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Converting Psionic Creatures


Monster Junkie
Here's as far as we got...

Brain Coral
Small Magical Beast (Aquatic, Psionic)
Hit Dice: 3d10+6 (22 hp)
Initiative: -5
Speed: 0 ft.
Armor Class: 15 (+1 size, -5 Dex, +9 natural), touch 6, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+X
Attack: Sting +X melee (paralysis)
Full Attack: Sting +X melee (paralysis)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Paralysis, psionics
Special Qualities: Blindsense 30 ft., low-light vision, psionics
Saves: Fort +5, Ref -2, Will +2
Abilities: Str 8-10, Dex 1, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 14
Skills: 30
Feats: Expanded Knowledge (Clairvoyant Sense), 1 more
Environment: Any aquatic
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: X
Treasure: None?
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: X
Level Adjustment: --


Brain coral is an evolutionary offshoot of a type of stony coral. It has an exoskeleton that is convoluted and ridged so that it resembles a human brain. Like its simpler cousin, this more advanced type of brain coral is restricted to the warm waters of the tidal zone, but may be found at depths of 1,000' +. Usually, it is found with the growth of a coral reef or atoll where feeding is easier.

The brain coral consists of the animal polyp which has settled and, over the years, built up an exoskeleton of pure calcium carbonate around it for protection. The exoskeleton is AC 5 and takes damage equal to the total hit points of the polyp before fracturing enough to allow the attacker to actually get at the AC 10 polyp. Nematocyts (stinging cells) throughout the skeleton inject a weak neurotoxin into victims which can paralyze for 1d10 rounds.

If encountered, a brain coral may attempt to read its visitors' minds if the coral has ESP.

On the rare occasions where there may be more than one patch of brain coral in an area, by using their metaconcert power, they can form deadly patches of coral communities stretching many distances over an aquatic domain.

Brain coral skeletons are yellow, brown, or olive in color. If removed from the water, the skeleton turns bone white.

An average brain coral is about X feet long.

Brain coral does not speak.


If attacked, the brain coral uses its telekinetic powers either to move attackers away from the area or to batter one attacker with underwater debris.

Psionic Powers: Brain coral manifests powers as a psion (telepath) of 9th level. The save DCs are Intelligence-based.

Typical Psion Powers Known (power points 72, save DC 10 + power level): 1st - Empathy*, Mindlink*, Mind Thrust (DC 11*), Missive*, Psionic Charm (DC 11*); 2nd - Clairvoyant Sense, Ego Whip (DC 12*), Read Thoughts (DC 12), Thought Shield*; 3rd - Body Adjustment*, False Sensory Input (DC 13*), Telekinetic Force (DC 13*), Telekinetic Thrust (DC 13*); 4th - Correspond, Psionic Dominate (DC 14*), Telekinetic Maneuver*, Thieving Mindlink (DC 14*); 5th - Metaconcert*, Mind Probe (DC 15).
*Power can be augmented.

The brain coral first appeared in Dragon Magazine #116, p. 38.

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Monster Junkie
Here are a few things we were mulling over...

Urklore said:
Well seeing it is blind so to speak and uses blindsight would it even have skills in spot or search? Since it does not move it would have not hide, move silently, swim, or other move-based skills. I would have to say perhaps skills in Listen (Wis), Autohypnosis (Wis), and Concentration (Con).

Seeing that it charms and dominates people alot, would skill ranks in Diplomacy be too far fetched?

Also, we need to add its Int Mod to the DC for its psi powers and for me to calculate its power points once we agreed we like that stats, which I do.

For its extra feat I suggest Psionic Endowment.
This allows it to spend power points to increase the DCs of the saves versus its power. Which seems to be what the author of the monster intended. Not a nasty monster versus physical combat, but as you are swimming by what appears to be harmless coral, BAM! You are mentally enslaved or being forced to talk to an intelligent creature. Or under the attack of charmed sea creatures and thralls of the beast.
Or do you have another suggestion for a normal mundane feat?

Racial bonus to disguise skill to look like coral? LOL.

Shade said:
Although it is blind, it could have ranks in Search or Spot, since it can perform them using nonvisual cues. Since it doesn't actually communicate with others, I'd probably advise against Diplomacy.


First Post
Str 8 sounds fitting, as it doesn't exert much physical force. The Str would really just be used for its sting attack.

Not so sure on Search, but ranks in Spot and Listen would be important, I think.

Telekinetic Force and Telekinetic Thrust are definites for powers.
Edit: and now I see you already have the powers figured out. Very good, then :cool:

Fort DC 13 to avoid paralysis from the sting.
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Monster Junkie
The brain coral consists of the animal polyp which has settled and, over the years, built up an exoskeleton of pure calcium carbonate around it for protection. The exoskeleton is AC 5 and takes damage equal to the total hit points of the polyp before fracturing enough to allow the attacker to actually get at the AC 10 polyp.

How's this?

Exoskeleton (Ex): The brain coral's exoskeleton has hit points equal to the brain coral's total maximum hit points. All damage dealt to the brain coral first damages the exoskeleton. Once the exoskeleton is reduced to 0 hp, it is destroyed. Any subsequent attacks directly damage the brain coral, and its natural armor bonus is lost, reducing its AC to 6. A brain coral may use its body adjustment ability to repair its exoskeleton. If its exoskeleton is destroyed, the brain coral can regrow it at a rate of +1 natural armor per year.

CR ?

Advancement ?


Extradimensional Explorer
Exoskeleton looks good.

Haven't paid enough attention to guess at CR, though probably around 2 based on poison DC, AC, etc.

I'd do 4-6HD (Small), 7-9 HD (Medium), 10-12 HD (Large). Anything bigger should probably be a conglomeration of smaller brain corals.


Monster Junkie

A repulsive, slime-covered, greyish-pink tree trunk stretches from the floor to the ceiling. Several limbs branch off from the main trunk, each ending in convoluted masses of dripping tissue that look similar to large brains.

This weird plant-animal hybrid produces nourishment for the neothelids. The braintree has no effective melee attack bu it psionically aware and defends itself if attacked. Each of the seven brains hanging from the tree can attack psionically, but each draws PSPs from a common pool.

The brains hang on flesh stalks, and severing a brain from its stalk or attacking a brain directly requires a successful called shot (-4 penalty to hit). The brains and their stalks have AC 8 and can withstand 6 points of damage. This damage does not count against the creature's main hit point total. The braintree has no treasure.

Braintree: AC 8; MV 0; HD 12; hp 65; THAC0 nil; #At 6; Dmg nil; SA/SD psionics; MR 45%; SZ L; ML 20; Int average (9); AL N; XP 2,000; New monster.

Psionics Summary: #AT 7; MTHAC0 10; MAC 5; Lv 6; PSPs 450; Psionic attacks--EW, II, MB; Psionic Defenses--All; Psionic Disciplines--control body, body equilbrium, domination, awe, ESP.

From Dungeon #81 (2000)

Voidrunner's Codex

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