Converting monsters from Imagine Magazine

dhaga said:
6 would be a good number; 1d6 to determine its type randomly is easier than 1d5 ;)

There's the ectoplasmic dragon, which is also psionic (basically a gem dragon), but neither obsidian or ectoplasm are really gems. ;)

Is there a "Spell-like Ability Focus" feat to help boost the SLAs?
Ability Focus would work, wouldn't it?

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Shade said:
I like the suggestion of sticking with the illusionist for the standard gem hylem, and making gem dragon variants.
Well, if we're talking about illusions, the aboleth and blue dragon have illusory spell-like abilities we can use for comparison.
freyar said:
There's the ectoplasmic dragon, which is also psionic (basically a gem dragon), but neither obsidian or ectoplasm are really gems.
I'm a bit surprised the ectoplasmic dragon isn't more like the planar dragons (it is extraplanar in origin), otherwise it wouldn't have psion manifesting levels but more psi-like abilities instead. Obsidian, while it can be used for jewelry, isn't a mineral like the other gems (crystal is quartze) but a glass because it doesn't have a ordered internal structure. That's why I consider it the aberrant gem dragon just as the brown dragon is the aberrant chromatic dragon and the steel dragon is the aberrant metallic dragon.

RavinRay said:
I'm a bit surprised the ectoplasmic dragon isn't more like the planar dragons (it is extraplanar in origin), otherwise it wouldn't have psion manifesting levels but more psi-like abilities instead. Obsidian, while it can be used for jewelry, isn't a mineral like the other gems (crystal is quartze) but a glass because it doesn't have a ordered internal structure. That's why I consider it the aberrant gem dragon just as the brown dragon is the aberrant chromatic dragon and the steel dragon is the aberrant metallic dragon.

This all makes sense to me. For the hylems, then, why don't we say roll 1d6 to determine the type, where the type is either "standard" or a variant keyed to one of the five ordinary gem dragons?

freyar said:
For the hylems, then, why don't we say roll 1d6 to determine the type, where the type is either "standard" or a variant keyed to one of the five ordinary gem dragons?
Sounds like a good way to go. Now we need to flesh out which abilities which types have available.

We need to finish off those feats, too. Ability Focus (most useful SLA), Weapon Focus (Ray), +1. I put forth Point Blank Shot, but I'm sure there are other ideas :)

Updated Homebrews with the ability scores decided upon above.

Quicken SLA or Empower SLA could also be a decent feat, if feasible based on our SLA selection and caster level.

If many of their SLAs end up being illusion-based, I would think Quicken SLA would be better than Empower SLA. Or maybe something to increase duration.

Does anyone have a list of the gem dragon SLAs / abilities, by type?

Amethyst (psionics only)--invisibility, suggestion.
Crystal--color spray, control winds.
Emerald--legend lore, fog cloud, improved invisibility, sculpt sound.
Sapphire--stone shape, move earth, wall of stone.
Topaz--control winds, fog cloud, control weather.

Shade said:
Amethyst (psionics only)--invisibility, suggestion.
Crystal--color spray, control winds.
Emerald--legend lore, fog cloud, improved invisibility, sculpt sound.
Sapphire--stone shape, move earth, wall of stone.
Topaz--control winds, fog cloud, control weather.

The hylems are not very intelligent, so they should probably have SLAs that do not require a high intelligence to use effectively.

For our matching hylems, how about:
Amethyst -- invisibility
Crystal -- color spray
Emerald -- improved invisibility
Sapphire -- wall of stone
Topaz -- fog cloud

They can have a few other SLAs, as well, but the ones matching their gem dragon type should be their primary abilities, probably usable more times per day than the others.

Ideas for SLAs for the "standard" variant?

dhaga said:
The hylems are not very intelligent, so they should probably have SLAs that do not require a high intelligence to use effectively.

For our matching hylems, how about:
Amethyst -- invisibility
Crystal -- color spray
Emerald -- improved invisibility
Sapphire -- wall of stone
Topaz -- fog cloud

They can have a few other SLAs, as well, but the ones matching their gem dragon type should be their primary abilities, probably usable more times per day than the others.

Ideas for SLAs for the "standard" variant?

I've lost track of this one. Are we going with the following as standard for all gem hylems...

Imagine Magazine said:
At will, gem hylems can once per round use the following abilities: light, fear, confusion, and maze; as a 10th level illusionist.

...and adding additional abilities based on gem type? Or are the abilities you listed intended to be replacements for the variant hylems?

I guess I kind of lost track, too :o

They are intended to supplement the standard abilities, to make each variant slightly unique.

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