Converting monsters from Imagine Magazine

RavinRay said:
If we go by Mortis' suggestion we can give them low-level spell-like abilities that are either the closest analogs of gem dragon psionics or spells that are used as psi-like abilities.

I like this idea.

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RavinRay said:
Hmm, fluff-wise they seem like magical counterparts of psicrystals. If we go by Mortis' suggestion we can give them low-level spell-like abilities that are either the closest analogs of gem dragon psionics or spells that are used as psi-like abilities. Some examples.
  • amethyst: invisibility, suggestion
  • crystal/quartz: charm person, color spray
  • emerald: fog cloud, legend lore
  • sapphire: detect teleporation (as detect scrying, but for teleportation effects only
  • topaz: feather fall

If we're going to stick to the "created by illusionists" bit from the original text, would it be more flavorful to keep these mostly to illusion spells? Or at least give each one an illusion spell?

Freyar said:
If we're going to stick to the "created by illusionists" bit from the original text, would it be more flavorful to keep these mostly to illusion spells? Or at least give each one an illusion spell?

Good point. I would think each one should have something drawn from the Illusion school, maybe in addition to another spell or 2, in keeping with the original flavor.

freyar said:
If we're going to stick to the "created by illusionists" bit from the original text, would it be more flavorful to keep these mostly to illusion spells? Or at least give each one an illusion spell?
I wasn't too clear in my post above - I don't think that we should do away with the link to illusionists but perhaps have another version/subspecies that are based around the gem dragons.

That said, I agree that each of the original hylems should have one (at least) illusion based ability - even better if we could tie in those abilities based on the gem type.


Why don't we replace fog cloud with minor image (or major?) for the emerald, give the sapphire hypnotic pattern or ventriloquism, and give the topaz silence or phantom trap? I'm just throwing ideas around, since I don't quite remember the flavor of each of these dragons (and am at work)...

Added to Homebrews.

I like the suggestion of sticking with the illusionist for the standard gem hylem, and making gem dragon variants.

Thoughst on ability scores? We know they are Semi-intelligent (Int 2-4), and have no Con score as constructs. Str should be very low, and Dex probably high. Cha should be decent as well (several mindless golems I spot checked have Cha in the 13-15 range), and Wis is often 11 for golems.

I'd go with Str 1 Dex 20 Con - Int 4 Wis 11 Cha 15 or something like that.

Gem dragons as variants sounds good, too.

freyar said:
I'd go with Str 1 Dex 20 Con - Int 4 Wis 11 Cha 15 or something like that.

I'd say those stats look fair.

If we agree on those stats, that will help complete Init, Armor Class, ranged touch...

For feats, how about Weapon Focus (Ray), Spell Focus (Illusion), +1 more?

I'm not sure what skills would be useful for such a creature.

We'll need to determine how many different kinds of gem hylems there are. As many as there are of gem dragons? How many is that?

dhaga said:
I'd say those stats look fair.

Me too.

dhaga said:
If we agree on those stats, that will help complete Init, Armor Class, ranged touch...

Indeed. :)

dhaga said:
For feats, how about Weapon Focus (Ray), Spell Focus (Illusion), +1 more?

Weapon Focus sounds good. I'd avoid Spell Focus, as about half the official rulings don't think it applies to spell-like abilities.

dhaga said:
I'm not sure what skills would be useful for such a creature.

Concentration would be useful since it has SLAs and no Con bonus.

dhaga said:
We'll need to determine how many different kinds of gem hylems there are. As many as there are of gem dragons? How many is that?

Five...six if you count the obsidian from WotC's if you count Sardior.

6 would be a good number; 1d6 to determine its type randomly is easier than 1d5 ;)

Is there a "Spell-like Ability Focus" feat to help boost the SLAs?

We could boost its ray attack further with Point Blank Shot, though something to better its SLAs would be useful.

I agree Concentration would be a good skill; we could dump all its skill points into it, I think.

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