Converting prehistoric creatures

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Ok, yeah I see it now (it was a long night when I found your response and that page). That makes sense. I always wondered why we couldn't just have it as a detail mark on the weapon/attack form entry/table.... Having BAB by itself directly solves no issue of attack except picking up a rock or big stick and attacking someone with it, and I always thought it was a little big and obvious for being merely a bit of data built into other separate attack equations. I get why CMA/CMD would be helpful and useful.

Where would be the best place to get interested people to review, rank and recommend on your homebrew works on this site? I need to get a full review of two rolls I have been employing on my work with immortals/deities because of how it relates to new material - specifically review by people that have never seen it before....?

Particularly, the rolls I need looked at are called 'Ego' and 'Spirit'. The former is a variant rule for intelligent items, and how two minds/psyches interact between divine powers; the latter is an inherent spiritual force driving the power without need for its Ego/Psyche (Subconscious, superconscious, divine consciousness). See them here: Ego Roll and Spirit Roll. These were initially created for use with Deific Traits (De) as an alternative to Divine Rank-based divine dominance, for use with my other variant rules system for immortality, or Inath / Cabala Inata. Now I need to find a way to balance and strategize them for use with (another) system called Nymian Sigilry. In other words, I need to fix a chinked link in my chain, and I wonder where people will look at it and give me input like we all got here over the last good while.

Ego Rolls not to be confused with Egg Rolls. Thanks! ;)

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Extradimensional Explorer
Hmm, try posting in the 3e homebrew rules forum. I'm afraid I'm not much use with divine rank rules, though.


Oh, I was under the impression that now that the conversion for this specific need is over that this forum would be locked.

I could indeed help with the conversion, but the whole project I began on was with prehistoric creatures, and I must finalize that and the fantasy implications of such creatures in game usage for the campaign setting stuff before I branch out too far again. My last campaign setting that I had hoped to publish went up in flames when friends of mine whom had worked with me on the cosmology and worlds decided they did not want any of their materials published... ever.

So I am starting all over new and making sure that my ecology makes the most sense first and working my way out from there using fiction and themed elements. I wasn't going to go back to anything related to immortality and Divine Rank with this new campaign setting, but I realized these rolls would be necessary with Sigilry because of the use of Ego to establish psychic dominance over sigil effects, etc.

Have you never been in a position where a player was interested in becoming a demigod, or a DM who was really into bringing the gods down to earth? I have found that having a player-oriented system for this is actually not only more organized and not delineated around Divine Rank, as well as more balanced in terms of splitting it over multiple levels of progression, as opposed to simply gaining a boatload of divine powers over a very short span of time, and simply with the upgrade of a whole Divine Rank. [Divine Rank only]: Very icky, not fun, not very creative, and so little to look forward to as a player. It makes one consider the aspects of atheism as a character in a much more positive light as well - which is counter-intuitive to the idea of Divine Power at all. I had to make a system which helped to eliminate these restrictions.


Yeah, sorry - the thread. :p Well, you know I can't argue with that, but I have to stay on task at least until I get a final deliverable together that says that I can diversify again. First I need to finish prehistoric creatures (and variations on them, templates, etc.), angelic beings dealing with protection over Nym, and get a leg up on these Mechanoids as well (Outsiders, and Living Constructs) - which should be a simple conversion from Modron stats. So I will catch up with yall when I am getting done with those things and have more time to devote to just sitting around being creative. ;) In the meantime, Cleon and I are going to bust out some beasties.

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