Converting Oriental Adventures creatures

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Monster Junkie

On to the cave kala...

They have 2 more HD, deal 1 die greater damage, have 3 points better AC, move a tad bit slower, and have a pain attack rather than disease breath.

The bite of a kala (make a normal attack roll) inflicts no damage, but it injects a terrible toxin. The venom causes progressive pain unless the victim makes a successful saving throw vs. poison. These pains begin slowly and build in intensity. On the first round of effect, the victim notices discomfort similar to a strong headache. On the second round, the pain spreads, causing the victim to suffer a -1 penalty on his attack and damage rolls, and a +1 penalty on all saving throw rolls. By round three, the pain is quite strong, increasing the penalties to -2/ +2. By round four, the pain is excruciating, and the penalties are -4/ +4. By round five, the pain is so great that it incapacites the victim; he cannot move, attack, or take any other actions. From the time of the initial bite, the pains last for 1-3 turns.

Borrow from symbol of pain?


Extradimensional Explorer
Symbol of pain works for me, but I'd rather make this a straight Su effect and drop references to "toxin" or "poison."


Monster Junkie
Symbol of pain works for me, but I'd rather make this a straight Su effect and drop references to "toxin" or "poison."

That's what I was thinking. Not stating "as symbol of pain", but rather borrowing the creature "suffers wracking pains that impose a –4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks" bit.


Monster Junkie
Rather than boosting the damage die on their claw attacks, shall we just boost Str by 2? We can still have a greater damage die on the manufactured weapons, if we change handaxes to battleaxes.


Monster Junkie
Added to Homebrews.

We figured out the pain effect, but not its delivery. It has a bite that deals no damage. Should we model it off the vampire, requiring a grapple? Or simply add a secondary bite attack that deals only "pain"?

Voidrunner's Codex

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