Converting monsters from Imagine Magazine


Extradimensional Explorer
dhaga said:
They are intended to supplement the standard abilities, to make each variant slightly unique.

The problem I see is that these SLAs are of different powers (just check spell level). Does that bother anyone else? Also, do we want to give the "standard" variant an extra SLA to match?

In addition, I don't think 10th level illusionists can case maze in 3.X, since it's 8th level. Does anyone have a different idea?

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Monster Junkie
freyar said:
The problem I see is that these SLAs are of different powers (just check spell level). Does that bother anyone else? Also, do we want to give the "standard" variant an extra SLA to match?

Good question. Let's address this first...

freyar said:
In addition, I don't think 10th level illusionists can case maze in 3.X, since it's 8th level. Does anyone have a different idea?

Maze is a bit high for an 8-HD creature. On the other hand, it doesn't really cause any permanent harm.

Here are several possiblities:

  • Drop maze and replace it with mirage arcana (which is also more of an illusion spell than maze)
  • Create a "lesser maze" effect
  • Stick with maze and not sweat the fact that it's 8th-level


Extradimensional Explorer
I think I like mirage arcana a bit better, but I'd be ok with sticking to maze. Making a "lesser maze" seems like a bit much work.

As for the other stuff, I think I was mostly thrown by maze, though the listed SLAs go from 1st to 5th level.


Monster Junkie
Trying to compile this:

Spell-Like Abilities: At will--confusion (DC 16), fear (DC 16), light, mirage arcana (DC 17). Caster level 10th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

How about we make the variant spell-like abilities based on the gem drgaons replace mirage arcana? Mirage arcana can be the spell-like ability for the "illusion" variant.


First Post
Shade said:
How about we make the variant spell-like abilities based on the gem drgaons replace mirage arcana? Mirage arcana can be the spell-like ability for the "illusion" variant.
That sounds fair to me.


Extradimensional Explorer
Shade said:
Trying to compile this:

Spell-Like Abilities: At will--confusion (DC 16), fear (DC 16), light, mirage arcana (DC 17). Caster level 10th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

How about we make the variant spell-like abilities based on the gem drgaons replace mirage arcana? Mirage arcana can be the spell-like ability for the "illusion" variant.

Also good here. But I'd like to bump them all up to around 5th level. Color spray is just lousy compared to mirage arcana. ;)


Monster Junkie
freyar said:
Also good here. But I'd like to bump them all up to around 5th level. Color spray is just lousy compared to mirage arcana. ;)

Fair enough. Let's revisit the gem dragons' abilities, including the psioncs and special SLAs as well this time:

Amethyst--invisibility, suggestion (psionics); amethyst telekinesis, explosive gem, body equilibrium (special SLAs)
Crystal--color spray, control winds (SLAs); charm person, domination (psionics)
Emerald--legend lore, fog cloud, improved invisibility, sculpt sound (SLAs); nondetection, clairaudience/clairvoyance (psionics); shield of prudence (special SLA)
Sapphire--stone shape, move earth, wall of stone (SLAs); teleport (psionic); skate (special SLA)
Topaz--control winds, fog cloud, control weather (SLAs); shapechange, feather fall (psionics);

So maybe...

Amethyst = telekinesis
Crystal = charm monster
Emerald = greater invisibility
Sapphire = wall of stone
Topaz = control winds


Monster Junkie
Updated Homebrews.

It looks like we still need the following...

spell resistance x

Feats: Weapon Focus (ray), 2 more

Challenge Rating: x

Treasure: A single gemstone worth X gp

Advancement: x

A gem hylem is 2-6 inches long and weighs x pounds.

Voidrunner's Codex

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