Converting prehistoric creatures

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Extradimensional Explorer
By the way, that reminds me: there's a "new monsters" link at the top of the CC homepage, which is now broken. I guess that (non-ENWorld) site is gone now.

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Feel free to start a thread on this. Honestly, I'm more concerned with converting the remaining critters than statting out every prehistoric creature of interest (not that that's not a worthy goal!)

I'm not real sure about the permissions for a publication. I doubt WotC would appreciate reprinting stuff from their 3e books like Stormwrack and so forth, but they probably won't pay much attention to things from past editions that are essentially just statblocks of real-world prehistoric creatures.

I doubt WotC would appreciate anything I do, but that is another story altogether - they can reap the benefits of my work later when they have to pay me for it following their many years of thinking of their own superiority... For now, I am going to take that one day at a time. I will start here, and with the two other resources I know of online - and deal with the corporate side of it when it is a viable compilation of literature to show in my proposals. ;) I learned long ago to have a rough draft available to sell ideas.

If everyone who is a fan of dinosaurs and prehistoric beasties is in agreement, however - a project goal of reviewing, balancing, and revising past posts of related creatures until we have a workable ecological spectrum would be excellent. Rabbit and I are working specifically with dinopriminals (prehistoric guardinal concept) right now, but everything vital to a unique and memorable campaign setting could really help, and there is a lot of untapped potential in the prehistoric domain - potentially even highly marketable with upcoming generations of dino-loving kids (I was one, and I bet the rest of you were too!)

I will make a revision thread separate from the Phantasy Prehistorium specifically to get a refined animal ecology down pat to make it easier to deal with.

I'm afraid we won't be putting them on the CC. The CC is strictly for conversions (or slight variations we can at least tie to a creature that had stats in a previous incarnation of the game). I know that homebrew sites exist (although I haven't looked at one myself in ages), and I'm sure some of the fine folk around here can point them out to you. Failing that, you can always start a summary thread in Homebrews (like we do with the finished conversions) so they're all in one place. Or use the ENWorld Wiki.

By the way, that reminds me: there's a "new monsters" link at the top of the CC homepage, which is now broken. I guess that (non-ENWorld) site is gone now.

I made a comment on the index of unconverted creatures about my questions. Also, what governs the direction of the Creature Catalog aside from conversions of previous editions?


Monster Junkie
I made a comment on the index of unconverted creatures about my questions. Also, what governs the direction of the Creature Catalog aside from conversions of previous editions?

That is pretty much it's only direction. That's always been a lofty goal, considering the sheer number of creatures from previous editions.

See my reply in the other thread you referenced. It's not my sandbox...I'm just a kid who shows up every day to make sand castles. :)


Great analogy, Shade. And thanks - that helps immensely. More to come, then.

For those who want to do revisions in addition to the conversions, I set up a thread here: Prehistoric Animals Review & Revisions. I will try to get a re-written index posted as soon as I can.

And you know, here's a thought: what should be done with these 3E creatures that might be incredibly cool for new 4E players? In other words, is converting present creatures to 4E the next step after completing the conversion from past editions to 3E? If so, how the HELL can it even be managed? Or is that the point of WotC's actions: to completely screw us out of ever making anything of our own ever again for the most current system (so as not to be competitive with them for their profits)?

Just a thought...
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Extradimensional Explorer
xido -- we don't have any plans at the CC to convert to 4e. Even the legal issues would probably be difficult to work out, never mind personal taste. Converting the unconverted beasties to 3.X will take a few years, no doubt, and then we can always update the ones that only made it to 3.0. ;)


Well, as long as we have something good to discuss, we could keep this thread open a little longer. ;) :D

Well, I have been dead broke for the whole year - and then some... So I have had little to no money to invest in gaming materials since the release of 4e. At that time, I carefully reviewed the books published and released, including artwork, potential contribution to current games, potential for materials which would be of value to crafting/converting to 4e for possible publication ideas (even a mention of the new GSL/ content, for god sakes!), as well as how useful they might be to me in the next year, when I could then afford to re-evaluate them again. I have yet to purchase them after careful consideration - and with good reason.

So, when I had money that I considered using on 4e is worth it at that time (it would have had to be REALLY worth it at that time, too - because I was still recovering from being homeless and separated from people I knew - but it was possibly that important, considering my ideas of putting together something from my compiled previous ideas...). I looked at Pathfinder and considered it as interesting as Forgotten Realms or Eberron setting publications - which I didn't feel like purchasing - although I liked that they were not going to 'shift forward' with WotC 4e. I knew a few publishers stuck behind, unwilling to see the new market that Wizards was trying to create.... Anyways, I didn't buy any of that stuff. I bought the 3e and 3.5e stuff from WotC and third party publishers that was going on huge sale now that Wizards decided to screw their baseline consumers... I mean, revamp... or something.

What is the summary delineation of Pathfinder in terms of a campaign/method/story, and aside from the annual allotment of new material compilations (are they a bi-monthly or quarterly publication?), how else is it worthwhile?

