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Converting monsters from First Edition modules

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Monster Junkie
We're approaching a year on this one as well. How about Pasha of the Efreet? I know we had it earmarked for the Epic thread, but seeing as that thread is popular and this one isn't, why not just do it here? ;)


Creature Cataloguer
here's a new one!

FREQUENCY: Very rare
MOVE: 9''
HIT DICE: 4' - 30 hp; 8' - 50 hp; 12' - 70 hp - %
IN LAIR: 100%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 4' - 2 darts; 8' - 4 darts; 12' - 8 darts
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-3 per dart
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Steam, darts (stun and slow) and crush (see below)
SIZE: 4' - S; 8' - M; 12' - L
Attack/defence modes: Nil
LEVEL/xp VALUE: 4' - VI/950; 8' - VII/1325; 12' - VII/1700

This diabolical machine, created by the kagu-svirfnebli, consists of a low, elongated, metal dome, whose surface is broken only by small slits through which its weapons may be fired. Only the kagu-svirfnebli understand its construction and animation. It is propelled by a multitude of small wheels that protrude from its underside. The bozorg fires darts which stun and slow (see the svirfneblin in the FIEND FOLIO* tome) and has two nozzles which epithets of steam. There are three sizes of bozorg measuring 4, 8 and 12 feet in length, and which have varying hit joints and attacks as shown. All of them attack and save as 8 hit dice monsters.

The vapour jets fire simultaneously to the fore and aft in a cone, with varying effects as follows (a successful saving throw vs. Breath means that the damage is halved):
4' bozorg - range 3"; base diameter 1"; damage 2-8 hp
8' bozorg - range 6"; base diameter 2"; damage 3-12 hp
12' bozorg - range 9"; base diameter 3"; damage 4-16 hp

The numbered darts fired per round depends on the size of the bozorg (darts can be fired in any direction):
4' bozorg - 2 darts per round
8' bozorg - 4 darts per round
12' bozorg - 8 darts per round

If the bozorg rolls over a prone victim, it will cause 1-4 hit points of crushing damage each round until it moves on, or is flipped over.

If reduced to below zero hit points, a bozorg's power source will overload, rapidly heating its outer shell and causing 1-8 hit points of heat damage to anyone within 10 feet. After one round it implodes (harmlessly) and cools, becoming completely useless. If the bozorg is turned over, it cannot move and its underside (AC 9) is exposed. It during combat, a character scores a hit, having previously stated an intention to try to turn the monster over, the chance of doing so is shown below (note that no damage is done to the bozorg during the attempt):
4' bozorg - bend bars percentage
8' bozorg - bend bars -10%
12' bozorg - bend bars -20%

A bozorg can move easily over any smooth surface at an angle of less than 45 degrees. However, it will become completely immobilized by soft ground. It is immunity attacks using heat, cold or electricity as well as any attacks upon the will or mind, as the bozorg has neither.

some preliminary stats for the maschin-i-bozorg:

Medium Construct
Hit Dice: 8?d8+20 (6 hp)
Initiative: +X
Speed: 20 ft (4 squares)
Armor Class: 19 (+X Dex, +X natural), touch X, flat-footed X
Base Attack/Grapple: +X/+X
Attack: Dart +X ranged (1d3 plus X)
Full Attack: Dart +X ranged (1d3 plus X)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: crush, steam
Special Qualities: Construct traits, darkvision 60 ft, immunity to cold, electricity, and fire, low-light vision
Saves: Fort +X, Ref +X, Will +X
Abilities: Str X, Dex X, Con X, Int ---, Wis X, Cha X
Skills: ---
Feats: ---

Environment: Underground
Organization: 1-20
Challenge Rating: X
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: X
Level Adjustment: ---

Originally found in module UK4 – When a Star Falls (1984, Graeme Morris).


First Post
BOZ said:
Medium Construct
Size could, perhaps, vary depending on the original's length - Maybe:
4 ft = Small
8 ft = Medium
12 ft = Large
(Just seen that the original stats give the same sizes) :eek:
Hit Dice: 8?d8+20 (6 hp)
Constructs d10's?
Again vary with size?
Small (4 ft): 4d10+10
Medium (8 ft): 6d10+20
Large (12 ft): 8d8+30

Armor Class:
Small (4 ft): 20 (+1 Dex, +8 natural, +1 size)
Medium (8 ft): 19 (+1 Dex, +8 natural)
Large (12 ft): 18 (+1 Dex, +8 natural, -1 size)

Base Attack/Grapple: +X/+X
Small (4 ft): +3/+X (+3 + Str Mod -4 size)
Medium (8 ft): +4/+X (+4 +Str mod)
Large (12 ft): +6/+X (+6 + Str mod +4 size)

Full Attack: Dart +X ranged (1d3 plus X)
Size affects number of darts?
Small (4 ft): 2 darts +X ranged (1d3 plus X)
Medium (8 ft): 4 darts +X ranged (1d3 plus X)
Large (12 ft): 8 darts +X ranged (1d3 plus X)

Abilities: Str 12/16/20 depending on size?, Dex 12, Con ---, Int ---, Wis 11, Cha 10

Some special attacks/abilities

Vapor Jets (Ex): The bozorg fires two vapor jets, simultaneously, from its front and rear in a cone, with varying effects as follows (Reflex save for half; the Reflex save is Str based?):
Small (4 ft) bozorg: 15 ft cone; damage 2d4 fire.
Medium (8 ft) bozorg: 30 ft cone; damage 3d4 fire.
Large (12 ft) bozorg: 45 ft cone; damage 4d4 fire.

Power Surge (Ex): When a bozorg is reduced to less than 0 hit points, its power supply begins to overload. This causes its outer shell to rapidly heat up and inflicts 1d8 points of fire damage to anyone within 10 ft (Reflex save for half?). The round after the bozorg harmlessly implodes and cools down, becoming completely useless.

UK4 said:
If the bozorg rolls over a prone victim, it will cause 1-4 hit points of crushing damage each round until it moves on, or is flipped over.
Is this enough to give it a trample attack?

The bozorg fires darts which stun and slow

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First Post
Shade said:
What does this imply? Did the svirfies have similar darts in the FF?
Must check.

If they don't do we want to keep the darts? If so I suggest that the 'slow' be the primary effect with the stun being secondary - its not much use to have a slowed opponent 1 minute (10 rounds) into an encounter.



Creature Cataloguer
before getting into those other concerns, i will post this:

Fiend Folio said:
Each individual also carries a pouch of special darts, 7-10 hand-hurled missiles of about nine inches in length, with a 40' range and which inflict 1-3 hit points of damage. When one of these darts strikes it is constructed so as to compact and break a small glass bead containing a gas. Any creature struck on its front parts must save against poison; if it fails, the puff of gas has reached the creature's system and the creature will be stunned on the next round and slowed for the four rounds following that.


Creature Cataloguer
svirfies might not have these darts anymore (don't know; haven't looked), but as they are pretty central to the bozorgs, i would keep it for certain.

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