Converting Psionic Creatures


Extradimensional Explorer
I don't really like adding any hp damage, as this seems potent enough.

Isn't option number 4 the same as option number 1? In any case, is option 1 an acceptable compromise? A cone like the original but without excessive hp damage?

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I don't really like adding any hp damage, as this seems potent enough.

Isn't option number 4 the same as option number 1? In any case, is option 1 an acceptable compromise? A cone like the original but without excessive hp damage?

Yes they are the same. Well, except for a stray fullstop somehow wandered into it and the X, Y and Z having a different arrangement.

No 1 was a cone, which was turned into a radius in No 2 and then back into a cone.

Guess that makes this a circular argument. :p

Hmm, I am still tempted to have it do some hit points damage. Maybe go back to the original "damage only on a failed save"?

I also wouldn't mind increasing the mental damage...

Death Throes No. 5 (Ps): A dying wingless wonder lashes out with a powerful psionic blast, covering a 60 ft. cone directed towards whichever opponent killed it. All creatures within the cone take X [1d8?] Int damage and are confused for Y [1d4?] rounds. If a creature succeeds at a DC Z [14?] Will save they instead take Z [1d12 of some kind of energy?] damage and are not confused. This is a mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Charisma based and includes a +Z-12 [+2?] racial bonus.

Boy, who would have thought these things would take so long?


Extradimensional Explorer
I just feel that this is getting too overpowered, too complicated, and too exception-based. Tell you what, if we can go with option 1 (cone, no hp damage), I'll go with bumping the Int damage to 1d6. I think doing any more than that is just too much for a 2HD critter.


I just feel that this is getting too overpowered, too complicated, and too exception-based. Tell you what, if we can go with option 1 (cone, no hp damage), I'll go with bumping the Int damage to 1d6. I think doing any more than that is just too much for a 2HD critter.


Death Throes No. 6 (Ps): A dying wingless wonder lashes out with a powerful psionic blast, covering a 60 ft. cone directed towards whichever opponent killed it. All creatures within the cone take 1d6 Int damage and are confused for 1d4 rounds. If a creature succeeds at a DC 14 Will save they take half damage and are not confused. This is a mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Charisma based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

Oh very well, let's use that.

I prefer No 5's approach (with random mental stat and random energy damage type), but don't want to be still be arguing about this thing next month! :D


Extradimensional Explorer
Whew, thanks! ;)

The walking egg death throes should be easier. I'm not sure I can find the original monster stats in this thread, but how about a few d6 of force in a 30 ft burst or something?


Whew, thanks! ;)

I can be very obliging once you get to know me.:p

Updating Wingless Wonder Working Draft.

What about my proposal to rename the "Wild Magic" special attack a "Wonderblast"?

The walking egg death throes should be easier. I'm not sure I can find the original monster stats in this thread, but how about a few d6 of force in a 30 ft burst or something?

The original Wingless Wonder stats are here.

The "force blast" death throes has a 120 ft. range in the original.

The version of death throes we're talking about is the Secrets of the Magister (2000) version:

Secrets of the Magister said:
When slain, a wonder lashes out at its slayer(s) with a psionic blast so awesome in its power that the disintegrating mind twists the mental effect into invisible beams of physically damaging raw force. One beam stabs unerringly at each creature within 120 feet of the dying wonder who has recently attacked the wonder, and deals the target(s) 8d4 hit points of damage (no saving throw). This “dying scream” is the only time an alkada exhibits psionic or magical powers.

The Walking Egg Working Draft currently only has "nasty force blasts" for its Death Throes.

I'd keep the 120 foot range but drastically reduce the auto-damage. Maybe 1d4 per Hit Dice of the Egg? That seems a bit too low, so I'm tempted to add a minimum - 1d4 per HD (minimum 4d4 damage)?


Extradimensional Explorer
Renaming to "Wonderblast" is fine by me.

120 ft range is good, as is 4d4 damage. I don't like saying 1d4/HD (minimum 4d4) --- too "wordy" and complex. And according to the SRD, DMs are supposed to adjust special attack damage according to their own judgement when advancing critters. I think it's better only to spell it out if the original creature insists on particularly special advancement.


Renaming to "Wonderblast" is fine by me.

Updating Wingless Wonder Working Draft Wonderblast.

120 ft range is good, as is 4d4 damage. I don't like saying 1d4/HD (minimum 4d4) --- too "wordy" and complex. And according to the SRD, DMs are supposed to adjust special attack damage according to their own judgement when advancing critters. I think it's better only to spell it out if the original creature insists on particularly special advancement.

As you like, I was just seeing what ideas would stick.

So, we're talking something like:

Death Throes (Ps): If a walking egg is killed, its dying mind lashes out with invisible beams of psionic energy. All creatures within 120 ft. of the walking egg that have hurt the walking egg within the last hour are automatically hit by a beam for 4d4 points of force damage. These unerring beams do not need line of sight to hit their target, but do require line of effect.

Hmm, I suppose that'll do. It doesn't need a manifestation level, does it?


Extradimensional Explorer
I couldn't find a unique Ps ability in the SRD to compare. I'd think it would. I suppose the same applies to the Wingless Wonder. Well, we could just make them Su abilities. Or assign them some manifester level. Like 2nd. What do you think?

The ability itself looks good.


I couldn't find a unique Ps ability in the SRD to compare. I'd think it would. I suppose the same applies to the Wingless Wonder. Well, we could just make them Su abilities. Or assign them some manifester level. Like 2nd. What do you think?

I'd think it should be higher than that. Auto-hitting every enemy within 120 ft. for 4d4 damage is too potent for a normal 2nd level character!

Hmm, I'd eyeball it as roughly equivalent to a 4th level spell, so I suggest CL 8th.

The ability itself looks good.

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