Yeah, that list is fine for the fighter bonus feats.
Will add those with the next update.
For other feats: I could kind of see Rapid Shot on top of the flurry of blows. :demon: How about also Great Fortitude and some skill boosters?
Rapid Shot I like.
Don't see much use for Great Fortitude.
It already has a good Fortitude save from Martial Resilience and undead are immune to a lot of Fortitude save abilities.
For skills, I don't think feats would give a decent cost-reward ratio.
For "booster feats" I would think Improved Initiative would be better as a +4 on Initiative is more valuable than a +2 on a couple of skills.
Combat Reflexes is obviously useful, as it's likely to be in a many-on-one combat and it can also use the extra Attacks of Opportunity with Martial Parry.
Let's see…
We could go for Power Attack and Cleave like you suggested earlier, if you think we can spare the feats. The next feat on the Point Blank Shot queue is Manyshot, but I don't think that'll be much use.
There are a few martial-compatible general feats from the Psionic SRD, namely Reckless Offense and Stand Still, while the Divine Abilities SRD offers Power Critical and Hold The Line (if we give it Combat Reflexes).
We could maybe give it a spell-related feat such as Combat Casting, Spell Focus or Spell Penetration? The Keeper has one Necromancy spell with a save (
blindness/deafness) and two Enchantment spells (
hold person). Would adding +1 to the DC of those be worth a feat?
Failing that, we could boost its unarmed strike ability with Improved Critical, Improved Natural Attack, Weapon Focus or Weapon Specialization. I'm not keen on the Improved NA option as, while legal by RAW it feels really cheesy plus making it 2d8 unarmed strike damage would render the
chimes somewhat superfluous.
So how about the following for a start:
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, 3rd Feat, 4th Feat, 5th Feat
[possibilities: Cleave, Power Attack, Reckless Offense, Spell Focus (enchantment or necromancy?), Spell Penetration]