Converting monsters from Imagine Magazine


Extradimensional Explorer
I'll assume that basic means basic D&D rules vs AD&D.

So, DR 10/magic? I think there should be SLA neutralize poison 1/week. Also detect poison at will (if not as a different kind of special ability).

Telepathic Link (Su): By concentrating as a standard action, the druid creator can see through the eyes of his or her rock totems if they are within 20 ft.

Magic Immunity (Su): Rock totems are immune to spells except as follows: passwall and transmute rock to mud destroy rock totems, and stone to flesh reduces the natural armor bonus of the rock totem to that of the base creature (on a failed save).

And this should probably be a template applied to any animal, huh?

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Monster Junkie
Yep, Basic refers to Basic D&D.

That all looks good.

Inherited template, eh?

Type changes to construct?

Average Int = 8-10

"They possess average intelligence and wisdom": 8-10 here as well?


Monster Junkie
Note that the rock totem is listed as having a single attack at 1d10, but it doesn't appear to have an explanantion for why.

This gives us some flexibility. Which of the following would you prefer?

1.) Stick with the base animal's natural attacks, unmodified.
2.) Grant Improved Natural Attack as a bonus feat to one or more of the base animal's natural attacks.
3.) Replace the base animal's natural attacks with a slam attack.
4.) Something else


Monster Junkie
Since the scales are slightly tipped toward option #2, and I think that would be my preference as well, let's go with option #2.

Summarizing a bit...

"Rock totem" is an inherited template that can be applied to any animal (referred to hereafter as the "base creature"). A rock totem uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here

Size and Type: The creature's type changes to construct.

Armor Class: The base creature’s natural armor bonus improves by +x.

Special Qualities: A rock totem retains the special qualities of the base creature, and also gains the following qualities.

Damage reduction 10/magic

Detect Poison (Su): A rock totem continually detects poison (as the spell).

Spell-Like Abilities: 1/week - neutralize poison.

Magic Immunity (Su): Rock totems are immune to spells except as follows: passwall and transmute rock to mud destroy rock totems, and stone to flesh reduces the natural armor bonus of the rock totem to that of the base creature (on a failed save).

Telepathic Link (Su): By concentrating as a standard action, the druid creator can see through the eyes of his or her rock totems if they are within 20 ft.

Ability Scores: Increase the creature's Intelligence and Wisdom scores to 9 (unless already better). As a construct, the a rock totem has no Constitution score.

Feats: A rock totem gains Improved Natural Attack as a bonus feat for all its natural attacks.

Challenge Rating: +x


Extradimensional Explorer
Shade said:
Armor Class: The base creature’s natural armor bonus improves by +x.

+4 might be good here, or maybe even +6. The original AC is 2 (or 18 in 3e); what's the usual natural armor bonus for animals?

Not sure about the CR bonus. Hmmm.

Voidrunner's Codex

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