you to the borders of the Plane of Shadow? I actually think quickening Shadow Conjuration would be interesting, since he can't summon or call real things. ;)

Flight should be perfect, maybe CR/2 natural armor? SR looks good.
Environment: Any
CR: epic, though he's probably supposed to be a social encounter
Treasure: triple standard?


Monster Junkie
freyar said:
Can he actually use Shadow Walk, or is it banned because it takes you to the borders of the Plane of Shadow? I actually think quickening Shadow Conjuration would be interesting, since he can't summon or call real things. ;)

Interesting. :cool:

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