Now that Wizards has stirred their RPGA into 4e-centric players and GM/storytellers methodology, there is no real comprehensive and independent roleplaying organization to fill the gap that the RPGA leaving its previous fans behind has created... Is there something I am missing here that will help the 3.5e community alive, well, and maintained despite WotC's drop of the system? I am all for it, but I want to see our baseline benefit from the work we've got to offer. I am always working on compiling previous content to new campaign setting material; is Pathfinder a great resource for helping to develop those goals? I always thought Dragon was great - never got to see the difference between it and Dungeon magazine...

So let's be clear, in addition to the index of unconverted animals, there are also similar lists of unconverted creatures of other types as well, yeah? I would like to scope of this project to get an idea, and see how far-fetched it would be ask the two of you to also just kind of keep an idea on the discussion about balancing the prehistoric animals currently outlined, and setting up a system of ideals for incoming animal requests as needed.

I think it would be great to have the two of you keeping watch just to keep it moving swiftly and not getting stuck on silly or erroneous points (I am guilty of it as well, so me just the same as everyone else), and making sure that precendents once set should be maintained. Aside from simply creature revisions, there are also a few homebrew feats and skill usage creations as well that might be considered for review. I just think it would be helpful to have organized people around to think it through with us. Me and Cleon is a sad story by ourselves - it could go so much more smoothly with just a quip from each of you every day or so on progress made.

Plus, I like to beg for perks on creatures I really like, and you both are good at telling me no - which I need. Please. *puppy eyes*
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Extradimensional Explorer
Hehe, I'd love to work on the prehistoric animal revisions, but I just can't keep up when you and Cleon get going, at least not with how busy I am with work right now (which is just applying for new jobs at the moment, not even my real work). So I have trouble just staying up on the actual conversions. ;) But I'll try to drop in now and then if I get a chance.

There are indeed other lists of unconverted critters! Echohawk has many threads, including breakdowns by type and setting, and there is also his master index of all D&D monsters ever. One of the stickied threads in this forum is our "countdown" thread of all the unconverted monsters left. We're probably down close to 800 to go, depending on whether you only count stuff actually in the CC already.

As for Pathfinder, the name means two different things. There is the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting, which includes the main book and a lot of supplements and is the setting for the monthly adventure path books. It's also the setting for Pathfinder Society Organized Play, which is Paizo's version of the RPGA. But Pathfinder also means the Pathfinder RPG, which is sort of like D&D 3.75. There's an online SRD for it, either through Paizo here or on a fansite here. It's largely compatible with 3.5e, but it's tweaked a bit for smoother play. The Bestiary is just coming out (think 3.5 MM with some critters changed out), so I'm jazzed to see how some of the monsters have changed. In any event, it has a big following, and I think you can convert rules on the fly, so there is essentially now continual support for 3.X D&D.


Pathfinder Game

Looks like Tumble and Jump became Acrobatics - which is always decent; I enjoyed Sleight of Hand, and Monte Cook's Sneak as Move Silently and Hide combined skill uses.

But, CMA and CMD? I can make a melee attack, but defending...? And what about a ranged attack? I am not quite sure I get that bit right now.

I would probably be much more excited seeing a beastiary - I always enjoy monster compendiums, ecologies/supplements for types/subtypes/races, and the like. I have many third party books for just that reason - they have excellent monster resources that always stir my creativity.

I would appreciate the simple monitoring as it is possible. Believe it or not, Cleon blows even me out of the water on timely postings of large amounts of content... Even I feel out of breath after reading them. :p ;) But I would definitely love any reviews of stats, descriptions, flavor text and homebrew abilities, etc for balance and precedence to the other animals/dinos/prims already converted.

Also, after hearing Raptorial (Rappy)'s input on the last converted creatures, I certainly have to ask him/her to give input on the creatures that I would admit is a specialization that is so helpful here, and I also think would keep us on task. Maybe if someone involved in the larger plans wanted to make a mention to other creators and conversion members to ask if they would like to put in on it - I think the more people contributing the faster it moves and gets things done, like you did here (I came in at like page 33, and here we are on page 51 in almost no time!) I think it would add a nearly priceless contribution to your conversions & homebrew that would pay itself off, and which I plan on instituting a punlishable standard prehistoric ecology as a standalone resource, or for implementation into a fantasy/other campaign setting. Just a posting about it and some credibility is all it needs to get finished relatively quickly and simply - and keeping an eye every now and again will keep it from being a ranting mess, which is always a plus. ;)

Rappy, please don't leave me abandoned! This is your calling, I promise! :D So far, outwardly helping in it are Cleon, InsanePsychoRabbit, and myself - as well as another member from the WotC forum, usernamed bhu. Plus, this forum has so much success to show for its accomplished goals, and this is the perfect outlet for the unique experience of the members here....


Extradimensional Explorer
Regular melee and ranged attacks work as usual in Pathfinder. CMB and CMD are for performing special combat maneuvers (grapple, bull rush, disarm, etc) and defending againtst them. It's a single, more streamlined system. The "Pathfinder RPG" forum toward the top of the ENWorld forums listing has some threads about specifics.

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